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  1. About me . . . . .
    5th Dec 2009 23:59
    15 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  2. Walla walla bing bang . . . .
    13th Jun 2008 10:04
    16 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
  3. Dash dash dash
    13th Jun 2008 10:03
    16 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
  4. Dot dot dot
    13th Jun 2008 10:02
    16 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
  5. When it isn't fun anymore . . . .
    17th Apr 2008 13:05
    16 years, 10 months & 24 days ago
  6. It bears repeating
    27th Mar 2008 12:28
    16 years, 11 months & 14 days ago
  7. Read at your own risk
    10th Mar 2008 05:31
    17 years & 4 days ago
  8. They are MINE!
    10th Jan 2008 01:21
    17 years, 2 months & 3 days ago
  9. Trades
    4th Nov 2007 00:44
    17 years, 4 months & 9 days ago
  10. Congratulations! You got a Banana Gumball!
    1st Nov 2007 02:09
    17 years, 4 months & 12 days ago
Poor Poor Sebbish
17 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
3rd May 2007 11:36

My poor Sebbish, my first pet here at Mara is suffering greatly with an identity crisis. He gets portaled and whirlpooled daily in addition to going to the Ice Caves. He is sooooo paitent with me but he never knows what he will look like next. Poor poor Sebbish!

He, just like his brothers and sisters, is never for trade so don't bother asking.

Name: Sebbish
Age : 474 days old
Gender : Male
Species : Quell
Colour : White
Weight : 100 Kg
Height : 1 Metres

Health : 152 / 152
Magic : 80
Level : 76
Strength : 149
Defence : 145
Speed : 150
Charisma : 30
- Education -
Art : 13
Language : 19
Geography : 15
History : 26
Maths : 24
Music : 13
Science : 19
Sports : 15
Books (109)
DVDs (27)
CDs (38)
Weapons (11)
Instruments (309)
Spells (26)

Name Meaning (If any): Named after a dear friend of mine

Owner: Peebs


Dunkan the Valentine

Drako the Jacko

Rocky the Billy

Nikki the Chibi

He asked for a checkered leido plushie

Thank you for finishing my quest on time. Here is your reward..


Ready to start? The First Clue is:
To find the game thats the same but not
Visit this place again and see what youve got
C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

You have passed Level 1
The letter for this level is E.
You will need to save this letter to complete the final stage.

Next Clue
From Fang Marshmallows to hand cake
Look and see how much profit you make
To find the game thats the same but not
Visit this place again and see what youve got

From Fang Marshmallows to hand cake
Look and see how much profit you make

Eat one of these but dont get fat
A spooky treat thats chased by a cat

Play with this and make your pet smile
Although not getting injured could be a trial

Put these on when going out for a run
Great for the vampires to avoid the sun

Enter here, ghouls, ghosties and all
And try to learn how not to fall

Hubble, bubble toil and trouble
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.

If you really wish to get ahead
First discover those who are dead

Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Since Tarquin is now asking for the pirate ship books, and several of my kids have failed because we don't have them, I need to get them ASAP. I need a price check or offers of items so that I can equipt a traveling pet with just those expensive books. Anyone who helps me to get these books will have free access to the pet who has read the books. I will add other books as needed to the pet to keep it up to date on the book list.

7/5/2007 Edit: As of now we have all the super expensive books for Tarquin due to the amazing generosity of some folks on this site

People who have helped to get the books needed to be able to beat Tarquin.

au1030 Sent Encyclopedia A

Tannybum Sent The Travelling Pearl Book

RiotAct made a contrubution to the 500 dukka fund!

gmajody made a contrubution to the 500 dukka fund!

GracefulCow sent the Death Spell Book!

gunbike made a significant contribution to the pirate ship book fund!

michaeljohnsmom & madilowe donated the Book of Fates! How totally awesome is that? Our heartfelt thanks go out to you both.

Lending for transfer fees and a 20k tip

I am a lonely pilgrim,
A pilgrim's lot I share,
To wander through this valley
And often taste despair;
To miss some rocky foothold
And stumble from the way,
Or lose the track in darkness
When night has swallowed day.

I heard a fair voice calling
From far the other side
Across a quiet river
That ran both deep and wide;
It beckoned me, or warned me???
My ears could scarcely tell???
Shone yonder side then heaven,
Or lurked there rather hell?

Thus in a failing twilight
I stood upon the bank
And bled out my resistance
As fear my courage drank.
Then whispered low my Master,
His voice devoid of wrath;
With grasp as soft as morning
He set me on the path.

?? 2007 Jeffrey Hull

Because I despise people who waste my time with spam that says nothing more than hi and because you did not bother to read my profile, I have placed you on my block list. I hope that you will be very happy there.


Posted on : Monday 14 January 09:33 PM Posted by : Xerious

#1. People have diffrent ideas of when the smuggler restocks I'll tell you now the time is random hour but 36 mins past the hour.. in other words the time he restocks is ??:36:00 ??means any number between 00 and 23 randomly. if anyone tells you diffrently they are lying!

#2. Have your dukka coins ready! becase if you catch him restocking.. its gonna disappear fast! trust me i'll be there waiting too!

#3. Be patient, be persistent, and don't get discouraged,
Sometimes i wait 2-3 days befor i see a restock....

#4. GOOD LUCK To everyone!! Happy smuggling!

With those 4 tips, you should have no problem getting better results smuggling.... i cant promise you'll get anything right away! but you will at least start seeing items restock.

Xerious' RULE: i dont smuggle for anyone.. not even my own family! its something everyone needs to do on their own! Trust me the feeling is great when you do it yourself!!!!

Items smuggled so far:
4 pearl with hats
3 easter bunny trading cards
2 jet trading cards
3 smuggler plushies
1 glowing hairy egg
1 angel costume
1 cammo costume
1 brown DNA
1 Enchanted Ninja Knutt Plushie
1 female cert
1 male cert
If you log out & back in again it resets the interest button, in most cases. So you can try again, switchings servers could help you, below is instructions to flush the DNS.
Ian is aware of this problem it's something to do with the server problem we have.
Click Start, then run then type exactly.
click ok, it shows you what server you are on, the last 2 numbers. make a note of these 2 numbers,
then try this.
close marapets.
click Start then run. then type
ipconfig /flushdns
and click the OK button
Note the space between the g & the /
then try mara again. it switches you to a random server, though sometimes you'll need to repeat it a few times for it to work, then try mara again. if your still having problems, try the ping test again to see if your still on the same server, & keep trying til it works.
sometimes a restart helps switch servers.

  1. About me . . . . .
    5th Dec 2009 23:59
    15 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  2. Walla walla bing bang . . . .
    13th Jun 2008 10:04
    16 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
  3. Dash dash dash
    13th Jun 2008 10:03
    16 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
  4. Dot dot dot
    13th Jun 2008 10:02
    16 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
  5. When it isn't fun anymore . . . .
    17th Apr 2008 13:05
    16 years, 10 months & 24 days ago
  6. It bears repeating
    27th Mar 2008 12:28
    16 years, 11 months & 14 days ago
  7. Read at your own risk
    10th Mar 2008 05:31
    17 years & 4 days ago
  8. They are MINE!
    10th Jan 2008 01:21
    17 years, 2 months & 3 days ago
  9. Trades
    4th Nov 2007 00:44
    17 years, 4 months & 9 days ago
  10. Congratulations! You got a Banana Gumball!
    1st Nov 2007 02:09
    17 years, 4 months & 12 days ago