Do not steal the poem i made.

17 years & 13 days ago
2nd Mar 2008 01:40There was a man,
and a young girl,
walking down the street,
until the man lashed out,
and swept her of her feet,
she was carried to a strange place,
she thought it was all a dream,
she thought that was the case,
she wish shed listened too her mummy,
next time she'll have to learn,
she knew this was her final day,
and she forgot to say goodbye,
her mummy thought she was just away,
playing with her friends,
I am so scared mummy,
and i feel so hurt,
just remember to say goodbye,
to my beloved curt,
il miss you all,
mummy, daddy and Cess,
i'll leave you all tonight,
and say my gods bless,
i know this is the end,
so i leave with a goodnight kiss,
i loved you all so, so much,
and i loved you littlee sis.
By xxamie95xx