jades pet quiz

17 years & 30 days ago
14th Feb 2008 12:40plz try my new pet quiz
if you had a new baby brother what would you do?
1.lock it in a room
2. hug it foreva
3. help your mum with it
4. make him/her your servant
if your mum bought you a new pet and you didnt like it what would you do?
1. let it free
2. just say you love it
3. meen that you love it
4. dont feed it
if you went too the zoo and saw an elephant what
would you do?
1. scream
2. stroke it
3. look after it
4. make it carry you around
mostly 1
you are mostly a
zetlin zombie
mostly 2
you are mostly a
love grint
mostly 3
you are mostly a
love xoi
mostly 4
you are mostly a
royal chibs