Potential Usernames
5 years, 7 months & 8 days ago

4th Aug 2019 13:52
Will add more once they pop up in my head

- bleuenn [ x]
- vanillababy [ ]
- belikerainwater [x]
- itcouldbesweet [ ]
- sandpaperkisses [ ]
-odetothegreyzone [ x]
-everlane [x]
-32flavors [ ]
-plasticstress [ ]
- swallowme [ ]
- thisiswhatitfeelslike [ ]
- triphop [x]
- blissanie [x]
- doutzen [ ]
- skinnydipped [ ]
New Profile
10 years, 7 months & 11 days ago

1st Aug 2014 19:16
I FINALLY decided to edit my profile and make it look spiffy and nice. It's simple, but cute and dainty at the same time. I didn't spend too much time on it because I was in a rush, but I will add some more stuff later. Let me know what you guys think.

12 years, 2 months & 29 days ago

12th Dec 2012 19:37
I haven't written a blog in forever it seems. I looked at my past blogs from like five years ago and see how foolish I wrote. I was a little baby! Cray! I've changed so much!