Trades and Gallery
2 years, 3 months & 6 days ago

6th Dec 2022 08:48
*** I will accept items ( PLEASE check my wishlist! ) and/or any currencies
All single-item trades are items I have multiples of, so make an offer... you might be surprised.
Any multiple item trades should have their own prices or descriptions.
!!I have MANY items in my gallery for sale!!
Everything up to the "4sale" (currently on page 6 ) is my collection... any items in this section that I have multiples of are for sale/trade.
Single items in this section are not for sale!
All items after the "4sale" (starting with the Trading Cards), are of course, for sale!

Please contact me if interested in anything, and give me a day or two to respond... I may show as online but that does not mean I actually am lol.
Thank you for actually reading this!!