Updated Pet Values
16 years, 2 months & 9 days ago

19th Jan 2009 10:00
Chibs 9 mil
Daisy 500k
Dakota 4 mil
Ercuw(firefairy only) 3.5-4 mil
huthiq 1 mil
Kronk 1--2 mil
Lati 5--6 mil
Mordo 10 mil
Nino 3 mil+
Oglue 1.2 mil
Phanty 1 mil
Poera 950k
Quell 6 mil
Rofling 20-25 mil
Rusty 2.5 mil
Sindi 4 mil
Snookle 3 mil
Troit 2.5 mil
Viotto 8 mil+
Yuni 8 mil
Zoink 1-1.2 mil
Zoosh 2 mil
15+ in all but level would be worth a Poera or Daisy
20-30 in all but level would be worth a
Phanty,Zoink,Oglue, Kronk,Huthiq
30-40 in all but level would be worth a Zoosh,Troit,Rusty,
40-50 in all but level would be worth a Dakota,Ercuw, Nino. Sindi
50-60 in all but level would be worth a Lati or Quell
60-70 in all but level would be worth a Viotto or Yuni
70-80 Mordo and Chibs
85-95 nothing yet.
150+ in all but level would be worth a rofling
values got from
Goals Status!
17 years, 1 month & 12 days ago

16th Feb 2008 03:02
My personal list of levels i am currently on and what i need to do to progress!
Undying - 50 Trading Cards
Biala - Wait For News
Baspinar - Level 15 Trunx
Eleka - Level 20 Fates
Jenoa - 11 Keno
Dukka - 5 Referals
Mini Pet - Wait for News
Ziranek - Notice Board
MY Goals!
17 years, 8 months & 6 days ago

23rd Jul 2007 05:30
[]10,000,000 MP
[]2,500,000 RP
[]1,000,000 BP
[]Constantly have 10 pages of stock in my shop
[]Get all eggs
[]Get 200 Avatars
Please let me know if u can help!