Ahh! too long for me
17 years, 5 months & 23 days ago

25th Sep 2007 06:45
I have been playing marapets for atleast an year now.Enjoyed it loved it.Have to thank shaggybear lilag378 also for making me stay lol.they made me realise that how great marapets is.I have exams now.So i dont play much till october 3rd.I am preparing well for them.I hope that i score many marks in it

.I am collecting avatars.If you know how to get any that i dont have please tell me and i will be happy to pay you.I have crossed the 1.5 million MP mark

.Which was a great hurdle for me.Once i get back i will start my Mara-Stores and make sure its a huge huge success.When i started the mara-stores concept it was an ok hit to be honest.But then i didnt have much time to play marapets.So eventually i lost customers.I am building them now.Once i get back i will upgrade my account to golden one yeeha!