Baspinar Castle Goals

17 years, 1 month & 26 days ago
16th Jan 2008 07:29<done>level 1: You need to change your doll's hair style.
Reward: Chocolate Sword
<done>Level 2: You need to restock an item from the Wallpapers shop.
Reward: 1,000MP
<done>Level 3: Play a game of Sword in the Stone.
Reward: Blue Crindol Balloon
<done>Level 4: You need to restock an item from the Sunglasses shop.
Reward: Grass cookie
<done>Level 5: Complete 25 Knight Knutt quests
Reward: Baspinars Castle Shirt
Level 6: You need to own any Royal coloured pet
Reward: 2,500MP
Level 7: You need to complete level 5 or higher at the Troll mission
Reward: Baspinars Castle Gumball
Level 8: Complete 45 or more Knutt Knight Quests.
Reward: 5,000MP
Level 9: You need to own any Armoured coloured pet
Reward: Baspinars Castle Potato
Level 10: Complete 65 or more Knutt Knight Quests.
Reward: 7,500MP
Level 11: You need to complete level 5 or higher at the Trunx's Theatre mission
Reward: Jar of Worms
Level 12: You need to own limited edition Oglue pet
Reward: Newth Flippers
Level 13: Complete 85 or more Knutt Knight Quests.
Reward: Baspinar Sword Plushie
Level 14: You need to win a Tombola DVD at the Tombola game
Reward: Baspinars Castle Pearl
Level 15: Complete 105 or more Knutt Knight Quests
Reward: Gardening Book
Level 16: Buy Pisces from Princess Rapunzel
Reward: 10,000MP
Level 17: You need to complete level 10 or higher at the Troll mission
Reward: 20,000MP
Level 18: Complete 125 or more Knutt Knight Quests.
Reward: Last Battle
Level 19: You need to complete level 10 or higher at the Trunx's Theatre mission
Reward: Grassy Shield
Level 20:
You need to complete level 15 or higher at the Troll mission
Reward: 30,000MP
Level 21: Complete 150 or more Knutt Knight Quests.