Ok so Joe

17 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
22nd Jan 2008 04:17he would have appreciated the gesture and all but probably would have thought the poem was mushy. But nicer to know we care isn't it? I found it on blackheartedwolf's .com blinky site under loved for her sister Amanda. Very sad. Joe died at 19 from a heart attack..a backfire while fighting an infection in the lining of his heart. Life is delicate. Treat it with TLC and remember to communicate with honesty. Joe and I talked about his upcoming demise. At least we knew..but it can't always be that way. Several of my folkes have gone on and I didn't get to have last words and I miss them and who they are is irreplaceable.
For all my friends and family who I'm not near; I love you and I always will and I love all the times we've spent together and I wish there were so many more for us. God bless ya'll. Happy travels.