Elger Quest Test
4 years, 8 months & 11 days ago

30th Jun 2020 11:27
Starting 07/01/2020 with Elger:
Allotting 2 mil MP to nothing but Elger Quests. I do have the Double Crystals box, but I am ONLY putting one crystal from each quest in my shop. The other will go in my attic for training.
I am starting with 9710 quests completed.
I will purchase every item asked for, no matter the cost. We shall see how many quests I finish with by the end of this test...and how much MP I make selling the Crystals in my shop. Again, I will only sell one of the 2 I get from each completed quest.
The purpose of this test is to see how many quests one can complete on 2 mil MP and how much they can earn from selling the quest items they receive. This is only a test, and does not indicate any actual outcome from anyone else that may attempt the same thing, but is intended as a guideline for potential profit....
Stay tuned for the results! I will give it until Friday to see how much I make from my Crystal sales and update the results here.
07/01 Update:
Since Mara will be having maintenance I am pausing for the day. I have currently spent from the 2 mil MP down to 1.355 MP.
I have gone from 9710 completed quests to 9879.
My current Shop Till balance is 1,144,699.
I still have 63 more crystals in stock as of 11:49 Mara time.
Once the maintenance is over I will continue!
07/02 Update:
All 2 mil has been used!
I have started this test with 9710 quests completed, now I have 10,029 for a total of 319 quests.
I received the bonus of 25k MP 3 times. This left me with 316 Crystals to go in my shop.
Currently my shop till has 1,585,983 MP in it.
There are still 170 crystals left to sell.
I will see what happens between now and tomorrow evening!
07/03 Update:
Current Shop till balance is 2,835,388
There are still 48 items to sell.
Now, I was only going to give it until today, but because there was a delay with the maintenance I am going to give it until tomorrow morning.
I will give my final update then!
So, it is now 07/06 and I have sold all but 17! My total shop till ballance is 3,147,187
This is a total profit so far of 1,147,187 plus the 75k from the quests that gave me the stamp. Again, this is only selling ONE of the 3 I received. If you have the double crystal gift box and you dont keep the second one your profit would be 4,147,187
Not to bad for a few hours of questing.