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The Elite Gym is where you can pay to train your pets for the Olympics and Job Centre. You can train in balance, coordination and stamina. All payments must be in Diamonds that you can earn from Knutt Knight or Sumo Sally quests. The length and cost of training courses will depend on how high the stat is currently trained. There are many Rewards for training each stat.
Elite Gym

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All pets wearing the Injured Costume will receive DOUBLE STATS every time they use the Gym and Elite Gym
Vote for next week's costume! Changes in 4 days, 17 hours and 48 minutes

Zetzilla offers FREE TRAINING to different pets each day

Training Type Pet Level Diamonds Needed Time to Train
Newbie 1-25 1 1 hour
Basic 26-50 2 2 hours
Trainer 51-90 3 3 hours
Intermediate 91-125 4 4 hours
Advanced 126-145 5 6 hours
Expert 146-150 6 8 hours
Master 151-175 7 12 hours
Grand Master 176-200 8 24 hours
Ultimate 201-300 10 24 hours
Ultimate Master 300+ 13 24 hours

Which pet would you like to use the Elite Gym?

If you add the Elite Gym Giftbox to your collection, all of your pets will finish their training at the Elite Gym in half the time - for life!

The Seasonal Fairy also rewards you for every giftbox that you collect