
17 years, 1 month & 16 days ago
30th Jan 2008 04:53One day I was searching for icons and found a graphic artist' site.. his name is Louie Mantia. The name stuck in my head. It stuck in alot of people's heads because he has quite a bit about him come up now and I guess he's got the right stuff for pcs and wow.
My daughter is an artist. She's only 12 now. Almost 13. One day she is going to be successful and I really hope it at something she loves and gives her inspiration.. so yeah for graphic artists like Mantia.
My Mantia is a girl, she's so smart and right now she's an astronaut. She could be or do anything, but someday she hopes to find a job where she can use her creativity and do something really dramatic like build a big bridge that lasts for a hundred years or more or design a new craft for flight. Who knows what this kid will do!