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23rd September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 18 days ago

The Editorial for this week has just been released.
23rd September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 19 days ago

We have sent out 3 Promotional Maramails today. You can gain 2,500MP from checking them out and if you are interested in them, you will be helping us out. You can opt out of receiving promotions like this in the future by going to the Block Maramail page.

The bonus prizes for the Dukka Trove game have just been added.

22nd September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 19 days ago

Today's new Flash Game has just been released. It is the second game for this week and can be played 3 times a day with a maximum payout of 1,500MP per game. Sindi Slide can be found at the Games section.

Klondike Solitaire will now send score and earn you MP.

The bonus prizes for the Biala Tetris game have just been added.

22nd September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 19 days ago

The July & August Prize Giveaways have now been drawn! Prizes will be sent out in a couple of days. The lucky winners are:
Playstation Portable - goodwrinch, Starry_Nightz

1GB Ipod Nano - v1ct0r14, welshbubble

$50 Account Upgrades credit - zachjc, sweetie13, 0zhen, Kotomi, alezma2, mk_sister, Ceran, Katywampus, baker534, film

$15 Account Upgrades credit - snugglepuss, Blankshooter, wylie749, dotodo83, Jessliger, snowflake1089, lilmommylette, queso, jlover, shyhoney05, heatherburke, neha007, CrystalDeMoss, Hammieh, sammy9298, bondo64, ronniekaye, Petland, clairegraham427, baltsportsfan, Darlene86, Vallah, AntiPet, familyguy45, Rictus, KevinWP, Katlover4ever, lindilou, gamer78, skitz8122

$5 Account Upgrades credit - fallenangelserenity, bonnas, lauralauralazor, punkpink, stephan023, Crazeecubana, greenmann, AnneFan, ripzacshair, thexgreatfullxninja, debbieg2004, greenday93, krissyfatasafritter, its_me_123, Meepapault, lorriannes, Gnomad, insanegolfur, midnightsunrise, michaelpeter, FireCool, omastar444, duhimrich835, novocaine, xrowiz, Furship, beerski, UnicornLvrsRus, betterthanyouall, lilmzdaizy05, scottiscool, Viker, Napalm2500, harleygirl281, RinSohma88, ConZ, Snotty, Mygame100, dusterbuster, bringbackfreenet

You can now properly enter the September Prize Giveaway.
21st September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 20 days ago

To celebrate the start of Autumn on Marapets, we will soon be sending out a Promotional Email Newsletter to all of our players. It will let you all know about some of the latest things that have been happening on the site and will provide you with a secret code to redeem a set of very cool prize for FREE at the Vault at Baspinar's Castle! It will start to be sent out in a few days and may take up to a week to get to you. To make sure you receive it, please update your Email Address for the site. If you do not want to receive the email, remove your email address. Every player will be able to use their code to receive an Opera Music CD, a Funky Bed, 10,000MP and $1.00 of Account Upgrade Credit! More information will be released soon!

21st September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 20 days ago

The bonus prizes for the Shoot the Fatty game have just been added.

The bonus prizes for the Bounchy game have just been added.

The bonus prizes for the Candy Cannon game have just been added.

The bonus prizes for the Sudoku game have just been added.

The bonus prizes for the Leido Bounce game have just been added.

The bonus prizes for the Football game have just been added.

20th September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 22 days ago

Today's new Flash Game has just been released. However, we have been sent it without send score working. We've decided to release it today on time anyway for those who wish to play/practice without earning MP until it is fixed. We hope to get the fixed version released within the next 24-48 hours. We hope you like Klondike Solitaire!
19th September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 22 days ago

The Day version of the Autumn Layout has now been activated.

We have finally released the new Restocks system on the site. We have fixed all rarities and edited every item and shop on the site so that the rarity of an item is actually what it should be. We had a few week's were rarity 7 items were more common than rarity 2! This has now been fixed and we hope you like the changes.

The Account Upgrades system has been improved. Recent figures show that as many 94% of payments are being processed instantly. For some reason, Paypal doesn't process the remaining 6% instantly but we now guarantee that if you do not received it, you can email us and we'll process it for you within two working days. More information is sent to you now via Maramail as soon as you upgrade. Upgrading should now be much easier for you and we apologise for any problems some of you may have experienced in the past. However, the upgrades for the network sites are currently unavaliable but will be released very soon.
18th September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 23 days ago

Marada is now in the season of Autumn and therefore the layout has been updated with the new Fall version of the site. We also noticed only a week ago that for some computers the site's layout was too wide and therefore caused a side scrollbar at the bottom. Sorry we never noticed this before, both of us have widescreen laptops. But we have noticed the problem and made the side bars less wide and therefore the whole site should be perfect for everyone. The layout is also smaller in size for downloading, so should load faster for those with slow connections. We have only completed the Night version - the Day version will be released in a couple of days. Also, an Email icon has replaced the Addow on the layout, which sadly passed away at the end of Summer.
17th September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 25 days ago

The Editorial for this week has just been released.
17th September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 25 days ago

This week is Double School Stats Week! Every lesson that you complete in the School this week will give you double the normal amount of stats for the same normal cost!

Half Price Week has just finished.
17th September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 25 days ago

We have changed two of the games. First, Marapet Keeper has been revamped with new graphics and a new look and yesterday's game Protect the Egg has been edited so that its slightly harder.

This is a sneak preview of the Princess Costume which will very soon be avaliable with the new Phanty mission coming in a few days.
17th September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 25 days ago

  • The Lottery has been drawn for this week. cuponer is the winner of the 1,633,500MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 11, 3, 15, 20, 22 and 24! Congratulations!

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. diablo2lod is the winner of the Three Dukka Coin and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 141! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 5MP per ticket!
16th September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 26 days ago

The second game for this week has just been released. Protect the Egg can now be played three times a day, with up to 1,500MP avaliable to win per play!
14th September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 28 days ago

The Lush Fountain has just been discovered in Lush Lake. You can now make your Character totally unique from everyone else by changing the colour of your clothing and shoes (which are coming very soon) for a small fee of 100MP per change. For every Glowing Egg in your nest that you have hatched, you will have unlocked 3 new colours. If you have a full nest, thats 150 different colours for your character's clothing! This change means that there will be a few changes happening to the clothing items we have on the site right now, but we'll let you know more about this in a few days.

We've just hidden 3 new Avatars for you to find!
13th September 2006
18 years, 5 months & 29 days ago

We have great news for you all. From today, we are back to a new flash game twice a week. One on Wednesdays and one on Saturday. Today's new game is a card game - Spider Solitare.
11th September 2006
18 years & 6 months ago

We've reached day 7 of Character Week and it seems that there is just so much for us to get out for characters that we've extended it by a few days. Day 7 brings the release of the Contact Lenses shop in Lush Lake. You can use these one use items to change the colour of your Character's eyes.

The Lush Lake map has been updated.
10th September 2006
18 years, 6 months & 1 day ago

The Editorial for this week has just been released.
10th September 2006
18 years, 6 months & 1 day ago

Day 6 of Character Week is here now. Today we have changed both Random Events and your Alert Events so that your character talks to you. These also happen more often and even more often if you don't adblock (adblocking is not the same as popup blocking).
Awesome! Your pet Obese suddenly gained a health stat.

We have also started Half Price Week! All shop items from now are 50% of their original price. Items are also restocking more often.
10th September 2006
18 years, 6 months & 1 day ago

  • The Lottery has been drawn for this week. windearthfirewater is the winner of the 1,015,300MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 13, 22, 9, 5, 6 and 24! Congratulations!

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. MariSpeed is the winner of the Three Dukka Coin and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 8561! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 5MP per ticket!
9th September 2006
18 years, 6 months & 1 day ago

Day 5 of Character Week is here now. The Salon have opened in the upstair's of the Castle! This means there are 10 new Hair Styles for female characters to get! All you need is a Free Female Haircut Coupon free from the Tombola.

We have also updated Maramail to show your character too!
8th September 2006
18 years, 6 months & 3 days ago

Day 4 of Character Week is here and there is a new world! The Upstair's of Baspinar's Castle has just been released! Just like the inside of the castle, you will need to wait until the King is awake before you can enter.

The Barbers have opened in the upstair's of the Castle! This means there are 10 new Hair Styles for male characters to get! All you need is a Free Male Haircut Coupon free from the Tombola.
7th September 2006
18 years, 6 months & 3 days ago

Day 3 of Character Week is here, with another new shop opening in Lush Lake. Lipsticks have just opened for female characters with 50 different colour lipsticks already avaliable. Change the colour of your character's lips!

6th September 2006
18 years, 6 months & 5 days ago

Day 2 of Character Week is here, with a new shop opening in Lush Lake. Hair Dyes has just opened with tons and tons of hair dyes. 50 different colour hair dye items are already avaliable, so you are bound to find the perfect colour hair for your Character!

The Lush Lake map has been updated.
5th September 2006
18 years, 6 months & 6 days ago

Character Week Just Started!!
We have just started Character Week. As promised, we'll have a whole week dedicated to Characters. This will include the release of shoes, jewellery, new hair styles, new clothes and lots more related to characters!

We have changed the Forums and News Comments. It now shows your character when you post. We hope you like the changes.

We have some new Disco Pants for male characters restocking.

In other news, can you find this Sword Avatar?