Avvies needed 2017
7 years, 9 months & 26 days ago

16th May 2017 03:23
1000 - View your avatars page when you've collected 1000+ avatars.
1500 - Have 1500 hidden avatars and visit Digital Fairy.
25 to Life - View your Prison pet when it's prison stat is 25 or more.
500 - View your avatars page when you've collected 500 avatars.
@ - Refresh your pet's book list after it has read Maramail Grammar Guide.
A Whole New World - Visit Queen Eleka after you have visited marapets 1000+ days.
Abandoned - Disown a pet at the Pound.
Abolous - Beat Abolous 75 times in the Battle Arena.
Accordian - View your pet's instruments list when it's Level 10 at accordian.
Acne - Attack Acne with Egg Grenades in Battle Arena.
Adorab - Receive an Adorab when opening a Cancer Treasure Chest.
Advent - Use an Advent Tree Costume on your pet.
Advent Tree - Complete the Advent Tree Map and then visit the Advent Tree in Biala.
Agent - Win 13 battles against Agent in the Battle Arena
Vending Machine
10 years, 8 months & 4 days ago

8th Jul 2014 13:43
I will keep track of what i get each and every day on this blog!
Day 1: Bonus Clothing #122 - 13k
Day 2: Bonus Clothing #41 - 15k
Day 3: Bonus Clothing #30 - 15k
Day 4: Bonus Clothing #73 - 12k
Day 5: Bonus Clothing #61 - 8k
Day 6: Bonus Clothing #77 - 7k
Day 7: Bonus Clothing #77 - 7k
Day 8: Bonus Clothing #92 - 4k
Day 9: Bonus Clothing #104 - 7k
Day 10: Bonus Clothing #44 - 14k
DAY 11: Bonus Clothing #53 - 12K
Day 12: Bonus Clothing #105 - 15k
Day 13: Bonus Clothing #101 - 9k
Day 14: Gothabilly Female Costume - cheapest on trades is 10mil