Before you do anything that includes me "RULES"

17 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
23rd Dec 2007 12:28Trading:
If I have a trade lot and you happen to offer on it. Do not offer junk unless in the wishlist it says "Dream Pet fund".
If the wishlist isn't saying "Dream Pet Fund" and the things in the lot are rare and retired, do not offer junk. No matter what!
If it is reserved, do not offer unless you are the person I reserved it for.
Do not ever beg for it!!! If I say I am giving it away, please do not say:
"Can I have it!!!!!!!!!!!!? If I don't get it, then I will report you!"
If you say that or anything like that, you are wrong. Instead of you reporting me, I will report you. Please ask nicely like this:
"Hi! I heard you are giving away for MP/BP/RP, If you may, may I please have some?"
If you say that, I will surely give you some.
I only give/trade away my pets when I say so. The Same thing applies on my pets as my money.
[center] Thank You.