
17 years, 10 months & 11 days ago
4th May 2007 05:12I TRY my HARDEST to be polite and considerate of everyone around me.
I am HUMAN after all BUT one can only take so much. I've been told I am rude when I'm not even attempting to be so it's just members not understanding what I'm trying to convey
(Thou I do have a temper and have gone over board once while in here...I DID apoligie for my actions way back when.)
I'm posting what TICKS me off...
1. Those who mail me and chastize me for being an adult playing in marapets. Who CARES!! It's the adults with the credit cards who buy the upgrades the most to help the sites owners make all the fancy improvements to the site in the first place so stop yelling at me about that if it wasn't for us adults this site wouldn't be where it is today.
2. Also those who mail me saying I'm NOT an adult. thats fine don't believe I'm adult...NO skin off my nose.
3. Those who mail me and say "gimmie...________" *the codes, free layouts, free siggies, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie....Getting tired of that. I work HARD for what I do and have...either LEARN it on your own on pay for it.
I HAD to learn in school, I HAD to pay for courses, so if I have knowledge you don't it's because I WORKED for it.
I DO provide free info in my web site MAKE USE OF IT, instead of expecting me to spoon feed you and DON'T steal stuff it's RUDE! thats my last peeve...
4. Theives who take your stuff remove all your info and then claim it as their own. I know of 15 members in here now who do it on a regular basis and they do it to who ever they can. Apparently those who steal have no morals nor scruples either, SHAME on you all...
Ok I think I'm done now I have layouts I have to work on and friends who wish to chat. hopefully this will make others think if the even BOTHER to read this..(WHICH about half won't even do)