
17 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
7th Dec 2007 20:35got 15krp from a lep quest! yay!
3.1.08 15krp!!
saving a plushie for someone until may 9 08.
march 9 08 i got a princess phanty

thanks to the person who gav it to me! they're very awesome

owe 14k 2 myself
8:34 knutt
3-08-08 i did my 1st knight quest got 85bp total

5:23 i stat.
508 comp tim icedoll changed colour to ghost!
1037 ice
840 mil
2/24/08 omg! I finished Tarquin

218 25k elger!

3/4/08 got best tip ever!
need tuin ogul-thir mozo
509 15k rp yay! 3 8 08
3-14-08 1st diamond(ice) on my 3rd knight quest

6:14 3-18-08 got the snowman tc+25k

yay! 231
pet i used to own
cool quote
"Life's not about the people who act true to your face. It's about the people who remain true behind your back."
8:20 march 21 08 quest 171 15krp!yay!
may 30! got blue poera potion!
294 santa
dec.29 got blue phantypotion
got witch poera potion i forgot when