15 years, 9 months & 11 days ago

31st May 2009 17:50
Q. Will u be my friend?
A. If I know you. If I've had a conversation with you. "Can i be ur friend" is not a conversation.
Q. But I'm a warriors fan too!
A. Good for you, but I stopped reading it awhile ago. I made the mistake of making a warriors screenname. Won't be doing that again.
Q. Can I have a-
A. No
Q. Why?
A. Because I'm not the pot of gold. I gave up that job awhile ago, pay wasn't high enough.
Q. Huh?
A. I'm very sarcastic.
A. Two possible reasons. One, I forgot. If so, I really apologize. I'm very spacey, I can't help it. The other one is you offered on one of my not for trade pets. I don't reply to those.
Q. You're kinda mean.
A. I'm not really. I'm stern if you bug me, but isn't everybody? Get to know me and I'm really nice. Be nice to me, I'm nice back.
Q. Will you make me a graphic?
A. No. I've had bad experiences with it.
Q. Can I use one of your graphics?
A. Sure. If it's in my blog. Some of mine are made just for me, like ones featuring my pets.
Q. You trade pokemon?
A. Mm hmm. I've been addicted to pokemon games forever. It's not weird at 17. Lots of people at my school play. Call me a geek, I don't care. Rather be a geek then a... well, fill in the blank.
Q. OMG! I kno this song u'd luv...
A. I don't care. Sorry, but I prefer my own music. It's nothing personal. I just prefer my showtunes.
I'll add more as they come up.