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20:25:22 MST
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Click HERE for more info about me =) ptUxvLZ.png

I am a player with many usernames. They are:
BahHumbug, Confuzzled, CrazyCatLady, Dork, EggsAndBakey, Fleabag, FoxyMama, FreddieMercury, Frumpy, Funfetti, Furball, Giblets, Gimme, GrandmaFred, HappyXmas, Hippiechick, IHOP, Maniac, Moron, Nightbirde, O_0, Pantomime, Possessed, Prancer, Rood, Spork, Stabbity, Stacie, TheDude, Tisha, Tishalook, Tissue, Twerker, U2

None of my pets are up for trade. I will, however, loan pets for Goals. You will be required to pay the Pet Lending fees (see my blog).

I help make avatars and other graphics (like map icons and banners) for the site. I do not draw pets, clothing, etc.

I cannot tell you why you were banned, underaged or chat banned. Please submit a support ticket or email

I love cats, computers, crime TV, comedy, cheese, the color purple and the letter C apparently.

I will not accept friend requests from people I do not know. Feel free to mail me first. =)

Occasionally I will be busy and unable to answer a Maramail or Maratalk request. Your patience is appreciated.

Sinny is my twin sister from another mister. =)

Sometimes I hold contests, make avatars, pixels etc. in the Graphics Forum. Subscribe to my topics if you want to see them.

If I have duplicates of an item in my gallery I might be willing to sell. Please maramail me to discuss.

I no longer receive any tissues sent to me. I collected them before the avatar was released.

Please visit my Marasite for free graphics, cat pictures, a full list of staff and more!

My birthday is December 17th

This is Harold the Hippie Elephant drawn by Aj
Player for 19 years, 4 months & 7 daysJoined 3rd Nov 2005 20:56
I make these. Contact me if you'd like one.
Player for 19 years, 4 months & 7 days Joined 3rd Nov 2005 20:56