-----> M: AVATARS
9 years, 7 months & 19 days ago

24th Jul 2015 16:56
You are missing 84 Hidden Avatars
Beanstalk - Complete all levels of Beanstalk and visit Beanstalk Shop.
Beast in the Woods - complete level in Beast mission
Capone - Win Capone from level 22 City Goals.
Chibi - Use a Chibi Costume on your pet. 5 mill
Danger! Poison! - Use a Poison Costume on your pet.
Daylight - Use a Daylight Costume on your pet.
Dukka Dash - Win 3rd/middle prize from Dukka Dash
Dukka Fairy - Complete level 7 of Dukka Fairy.
Dukka Pirates - Buy an item in the Dukka Piracy shop.
Durabat - Win Durabat from level 15 Nimbus Goals.
Elger TOT 2014 - Random when you feed your pet any gummy won from Elger Trick or Treat 2014.
Experiment 667 - View aged Experiment667 - to be confrimed.
Extract Enpiah - Win a Magic Bean from Extract Enpiah game.
Fiestan - Win Fiestan minipet from Sultan Taxes. (180 days of paying taxes)
Floral - Use a Floral Costume on your pet. (3 mill)
Fraggle - Feed Fraggle to your pet and view on pets gourmet food list. 2 mill
Frolan - To be confirmed. View a 10 day old Frolan attached to Frostfire pet.
Glaxis - Feed Glaxis to your pet and view on pets gourmet food list.
Guess the Flag - Win a shirt in Flag in Guess the Flag game.
Happy 10th Birthday - Feed 10th Birthday Cake to your pet. (2.5 mill)
Hoppy Easter - Visit his profile (already did, didn't get avvie, even f5'd for a while)
Horus - Complete level 20 Temple of Transubstantiation in Simeria.
I Betrayed Baspinar
Iggy - Buy an Iggy from Olympic Redemption shop.
James - Complete level 22 of Jenoa Goals. If you are past level 22, visit Jenoa Goals.
Lovebug - View Lovebug aged 118? days attached to Love pet. Days to be confirmed.
Lunash - Win Lunash from Eleka Loyalty 630 days.
Mafia - Complete level 24 of Pirate Mafia Mission.
Mini Minder - Complete 100 Minipet Prison quests.
Moonlight - Use a Moonlight Costume on your pet.
NO LIFE - Have more than 50,000 forum posts.
Neon - Use a Neon Costume on your pet. (10,000 score points)
Newth Nurse - battle and win 1 time (1,000 Health)
No Whining - Random when posting on Forums.
Pampered - winning pampered costume from beast mission
Phare - Grow a Phare organic minipet.
Pirate Mafia - Complete level 30 of Pirate Mafia Mission.
Poco -
Pugwash - Complete Pirate Mafia Mission 27. To be confirmed.
Quest Master - Complete more than 100,000 quests then view your Stats page of your Profile.
Rababerry - Grow a Rababerry organic minipet
Robot Rescuer - Complete 100 Robot Repair quests.
Scorpi - Have Scorpi Plate in your Plate Collection and view it.
Sewage - Win Sewage Minipet from Sewer Cleaner Mission.
Sewer Cleaner - Complete level 30 of Sewer Cleaner Mission.
Sewers - Not on list
Shusan - View Shusan when you have completed 200 Shusan quests.
Sobek - Complete level 20 Temple of Transmogrification in Simeria.
Strong - Test Your Strength win big.
Sugarmites - win Sugarmites from Sugar Stack
Sweet - Use a Candy Costume on your pet 1.5 mill
Taxes Paid - Pay taxes for 100 days
Transmogrification - complete temple
Transuranics - complete temple
Transvaluation - complete temple
Trash Fairy - Trash Fairy game level 7
Waka - Awared when Waka prize received from Temple of Transurancis
Zap - random while paying electric bill
Zarplat - Feed Zarplet to your pet and view on pets gourmet food list.
April Fools - RETIRED
April Fools 2015 - Available only on 1st April 2015. RETIRED
Bonehead - Buy a Bonehead from the Minipet shop on Minipet Island.
Christmas - RETIRED - Available only on 25th December 2004.
Error - View an error page
Fish! - RETIRED - Available only on Middy Fish Day, 27th November 2010.
Foool! - RETIRED - Click on your "Headless" pet on April Fools Day 2014.
Happy Easter 2015 - RETIRED - Complete the Easter Egg Hunt 2015.
Heavy - Win Guess the Weight.
Jackpot - Win the lottery jackpot.
Pumpkin Hunt 2010 - RETIRED -
Sneaky - Buy a Sneaky from Smuggler
Spirit - Retired
Surprise! - RETIRED
Tricked - RETIRED - Available only April 1st 2005.
Undying - RETIRED
Alien - Use an Alien Costume on your pet. 7.5 mill
Aquarius - Open an Aquarius Treasure Chest.
Arctic - Open an Arctic Treasure Chest.
Capricorn - Open a Capriocrn Treasure Chest.
Harmony - Open a Harmony Treasure Chest.
Maestro - Find a Maestro inside a Harmony Treasure Chest
Mina - Open a treasure chest and find one.
Monster - Use a Monster Costume on your pet 7 mill
Panda - Use a Panda Costume on your pet. 150 mill
Party Chest - Open a Party Treasure Chest
Sagittarius - Open a Sagittarius Treasure Chest
Scorpio - Open a Scorpio Treasure Chest
Wonderland - Open a Wonderland Treasure Chest.