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16:44:18 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly

Welcome, ! I collect Talon Feathers, Balls of Yarn, Stargazer lilies, Enchanted Plushies and Magic Beans. :)

I'm willing to trade ANY magazines or newspapers for newspapers or magazines I need for Nikiti. Magazines start on page 21, Newspapers on page 28. Page may be off by 1 or 2 depending on how much I've added.

I am ALWAYS looking for more Enchanted Plushies, but am also almost always broke in regards to MP but have a wealth of items in my attic if you're interested in item trades. :) If you're wanting to trade EP for EP, feel free to message me, only if I have 2 minimum of the plushie you want. I will not trade an enchanted plushie I only have 1 of.

If you add the Gallery Giftbox to your collection, your gallery will be able to hold double items - for life! Hold 25 items instead of 25!

The Seasonal Fairy also rewards you for every giftbox that you collect