Dream Pets

17 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
13th Jan 2008 16:45I have many dream pets, and though the chances of getting them are quite small, I continue to hope. Well, here goes my long list. I want a:
1. Snow Chibs
2. Hobo Chibs
3. Brown Viotto
4. Seasonal Chibs
5. Devil Mordo
6. Witch Lati
7. Love Lati
8. Seasonal Viotto
9. Pixie Snookle
10. Skater Snookle
11. Fire Tantua
12. Baby Quell
13. Gothic Sindi
14. Baby Renat
15. Halloween Ercuw
16. Angel Viotto
17. Starry Viotto
If you have any of these pets and are actually willing to trade me, the please maramail me ASAP. I actually used to have a beautiful pixie snookle, but I traded her for a princess phanty, which i gave to a great marapal, and a sketch poera with 64 books that I'm hoping to trade once I complete Tarquin.