My Warriors<3
15 years & 1 day ago

19th Mar 2010 17:43
ForestClan:Warriors:Hollowgaze: Dark tabby tom with white front toes and jade coloured eyes. Relitively short fur.
IsleClan:Warriors:Sequoialeaf: Light tabby tom with amber eyes.
Littlecloud: Light gray tabby tom with an increasingly darker tail, light blue eyes.
SunClan:Deputy:Cloudedfrost:Tan she-cat with darker brown spots and stripe, resembles an ocelot.
Apprentices:Owlpaw:He resembles a barn owl in looks and has amber eyes.
Kits:Fadedkit: Light caramel she-kit, but half of her face is faded to a light grayish white, the side of her face that's faded has a blue eye, and the other side is amber.
Name: Crowsong
Gender: Tom
Looks: Completely black tom with green eyes, white tail tip
Personality: Sweet, caring, protective, a bit arrogant
Clan: SunClan
Rank: Warrior
Other: Risingwater's brother
Name: Risingwater
Gender: She-cat
Looks: Tabby gray she-cat with blue eyes
Personality: Sweet, caring, very protective, especially of kits.
Rank: Warrior
Clan: SunClan
Other: Crowsongs' sister
17 years, 8 months & 25 days ago

24th Jun 2007 14:10
I also collect Pearls:
Birthday [X] Thank you Catspaw!!!
Bronze [X]
Brown [X]
Burgundy [X]
Chibs [X] Thank you Horsesrock785!!!
Cream [X]
Cyan [X]
Dark Blue [X]
Dark Green [X]
Devil [X]
Digital []
Fairy [X]Thank y ou Horsesrock785!!!
Flowery [X]
Funky [X] Thank you Horsesrock785!!!
Fushia [X]
Ghost [X]
Gold [X]
Green [X]
Gray [X]
Halloween [X]
Happy [X]Thank you Horsesrock785!!!
Heart [X]
Ice [X]
Ice Fairy [X] Thank you Shadedheart!!!
Insideout [X]Thank you Horsesrock785!!!
Lavender [X]
Light Blue [X]
Light [X]Thanks Horsesrock785!!
Lilac [X]
Mint Chocolate [X]
Moss Green [X]
Mouldy [X]
Musical [X]
Nefarious [X] Thank you Horsesrock785!!!
Pearl With a Hat []
Pink [X]
Pixie[X]Thanks so much Unitedsoccer!! And Horsesrock785!!
Princess [X]Thanks so much Horsesrock785!!!
Rainbow [X]
Recycled [X]
Red [x]
Robot [X] Thanks so much Horsesrock785!!!
Seasonal []
Silver [X]
Skater[X] Thanks Horsesrockk785!!
Snowy [X]
Spotty [X]
Starry [X]
Tomato [X] Thanks Horsesrock785!!!
White [X]
Wooden [X]
Yellow [X]
17 years, 8 months & 25 days ago

24th Jun 2007 13:15
I am collecting gumballs!
Almond [X]
Apple []
Banana [X]Thanks UnitedSoccer!!!
Black [X]
Blue [X]
Bronze [X]
Burnt [X]
Chocolate Chip [X] Thanks Kelseyrulez!!!
Cola [X]
Dark Chocolate [X] Thank you Halloweenhusky!!
Devil [X]
Digital [X]Thank you UnitedSoccer!!!
Flowery [X]
Glowing [X]Thank you Halloweenhusky!
Gold []
Green [X]
Heart [X]
Icy [X]
Invisible [X]
Lemon [X]
Milk Chocolate [X]
Mint [X]Thanks Ninja!!
Mint Chocolate [X]Thanks Halloweenhusky!!
Mouldy []
Multi-Colored []
Orange [X]
Orange Chocolate [X]
Pear []
Pumpkin [X]Thank you Halloweenhusky!!
Purple [X]
Red [X]
Rock [X]
Silver []
Smiley []
Snowy [X]
Spotted [X]
Starry [X]
Strawberry []
Water []
White []
White Chocolate []
Wooden []
Yellow [X]