I just wanna cry

17 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
21st Dec 2007 14:53i just wanna let you guys no the seriousness of this disease.My sister is suddenly dying of a bacteria that you can only get from swimming in lakes. Here is a story oif pure proof and alitteraiton that will make you wanna cry you head off. A 14 year old boy, just like you and me has been betrayed and killed basicly by a park system that most of you im my area have known.
::::::: This is in the eyes of a dead boy.:
One day i went to my normal lake in arizona. I jumped off a normal cliff basically thats like a diving board. Idived off and got sum water up my nose.It hurt bad. I went home and two days later i gat a serious head ache. I even asked my dad if i was going to die and he took me on a rocking chair. I fell off and died. my dad called 911. THey got me to the hospotal and i was already dead of the bacteria. doesnt it make you wanna cry.