Buying/Selling Etiquette

17 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
11th Jan 2008 15:52So I know I posted something similar before(see tips on getting along with me), but a new circumstance came to my attention today.
Here's what happened: I was looking on the price check forum, and Guy1 had posted that he was auctioning his gallery. Guy2 came in and bid 500k. So Guy1 maramailed Guy2 about the sale. Guy2 promptly said that he didn't like getting mailed about stuff like this, and blocked Guy1 and retracted his offer. Guy2 had nothing in his profile that said he didn't like maramail about sales, and he gave no warning message at all before he blocked Guy1. Now, while this is in no way against the rules, I believe that it's downright rude.
Advice to people who don't like sellers/buyers maramailing them: Post something on your profile about it. Seriously. And give a warning message before you block. Sometimes they just hit the maramail icon under your reply and don't see your profile. People can't read your mind. Just either reply or post on the topic that you don't wish to receive maramail about it (it might actually work better if you do both, that way the person knows, and others on the forum will know as well). You don't have to be rude, either. A nice "I really don't like to receive maramail about buying and selling stuff, but I'll reply on the topic" would work fine. Direct, gets the point across, and is still polite. Politeness in stuff like this gets you a lot more than rudeness. If in the future you ever want to buy from or sell to that person again, they may not want to do business with you if you're rude. And politeness also makes for a much happier world here in mara. It makes for a much happier world in the real world as well.