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  1. A Real Boyfriend
    4th Apr 2008 14:05
    16 years, 11 months & 11 days ago
  2. what happens when a boy makes a girl jealous
    1st Apr 2008 18:25
    16 years, 11 months & 14 days ago
  3. Harry Potter
    15th Mar 2008 09:47
    17 years & 4 days ago
  4. Goals
    2nd Mar 2008 11:09
    17 years & 16 days ago
  5. Believe
    1st Mar 2008 14:52
    17 years & 17 days ago
  6. Love is a powerful thing.....
    19th Feb 2008 15:23
    17 years & 28 days ago
  7. cancer
    19th Feb 2008 12:49
    17 years & 28 days ago
Harry Potter
17 years & 4 days ago
15th Mar 2008 09:47

1.RON was amazed to hear that Tom Riddle received an award for special services to Hogwarts, saying jokingly: "Maybe he murdered Myrtle; that would've done everyone a favour." He DID murder Myrtle, through the Basilisk.
2.A MAGICAL quill detects the birth of every magical child, and records it in a book. Then Professor McGonagall sends an owl to each child when he or she turns 11.
3.NEARLY-HEADLESS Nick was beheaded - well, almost - for messing up a bit of dentistry. He was trying to straighten Lady Grieve's teeth, but instead she sprouted a tusk. When his head was on the block the executioner swung his axe 45 times but still didn't completely remove it from Nick's neck.
4.THE animal that an animagus turns into is a reflection on their personality.
5.JK Rowling, Harry Potter and actor Daniel Radcliffe all share the same birthday, July 31.
6.THE Death Eaters were once called the Knights of Walpurgis
7.HARRY could not see the thestrals until his fifth year because it was only then he really appreciates what deaths mean. He was in his cot, so he never saw his parents die - just flashes of green light. He didn't see Professor Quirrell die. Only when he witnessed Cedric Diggory's death, and it had sunk in over the summer, could he see the thestrals.
8.THE four houses at Hogwarts correspond to the four elements. Gryffindor is fire, Ravenclaw is air, Hufflepuff is earth and Slytherin is water.
9.TWIN jokers Fred and George, the owners of Diagon Alley's new Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, celebrate their birthday on the stupidest day of the year, April Fool's Day.
10.WHEN Arthur Weasley takes Harry and his pals to the Ministry of Magic they must first dial a secret code into a telephone keypad. He enters the number 62442. The letters underneath those numbers on a standard mobile phone spell out the word "magic".

  1. A Real Boyfriend
    4th Apr 2008 14:05
    16 years, 11 months & 11 days ago
  2. what happens when a boy makes a girl jealous
    1st Apr 2008 18:25
    16 years, 11 months & 14 days ago
  3. Harry Potter
    15th Mar 2008 09:47
    17 years & 4 days ago
  4. Goals
    2nd Mar 2008 11:09
    17 years & 16 days ago
  5. Believe
    1st Mar 2008 14:52
    17 years & 17 days ago
  6. Love is a powerful thing.....
    19th Feb 2008 15:23
    17 years & 28 days ago
  7. cancer
    19th Feb 2008 12:49
    17 years & 28 days ago