13 years & 7 days ago

6th Mar 2012 10:59
I guess I should let you know that;
Bfalcon (brother)
Mvprincess (niece)
Orangegrapes (sister)
all use this computer.

(Its a Marapet family~)
A Rant :O
13 years & 12 days ago

29th Feb 2012 18:56
I think the Marapet avatars should come in all shapes and sizes. Frankly not everyone has the stick thin body that the Marapet avatars advocates. I think that by allowing only one body type as your avatar sends a message to Marapet players who don't have that specific body type. Especially the younger ones. Body image, and the presumption that skinny is ideal is illogical to the people with regular un-model like bodies. I find that by letting players choose the body they prefer when creating their avatar would be beneficial. They will be able to choose what they want, they can choose skinny, or curvy, pear shaped, ect.
Just a mini-rant. It was kind of bothering me

I wouldn't mind an avatar that was similar to my own body type ^_^
Whirlpool Disco ver.
13 years & 15 days ago

26th Feb 2012 18:24
1st: Disco became an orange Ushunda.
2nd: Disco gained one math stat!
3rd: nothing happened

4th found 1982 mp.
5th: found 500 mp.
6th: Disco changed into a mini pet Crindol.
7th: Disco became sparkly.
8th: found 2156 mp.
9th: Vampire Reese
10th: Gained 1 math stat.