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  1. Photo List
    27th May 2011 13:06
    13 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
  2. New TWF Cat Bios
    22nd Nov 2009 14:57
    15 years, 4 months & 6 days ago
  3. OLD BLOG: New TWF Cats
    21st Nov 2009 17:29
    15 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  4. OLD BLOG: Warriors Blog Roleplay
    24th Oct 2009 13:04
    15 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
  5. OLD BLOG: Darkheart: An epic warrior story
    30th Apr 2009 18:55
    15 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
  6. OLD BLOG: Nabooru's Operation Portal Log
    7th Mar 2009 16:34
    16 years & 23 days ago
  7. OLD BLOG: History of Evil Cats in TWF
    22nd Feb 2009 12:16
    16 years, 1 month & 5 days ago
  8. OLD BLOG: TWF Quick List - Meh Kittehs
    30th Jan 2009 14:51
    16 years, 1 month & 28 days ago
  9. OLD BLOG: The Warrior Forest Roleplay Characters
    31st Aug 2008 07:26
    16 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
  10. Pets- Old & Current
    23rd Sep 2007 11:28
    17 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
Photo List
13 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
27th May 2011 13:06

Penitentiary: 2/30

Bold = I have this photo.
Italics = I can easily get this photo.

Ting will love you forever if you can get her photos she doesn't have. She can pay you 10k for each. Adore

Angel Azul
Angel Chibs
Angel Doyle
Angel Fasoro
Angel Knutt
Angel Mordo
Angel Murfin
Angel Poera
Angel Quell
Angel Snookle
Angel Tantua
Angel Ushunda
Angel Vixen

Anime Arinya
Anime Bolimo
Anime Fasoro
Anime Jessup
Anime Poera
Anime Quell
Anime Tasi
Anime Zoosh

Armoured Basil
Armoured Crikey
Armoured Equilor
Armoured Feliz
Armoured Newth
Armoured Xoi

Baby Chibs
Baby Dakota
Baby Ercuw
Baby Hump
Baby Huthiq
Baby Knutt
Baby Leido
Baby Quell
Baby Renat

Balloon Addow
Balloon Chibs
Balloon Daisy
Balloon Flab
Balloon Jessup
Balloon Lati
Balloon Leido
Balloon Murfin
Balloon Poera
Balloon Pucu
Balloon Xoi
Balloon Zoosh

Black Arinya
Black Basil
Black Bolimo
Black Chibs
Black Crikey
Black Dakota
Black Ercuw
Black Fasoro
Black Figaro
Black Flab
Black Gizmo
Black Gobble
Black Gonk
Black Hump
Black Ike
Black Jessup
Black Kidlet
Black Kronk
Black Kujo
Black Lati
Black Leido
Black Mordo
Black Nino
Black Oglue
Black Osafo
Black Phanty
Black Pucu
Black Reese
Black Renat
Black Rusty
Black Snookle
Black Speiro
Black Tasi
Black Troit
Black Viotto
Black Vixen
Black Xoi
Black Zoink
Black Zoosh

Blitzen Chibs
Blitzen Fasoro
Blitzen Kidlet
Blitzen Snookle
Blitzen Troit
Blitzen Vixen
Blitzen Xoi

Blue Addow
Blue Arinya
Blue Azul
Blue Basil
Blue Bolimo
Blue Chibs
Blue Crikey
Blue Crindol
Blue Daisy
Blue Dakota
Blue Doyle
Blue Equilor
Blue Ercuw
Blue Fasoro
Blue Feliz
Blue Figaro
Blue Flab
Blue Gizmo
Blue Gobble
Blue Gonk
Blue Grint
Blue Hump
Blue Huthiq
Blue Ideus
Blue Ike
Blue Jessup
Blue Kidlet
Blue Knutt
Blue Kronk
Blue Kujo
Blue Lati
Blue Leido
Blue Mordo
Blue Murfin
Blue Newth
Blue Nino
Blue Oglue
Blue Osafo
Blue Paffuto
Blue Phanty
Blue Poera
Blue Pucu
Blue Quell
Blue Reese
Blue Renat
Blue Rofling
Blue Rusty
Blue Sindi
Blue Snookle
Blue Speiro
Blue Tantua
Blue Tasi
Blue Troit
Blue Ushunda
Blue Viotto
Blue Vixen
Blue Walee
Blue Xoi
Blue Yakubi
Blue Yuni
Blue Zetlian
Blue Zoink
Blue Zoosh

Bronze Addow
Bronze Gonk
Bronze Grint
Bronze Mordo
Bronze Ushunda
Bronze Viotto
Bronze Yakubi
Bronze Yuni

Brown Addow
Brown Gobble
Brown Quell
Brown Reese
Brown Rofling
Brown Rusty
Brown Viotto

Burnt Chibs
Burnt Ideus
Burnt Jessup
Burnt Pucu
Burnt Rofling
Burnt Snookle
Burnt Yakubi
Burnt Zoink

Camouflage Doyle
Camouflage Gonk
Camouflage Murfin
Camouflage Pucu
Camouflage Speiro
Camouflage Ushunda
Camouflage Xoi

Checkered Equilor
Checkered Leido
Checkered Oglue
Checkered Paffuto
Checkered Poera
Checkered Ushunda

Cheese Daisy
Cheese Fasoro
Cheese Flab
Cheese Hump
Cheese Ike
Cheese Murfin
Cheese Poera
Cheese Sindi

Chinese Azul
Chinese Ercuw
Chinese Figaro
Chinese Knutt
Chinese Poera
Chinese Snookle

Chocolate Chibs
Chocolate Fasoro
Chocolate Gonk
Chocolate Leido
Chocolate Murfin
Chocolate Sindi
Chocolate Vixen
Chocolate Xoi
Chocolate Zoink

Christmas Addow
Christmas Chibs
Christmas Ideus
Christmas Leido
Christmas Newth
Christmas Viotto
Christmas Walee
Christmas Zetlian
Christmas Zoink

Christmas Tree Chibs
Christmas Tree Osafo
Christmas Tree Quell
Christmas Tree Rofling

Clown Arinya
Clown Doyle
Clown Flab
Clown Grint
Clown Newth
Clown Osafo
Clown Walee

Cottoncandy Chibs
Cottoncandy Kidlet
Cottoncandy Sindi
Cottoncandy Snookle
Cottoncandy Tasi
Cottoncandy Vixen

Cowboy Arinya
Cowboy Dakota
Cowboy Ideus
Cowboy Lati
Cowboy Renat
Cowboy Speiro
Cowboy Yakubi
Cowboy Yuni

Cupid Addow
Cupid Gizmo
Cupid Jessup
Cupid Pucu
Cupid Sindi
Cupid Snookle
Cupid Tantua

Dark Bolimo
Dark Daisy
Dark Fasoro
Dark Lati
Dark Oglue
Dark Speiro
Dark Tantua
Dark Zetlian

Detective Ike
Detective Jessup
Detective Mordo
Detective Paffuto
Detective Yakubi

Devil Azul
Devil Chibs
Devil Crindol
Devil Kronk
Devil Mordo
Devil Murfin
Devil Newth
Devil Phanty

Digital Equilor
Digital Huthiq
Digital Mordo
Digital Quell
Digital Yakubi

Earth Fairy Fasoro
Earth Fairy Gonk
Earth Fairy Renat
Earth Fairy Viotto
Earthfairy Equilor
Earthfairy Figaro
Earthfairy Ideus
Earthfairy Kujo
Earthfairy Vixen

Easter Azul
Easter Basil
Easter Chibs
Easter Leido
Easter Newth
Easter Tantua
Easter Tasi
Easter Yuni

Eleka Fasoro
Eleka Gonk
Eleka Mordo
Eleka Newth
Eleka Poera
Eleka Quell
Eleka Tasi
Eleka Viotto

Elf Bolimo
Elf Crindol
Elf Ercuw
Elf Fasoro
Elf Kidlet
Elf Mordo
Elf Murfin
Elf Newth
Elf Osafo
Elf Quell
Elf Snookle
Elf Ushunda
Elf Zoosh

Emo Bolimo
Emo Ercuw
Emo Kronk
Emo Mordo
Emo Paffuto
Emo Phanty
Emo Sindi
Emo Snookle
Emo Xoi

Enpiah Daisy
Enpiah Dakota
Enpiah Gonk
Enpiah Huthiq
Enpiah Phanty
Enpiah Renat
Enpiah Yuni

Explorer Daisy
Explorer Huthiq
Explorer Tantua
Explorer Tasi
Explorer Zoosh

Fairy Addow
Fairy Azul
Fairy Chibs
Fairy Fasoro
Fairy Gonk
Fairy Jessup
Fairy Pucu
Fairy Sindi

Fat Ike
Fat Jessup
Fat Leido
Fat Osafo
Fat Quell
Fat Walee
Fat Xoi

Fire Ercuw
Fire Ideus
Fire Paffuto
Fire Pucu
Fire Quell
Fire Tantua
Fire Tasi
Fire Yakubi

Firefairy Ercuw
Firefairy Poera
Firefairy Rofling
Firefairy Speiro

Firework Basil
Firework Doyle
Firework Gizmo
Firework Newth
Firework Vixen
Firework Xoi

Funky Addow
Funky Bolimo
Funky Flab
Funky Mordo
Funky Rusty
Funky Sindi
Funky Zoosh

Furry Chibs
Furry Crindol
Furry Doyle
Furry Ideus
Furry Knutt
Furry Oglue
Furry Quell
Furry Walee
Furry Yuni

Geek Ercuw
Geek Huthiq
Geek Lati
Geek Osafo
Geek Rusty

Ghost Addow
Ghost Bolimo
Ghost Chibs
Ghost Doyle
Ghost Ercuw
Ghost Fasoro
Ghost Gonk
Ghost Jessup
Ghost Knutt
Ghost Lati
Ghost Mordo
Ghost Murfin
Ghost Newth
Ghost Osafo
Ghost Phanty
Ghost Poera
Ghost Rofling
Ghost Snookle
Ghost Tasi
Ghost Walee
Ghost Xoi
Ghost Yakubi
Ghost Zoink

Gingerbread Addow
Gingerbread Dakota
Gingerbread Grint
Gingerbread Kidlet
Gingerbread Knutt
Gingerbread Mordo
Gingerbread Paffuto
Gingerbread Snookle
Gingerbread Tasi
Gingerbread Xoi

Glass Dakota
Glass Fasoro
Glass Snookle
Glass Speiro
Glass Xoi

Goblin Gonk
Goblin Huthiq
Goblin Leido
Goblin Mordo
Goblin Nino
Goblin Sindi
Goblin Ushunda
Goblin Yakubi
Goblin Yuni

Gold Bolimo
Gold Fasoro
Gold Grint
Gold Reese
Gold Troit
Gold Viotto
Gold Vixen
Gold Xoi
Gold Zoosh

Gothic Crindol
Gothic Dakota
Gothic Fasoro
Gothic Huthiq
Gothic Sindi
Gothic Tantua
Gothic Zetlian

Green Addow
Green Arinya
Green Azul
Green Basil
Green Bolimo
Green Chibs
Green Crikey
Green Crindol
Green Daisy
Green Dakota
Green Doyle
Green Equilor
Green Ercuw
Green Fasoro
Green Feliz
Green Figaro
Green Flab
Green Gizmo
Green Gobble
Green Gonk
Green Grint
Green Hump
Green Huthiq
Green Ideus
Green Ike
Green Jessup
Green Kidlet
Green Knutt
Green Kronk
Green Kujo
Green Lati
Green Leido
Green Mordo
Green Murfin
Green Newth
Green Nino
Green Oglue
Green Osafo
Green Paffuto
Green Phanty
Green Poera
Green Pucu
Green Quell
Green Reese
Green Renat
Green Rofling
Green Rusty
Green Sindi
Green Snookle
Green Speiro
Green Tantua
Green Tasi
Green Troit
Green Ushunda
Green Viotto
Green Vixen
Green Walee
Green Xoi
Green Yakubi
Green Yuni
Green Zetlian
Green Zoink
Green Zoosh

Grey Arinya
Grey Basil
Grey Chibs
Grey Crikey
Grey Dakota
Grey Doyle
Grey Feliz
Grey Figaro
Grey Flab
Grey Gizmo
Grey Gobble
Grey Gonk
Grey Hump
Grey Ike
Grey Jessup
Grey Kidlet
Grey Kronk
Grey Kujo
Grey Lati
Grey Mordo
Grey Nino
Grey Oglue
Grey Phanty
Grey Pucu
Grey Quell
Grey Reese
Grey Renat
Grey Rusty
Grey Sindi
Grey Snookle
Grey Speiro
Grey Tasi
Grey Troit
Grey Vixen
Grey Walee
Grey Xoi
Grey Zoink
Grey Zoosh

Halloween Bolimo
Halloween Daisy
Halloween Ercuw
Halloween Fasoro
Halloween Ideus
Halloween Jessup
Halloween Kidlet
Halloween Knutt
Halloween Kronk
Halloween Newth
Halloween Paffuto
Halloween Poera
Halloween Quell
Halloween Reese
Halloween Tantua
Halloween Tasi
Halloween Ushunda
Halloween Xoi
Halloween Zetlian
Halloween Zoosh

Headless Arinya
Headless Crindol
Headless Ercuw
Headless Nino
Headless Zetlian

Hero Basil
Hero Daisy
Hero Ike
Hero Newth
Hero Viotto
Hero Yakubi

Hobo Basil
Hobo Chibs
Hobo Ike
Hobo Mordo
Hobo Newth
Hobo Osafo
Hobo Walee

Ice Addow
Ice Crindol
Ice Dakota
Ice Doyle
Ice Knutt
Ice Mordo
Ice Oglue
Ice Poera
Ice Quell
Ice Rofling
Ice Viotto
Ice Yakubi
Ice Yuni

Icefairy Addow
Icefairy Chibs
Icefairy Dakota
Icefairy Fasoro
Icefairy Mordo
Icefairy Newth
Icefairy Osafo
Icefairy Phanty
Icefairy Poera
Icefairy Quell
Icefairy Rusty
Icefairy Xoi
Icefairy Yuni

Insideout Crindol
Insideout Hump
Insideout Mordo
Insideout Murfin
Insideout Yuni

Island Crikey
Island Murfin
Island Oglue
Island Pucu
Island Walee

Kamilah Azul
Kamilah Bolimo
Kamilah Chibs
Kamilah Figaro
Kamilah Newth
Kamilah Rusty
Kamilah Vixen

Killer Gizmo
Killer Ideus
Killer Snookle
Killer Tasi
Killer Ushunda
Killer Zetlian

Leprechaun Azul
Leprechaun Basil
Leprechaun Doyle
Leprechaun Kidlet
Leprechaun Murfin
Leprechaun Quell
Leprechaun Reese
Leprechaun Snookle
Leprechaun Tasi

Light Azul
Light Bolimo
Light Ercuw
Light Jessup
Light Viotto
Light Xoi
Light Yuni

Lightfairy Azul
Light Fairy Dakota
Lightfairy Lati
Lightfairy Mordo
Lightfairy Paffuto
Lightfairy Yuni

Lightning Basil
Lightning Crindol
Lightning Fasoro
Lightning Ideus
Lightning Poera
Lightning Pucu
Lightning Rofling
Lightning Snookle

Love Bolimo
Love Daisy
Love Fasoro
Love Grint
Love Ideus
Love Kidlet
Love Lati
Love Mordo
Love Poera
Love Reese
Love Sindi
Love Snookle
Love Tantua
Love Xoi

Mafia Basil
Mafia Crikey
Mafia Ercuw
Mafia Feliz
Mafia Flab
Mafia Gizmo
Mafia Pucu
Mafia Reese
Mafia Renat

Mental Daisy
Mental Figaro
Mental Knutt
Mental Rofling

Mermaid Ercuw
Mermaid Hump
Mermaid Huthiq
Mermaid Jessup
Mermaid Zetlian

Midnight Chibs
Midnight Dakota
Midnight Grint
Midnight Nino
Midnight Paffuto
Midnight Poera
Midnight Tantua
Midnight Vixen
Midnight Xoi

Millionaire Chibs
Millionaire Equilor
Millionaire Feliz
Millionaire Gonk
Millionaire Phanty
Millionaire Quell
Millionaire Tantua
Millionaire Troit
Millionaire Walee

Minipet Basil
Minipet Chibs
Minipet Crindol
Minipet Dakota
Minipet Fasoro
Minipet Gonk
Minipet Hump
Minipet Kujo
Minipet Rofling
Minipet Tantua
Minipet Vixen

Mummy Addow
Mummy Arinya
Mummy Azul
Mummy Basil
Mummy Bolimo
Mummy Chibs
Mummy Crikey
Mummy Crindol
Mummy Daisy
Mummy Dakota
Mummy Doyle
Mummy Equilor
Mummy Ercuw
Mummy Fasoro
Mummy Feliz
Mummy Figaro
Mummy Flab
Mummy Gizmo
Mummy Gobble
Mummy Gonk
Mummy Grint
Mummy Hump
Mummy Huthiq
Mummy Ideus
Mummy Ike
Mummy Jessup
Mummy Kidlet
Mummy Knutt
Mummy Kronk
Mummy Kujo
Mummy Lati
Mummy Leido
Mummy Mordo
Mummy Murfin
Mummy Newth
Mummy Nino
Mummy Oglue
Mummy Osafo
Mummy Paffuto
Mummy Phanty
Mummy Poera
Mummy Pucu
Mummy Quell
Mummy Reese
Mummy Renat
Mummy Rofling
Mummy Rusty
Mummy Sindi
Mummy Snookle
Mummy Speiro
Mummy Tantua
Mummy Tasi
Mummy Troit
Mummy Ushunda
Mummy Viotto
Mummy Vixen
Mummy Walee
Mummy Xoi
Mummy Yakubi
Mummy Yuni
Mummy Zetlian
Mummy Zoink
Mummy Zoosh

Musical Doyle
Musical Feliz
Musical Paffuto

Mutant Addow
Mutant Arinya
Mutant Azul
Mutant Basil
Mutant Bolimo
Mutant Chibs
Mutant Crikey
Mutant Crindol
Mutant Daisy
Mutant Dakota
Mutant Doyle
Mutant Equilor
Mutant Ercuw
Mutant Fasoro
Mutant Feliz
Mutant Figaro
Mutant Flab
Mutant Gizmo
Mutant Gobble
Mutant Gonk
Mutant Grint
Mutant Hump
Mutant Huthiq
Mutant Ideus
Mutant Ike
Mutant Jessup
Mutant Kidlet
Mutant Knutt
Mutant Kronk
Mutant Kujo
Mutant Lati
Mutant Leido
Mutant Mordo
Mutant Murfin
Mutant Newth
Mutant Nino
Mutant Oglue
Mutant Osafo
Mutant Paffuto
Mutant Phanty
Mutant Poera
Mutant Pucu
Mutant Quell
Mutant Reese
Mutant Renat
Mutant Rofling
Mutant Rusty
Mutant Sindi
Mutant Snookle
Mutant Speiro
Mutant Tantua
Mutant Tasi
Mutant Troit
Mutant Ushunda
Mutant Viotto
Mutant Vixen
Mutant Walee
Mutant Xoi
Mutant Yakubi
Mutant Yuni
Mutant Zetlian
Mutant Zoink
Mutant Zoosh

Nefarious Daisy
Nefarious Ideus
Nefarious Mordo
Nefarious Paffuto
Nefarious Quell
Nefarious Reese

Ninja Equilor
Ninja Knutt
Ninja Phanty

Old Chibs
Old Daisy
Old Leido
Old Osafo

Orange Addow
Orange Arinya
Orange Basil
Orange Chibs
Orange Crikey
Orange Dakota
Orange Equilor
Orange Feliz
Orange Figaro
Orange Flab
Orange Gizmo
Orange Gobble
Orange Gonk
Orange Grint
Orange Hump
Orange Huthiq
Orange Ike
Orange Jessup
Orange Kidlet
Orange Knutt
Orange Kronk
Orange Kujo
Orange Lati
Orange Leido
Orange Nino
Orange Oglue
Orange Paffuto
Orange Phanty
Orange Pucu
Orange Renat
Orange Rusty
Orange Snookle
Orange Speiro
Orange Tasi
Orange Troit
Orange Ushunda
Orange Vixen
Orange Xoi
Orange Zoink
Orange Zoosh

Pilgrim Addow
Pilgrim Arinya
Pilgrim Crindol
Pilgrim Fasoro
Pilgrim Gonk
Pilgrim Snookle
Pilgrim Zoink

Pink Arinya
Pink Azul
Pink Basil
Pink Bolimo
Pink Crikey
Pink Daisy
Pink Dakota
Pink Feliz
Pink Figaro
Pink Flab
Pink Gizmo
Pink Gobble
Pink Gonk
Pink Grint
Pink Hump
Pink Huthiq
Pink Ike
Pink Jessup
Pink Kidlet
Pink Kronk
Pink Kujo
Pink Lati
Pink Leido
Pink Mordo
Pink Murfin
Pink Nino
Pink Oglue
Pink Phanty
Pink Pucu
Pink Reese
Pink Renat
Pink Rusty
Pink Snookle
Pink Speiro
Pink Tasi
Pink Troit
Pink Ushunda
Pink Vixen
Pink Xoi
Pink Zetlian
Pink Zoink

Pirate Grint
Pirate Newth
Pirate Reese
Pirate Yakubi

Pixie Chibs
Pixie Dakota
Pixie Fasoro
Pixie Huthiq
Pixie Jessup
Pixie Paffuto
Pixie Renat
Pixie Snookle
Pixie Troit

Plant Equilor
Plant Reese
Plant Tasi
Plant Ushunda
Plant Yuni

Plushie Daisy
Plushie Ercuw
Plushie Grint
Plushie Huthiq
Plushie Quell

Polar Azul
Polar Figaro
Polar Leido
Polar Troit

Princess Ercuw
Princess Hump
Princess Newth
Princess Osafo
Princess Phanty
Princess Renat
Princess Sindi

Prison Addow
Prison Arinya
Prison Azul
Prison Basil
Prison Bolimo
Prison Chibs
Prison Crikey
Prison Crindol
Prison Daisy
Prison Dakota
Prison Doyle
Prison Equilor
Prison Ercuw
Prison Fasoro
Prison Feliz
Prison Figaro
Prison Flab
Prison Gizmo
Prison Gobble
Prison Gonk
Prison Grint
Prison Hump
Prison Huthiq
Prison Ideus
Prison Ike
Prison Jessup
Prison Kidlet
Prison Knutt
Prison Kronk
Prison Kujo
Prison Lati
Prison Leido
Prison Mordo
Prison Murfin
Prison Newth
Prison Nino
Prison Oglue
Prison Osafo
Prison Paffuto
Prison Phanty
Prison Poera
Prison Pucu
Prison Quell
Prison Reese
Prison Renat
Prison Rofling
Prison Rusty
Prison Sindi
Prison Snookle
Prison Speiro
Prison Tantua
Prison Tasi
Prison Troit
Prison Ushunda
Prison Viotto
Prison Vixen
Prison Walee
Prison Xoi
Prison Yakubi
Prison Yuni
Prison Zetlian
Prison Zoink
Prison Zoosh

Puchalla Azul
Puchalla Gizmo
Puchalla Gonk
Puchalla Sindi

Punk Chibs
Punk Dakota
Punk Knutt
Punk Mordo
Punk Sindi
Punk Tantua

Purple Addow
Purple Arinya
Purple Basil
Purple Crikey
Purple Crindol
Purple Dakota
Purple Ercuw
Purple Feliz
Purple Figaro
Purple Flab
Purple Gizmo
Purple Gobble
Purple Gonk
Purple Grint
Purple Hump
Purple Huthiq
Purple Ideus
Purple Ike
Purple Jessup
Purple Kidlet
Purple Kronk
Purple Kujo
Purple Lati
Purple Leido
Purple Mordo
Purple Murfin
Purple Newth
Purple Nino
Purple Oglue
Purple Paffuto
Purple Phanty
Purple Pucu
Purple Reese
Purple Rusty
Purple Sindi
Purple Snookle
Purple Speiro
Purple Tasi
Purple Troit
Purple Vixen
Purple Xoi
Purple Zoink

Radioactive Azul
Radioactive Bolimo
Radioactive Daisy
Radioactive Doyle
Radioactive Equilor
Radioactive Fasoro
Radioactive Feliz
Radioactive Grint
Radioactive Jessup
Radioactive Leido
Radioactive Rofling
Radioactive Tantua
Radioactive Walee

Rainbow Daisy
Rainbow Feliz
Rainbow Tantua
Rainbow Viotto
Rainbow Zetlian

Rainy Azul
Rainy Crikey
Rainy Fasoro
Rainy Feliz
Rainy Poera
Rainy Snookle

Recycled Daisy
Recycled Knutt
Recycled Rofling
Recycled Snookle
Recycled Viotto

Red Addow
Red Arinya
Red Azul
Red Basil
Red Bolimo
Red Chibs
Red Crikey
Red Crindol
Red Daisy
Red Dakota
Red Doyle
Red Equilor
Red Ercuw
Red Fasoro
Red Feliz
Red Figaro
Red Flab
Red Gizmo
Red Gobble
Red Gonk
Red Grint
Red Hump
Red Huthiq
Red Ideus
Red Ike
Red Jessup
Red Kidlet
Red Knutt
Red Kronk
Red Kujo
Red Lati
Red Leido
Red Mordo
Red Murfin
Red Newth
Red Nino
Red Oglue
Red Osafo
Red Paffuto
Red Phanty
Red Poera
Red Pucu
Red Quell
Red Reese
Red Renat
Red Rofling
Red Rusty
Red Sindi
Red Snookle
Red Speiro
Red Tantua
Red Tasi
Red Troit
Red Ushunda
Red Viotto
Red Vixen
Red Walee
Red Xoi
Red Yakubi
Red Yuni
Red Zetlian
Red Zoink
Red Zoosh

Robot Basil
Robot Leido
Robot Poera
Robot Quell
Robot Xoi
Robot Zoink

Rotten Ideus
Rotten Leido
Rotten Sindi

Royal Chibs
Royal Ercuw
Royal Mordo
Royal Paffuto
Royal Renat
Royal Tantua
Royal Troit

School Addow
School Azul
School Chibs
School Mordo
School Phanty
School Quell
School Reese
School Snookle

Seasonal Addow
Seasonal Bolimo
Seasonal Chibs
Seasonal Doyle
Seasonal Fasoro
Seasonal Feliz
Seasonal Huthiq
Seasonal Jessup
Seasonal Murfin
Seasonal Oglue
Seasonal Phanty
Seasonal Reese
Seasonal Snookle
Seasonal Tantua
Seasonal Ushunda
Seasonal Viotto
Seasonal Zoosh

Sewers Basil
Sewers Kidlet
Sewers Paffuto
Sewers Quell
Sewers Zoink

Shaved Chibs
Shaved Fasoro
Shaved Sindi
Shaved Walee

Silver Bolimo
Silver Leido
Silver Viotto

Simerian Addow
Simerian Osafo
Simerian Speiro
Simerian Zoink

Skater Chibs
Skater Crindol
Skater Dakota
Skater Huthiq
Skater Newth
Skater Sindi
Skater Snookle

Skeleton Daisy
Skeleton Huthiq
Skeleton Kidlet
Skeleton Paffuto
Skeleton Quell
Skeleton Renat
Skeleton Snookle
Skeleton Troit
Skeleton Xoi
Skeleton Zoosh

Sketch Huthiq
Sketch Leido
Sketch Poera
Sketch Rofling
Sketch Ushunda
Sketch Zetlian

Skinny Ercuw
Skinny Fasoro
Skinny Murfin

Sleepy Figaro
Sleepy Gizmo
Sleepy Kidlet
Sleepy Kujo
Sleepy Murfin
Sleepy Nino
Sleepy Osafo

Slime Chibs
Slime Ercuw
Slime Leido
Slime Reese
Slime Xoi

Snow Addow
Snow Chibs
Snow Crindol
Snow Daisy
Snow Doyle
Snow Grint
Snow Jessup
Snow Knutt
Snow Kronk
Snow Newth
Snow Oglue
Snow Osafo
Snow Phanty
Snow Renat
Snow Tantua
Snow Ushunda
Snow Yakubi

Snowman Bolimo
Snowman Dakota
Snowman Kidlet

Space Azul
Space Quell
Space Rofling
Space Zetlian

Spacefairy Ercuw
Spacefairy Fasoro
Spacefairy Feliz
Spacefairy Snookle
Spacefairy Zoosh

Sparkle Crindol
Sparkle Knutt
Sparkle Quell
Sparkle Zoosh

Sponge Equilor
Sponge Kronk
Sponge Reese
Sponge Xoi
Sponge Yakubi

Sports Basil
Sports Crikey
Sports Figaro
Sports Pucu

Spy Bolimo
Spy Kujo
Spy Lati
Spy Poera
Spy Reese
Spy Xoi
Spy Yakubi

Starry Daisy
Starry Grint
Starry Mordo
Starry Murfin
Starry Rofling
Starry Viotto

Stoneage Ercuw
Stoneage Feliz
Stoneage Gonk
Stoneage Knutt

Superhero Mordo
Superhero Murfin
Superhero Newth
Superhero Sindi

Toddler Chibs
Toddler Reese
Toddler Yuni

Trailer Basil
Trailer Chibs
Trailer Newth
Trailer Phanty
Trailer Yakubi

Underwater Dakota
Underwater Ideus
Underwater Quell

Undyingfairy Fasoro
Undyingfairy Murfin
Undyingfairy Nino
Undyingfairy Phanty

Valentine Arinya
Valentine Basil
Valentine Chibs
Valentine Ercuw
Valentine Figaro
Valentine Lati
Valentine Nino
Valentine Paffuto
Valentine Reese

Vampire Murfin
Vampire Phanty
Vampire Quell
Vampire Reese
Vampire Tasi
Vampire Yuni

Villain Fasoro
Villain Quell
Villain Rusty
Villain Tasi
Villain Xoi
Villain Yuni

Voodoo Ercuw
Voodoo Fasoro
Voodoo Tantua
Voodoo Troit

Vortex Ercuw
Vortex Fasoro
Vortex Huthiq
Vortex Paffuto
Vortex Snookle

Water Chibs
Water Fasoro
Water Newth
Water Paffuto

Werewolf Hump
Werewolf Knutt
Werewolf Mordo
Werewolf Quell
Werewolf Rofling
Werewolf Tasi

White Arinya
White Basil
White Crikey
White Dakota
White Fasoro
White Figaro
White Flab
White Gizmo
White Gobble
White Gonk
White Hump
White Ideus
White Ike
White Jessup
White Kidlet
White Knutt
White Kronk
White Kujo
White Lati
White Leido
White Mordo
White Nino
White Oglue
White Osafo
White Phanty
White Pucu
White Quell
White Reese
White Renat
White Rusty
White Sindi
White Snookle
White Speiro
White Tasi
White Troit
White Ushunda
White Vixen
White Xoi
White Zoink
White Zoosh

Witch Azul
Witch Daisy
Witch Feliz
Witch Huthiq
Witch Jessup
Witch Kidlet
Witch Lati
Witch Mordo
Witch Murfin
Witch Phanty
Witch Poera
Witch Quell
Witch Reese
Witch Xoi
Witch Yakubi
Witch Yuni
Witch Zoink
Witch Zoosh

Wizard Addow
Wizard Ercuw
Wizard Newth
Wizard Osafo
Wizard Sindi
Wizard Snookle
Wizard Tantua
Wizard Troit

Yellow Addow
Yellow Arinya
Yellow Azul
Yellow Basil
Yellow Bolimo
Yellow Chibs
Yellow Crikey
Yellow Crindol
Yellow Daisy
Yellow Dakota
Yellow Doyle
Yellow Equilor
Yellow Fasoro
Yellow Feliz
Yellow Figaro
Yellow Flab
Yellow Gizmo
Yellow Gobble
Yellow Gonk
Yellow Grint
Yellow Hump
Yellow Huthiq
Yellow Ideus
Yellow Ike
Yellow Jessup
Yellow Kidlet
Yellow Knutt
Yellow Kronk
Yellow Kujo
Yellow Lati
Yellow Leido
Yellow Mordo
Yellow Murfin
Yellow Newth
Yellow Nino
Yellow Oglue
Yellow Osafo
Yellow Paffuto
Yellow Phanty
Yellow Poera
Yellow Pucu
Yellow Quell
Yellow Reese
Yellow Renat
Yellow Rofling
Yellow Rusty
Yellow Sindi
Yellow Snookle
Yellow Speiro
Yellow Tantua
Yellow Tasi
Yellow Troit
Yellow Ushunda
Yellow Viotto
Yellow Vixen
Yellow Walee
Yellow Xoi
Yellow Yakubi
Yellow Yuni
Yellow Zetlian
Yellow Zoink
Yellow Zoosh

Zombie Addow
Zombie Arinya
Zombie Azul
Zombie Basil
Zombie Bolimo
Zombie Chibs
Zombie Crikey
Zombie Crindol
Zombie Daisy
Zombie Dakota
Zombie Doyle
Zombie Equilor
Zombie Ercuw
Zombie Fasoro
Zombie Feliz
Zombie Figaro
Zombie Flab
Zombie Gizmo
Zombie Gobble
Zombie Gonk
Zombie Grint
Zombie Hump
Zombie Huthiq
Zombie Ideus
Zombie Ike
Zombie Jessup
Zombie Kidlet
Zombie Knutt
Zombie Kronk
Zombie Kujo
Zombie Lati
Zombie Leido
Zombie Mordo
Zombie Murfin
Zombie Newth
Zombie Nino
Zombie Oglue
Zombie Osafo
Zombie Paffuto
Zombie Phanty
Zombie Poera
Zombie Pucu
Zombie Quell
Zombie Reese
Zombie Renat
Zombie Rofling
Zombie Rusty
Zombie Sindi
Zombie Snookle
Zombie Speiro
Zombie Tantua
Zombie Tasi
Zombie Troit
Zombie Ushunda
Zombie Viotto
Zombie Vixen
Zombie Walee
Zombie Xoi
Zombie Yakubi
Zombie Yuni
Zombie Zetlian
Zombie Zoink
Zombie Zoosh

New TWF Cat Bios
15 years, 4 months & 6 days ago
22nd Nov 2009 14:57

Cat bases are by Kitsufox on DeviantArt


Name: Twilightclaw
Fur: Black fur with scarlet stripes. Bright red eyes. (Hey, I never thought we had to be realistic with our cats. ;D)
Clan: WindClan
Rank: Elder
Family: Mother of Nightseeker, grandmother of Scarkit.
Personality: Haughty, but friendly to those close to her.
Talents: Was decent at hunting. Fighting never was her forte.
((Current Location: WindClan camp, Elder's Den))

Name: Nightseeker (Expy of Midnaclaw)
Fur: All black fur, red eyes, scar across forehead.
Clan: WindClan
Rank: Senior Warrior
Family: Daughter of Twilightclaw, mate of Shadowheart, mother of Scarkit.
Personality: Ever since Scarkit disappeared, mopey.
Talents: Running, fighting. Decent at hunting, just not great.
((Current Location: WindClan Camp))

Name: Shadowheart
Fur: Gray tabby with green eyes.
Clan: WindClan
Rank: Warrior
Family: Unknown parents. Mate of Nightseeker, father of Scarkit.
Personality: Unpredictable, violent.
Talents: Fighting. Shadowheart never liked hunting.
((Current Location: WindClan Camp))


Name: Dogface
Appearance: Brown tabby she-cat with one green eye. The other was taken out in a battle with a dog.
Clan: ThunderClan, Warrior
Family: None known.
Talents: Fighting. She's decent at hunting, but the battlefield is where she belongs.
Personality: Though most would find her name disgraceful, she thinks of it as a title. She loves the thrill of battle, and is often to hasty with her decisions. She's very brash.


Name: Scarpaw
Fur: Gray tabby with green eyes. Has a few scars down his backside.
Clan: ShadowClan
Rank: Apprentice of Dewclaw
Family: Son of Nightseeker & Shadowheart. Grandson of Twilightclaw.
Personality: Quiet. Reserved.
Talents: As a kit, Scarpaw loved playing with herbs. He only knows about chamomile and lavender at the moment, though. Now that he is an apprentice, his main talent is his ability to run fast. Due to extensive training, he can also swim and fight like a young warrior as well. ((Current Location: SkyClan camp))

Name: Dewclaw
Appearance: Ginger tabby she-cat with bright green eyes. Missing her left eye.
Clan: ShadowClan
Rank: Mentor of Scarpaw
Family: None. I don't know how this is possible, but... xD
Personality: Quiet, but loves to explore.
Talents: Hunting is Dewclaw's big thing. She's pretty good at fighting, just not as good as some cats.
((Current Location: SkyClan Camp))


Name: Pineclaw
Appearance: Brown tabby tom with green eyes.
Clan: SkyClan
Rank: Warrior
Personality: More faithful to the Warrior Code than his Clan.
Family: None.
Talents: Fighting & Jumping
((Current Location: SkyClan Camp))


Name: Hazelfoot
Fur: Light brown tom with a lighter brown front paw.
Clan: RiverClan
Rank: Senior Warrior
Personality: Kind and caring, but loves a good fight
Talents: Fighting & swimming.

Name: Goldpaw
Fur: Honey-colored she-cat with grey eyesClan: RiverClan
Rank: Apprentice
Personality: Quiet, rather insecure
Talents: Hunting, especially fishing.


Name: Shadowstar (Yes, the original!)
Fur: Has bushy black fur and green eyes.
Clan: Was the first leader of ShadowClan
Rank: Leader
Family: Mother of Clawstorm and Lionroar, mate of Leopardclaw.
Personality: Suspicious, but kind once you crawl under her protective exterior.
Talents: The mother of all stealthy cats. She can sneak up on you any time, any where. Too bad she's dead.
History: Shadowstar came to the forest with a band of cats in an attempt to claim territory. She was one of the few survivors of the battle at Fourtrees, along with Winter, River, Thunder, Sky, and Wind. Shadow was given her nine lives and her full name, Shadowstar, and went on to form ShadowClan. Along with the other four leaders, she created the law that stated 'No trespassing on other Clan's territories'. Shadowstar later went on to mate with Leopardclaw, and had two kits. Their names were Clawkit, and Lionkit. The two grew up to be strong warriors, but out of jealousy, Clawstorm murdered Lionroar. He was soon revealed and cast from the Clan. Shadowstar began to lose lives after that from malnutrition, pointless battles, and eventually lost her last when her son, Clawstorm took it from her.

Name: Lionroar
Fur: Brilliant golden fur with a line of ginger around his neck. Blue eyes.
Clan: ShadowClan
Rank: Was Deputy before he died.
Family: Son of Shadowstar and Leopardclaw, brother of Clawstorm.
Personality: Brave, valiant warrior
Talents: Sneaking is not his thing, due to his fur color. Lionroar was great at hunting, though.
History: Lionroar was born to Shadowstar and Leopardclaw. He and his brother, Clawstorm, were the first two kits born in ShadowClan. As an apprentice, Lionroar was always great at hunting, and was pretty good at fighting. This caused his mother to make him deputy soon after he became a warrior. This did not last long, though, as he was soon killed by his jealous brother.


Name: Clawstorm
Fur: Black tabby with fearsome green eyes
Clan: None. Was once of ShadowClan.
Rank: None. Was once a warrior.
Family: Son of Shadowstar and Leopardclaw, brother of Lionroar. Mate of Stream, father of Dark-kit, Firekit and Icekit.
Personality: Power-hungry, easily angered.
Talents: Sneaking around is fairly easy for Clawstorm due to his dark pelt. Fighting is his forte, while hunting is not.
History: Clawstorm was born to Shadowstar and Leopardclaw. He grew jealous of his brother, Lionroar, and eventually killed him. Clawstorm attempted to take over ShadowClan, and killed his own mother when she was weak, but ultimately failed. He mated with a rogue she-cat, Stream, and had three kits with her. They live on ShadowClan territory, but ever since ShadowClan left for SkyClan, they've been living there.

Name: Stream
Fur: Gray tabby she-cat.
Clan: None. Was once a WindClanner.
Rank: None. Left before she was assigned a rank.
Family: Mate of Clawstorm, mother of Dark-kit, Firekit, and Icekit.
Personality: Quiet, caring.
Talents: Running. That's about it.
History: Stream witnessed the forming of the Clans, and left with Wind. She didn't like the way the Clans worked, so she left. Stream came across Clawstorm, and eventually fell in love with him. They mated, and had kits. Stream lives in ShadowClan's abandoned camp with her kits and her mate.

Name: Darkpaw (Will be Darkheart)
Fur: Pure black tom with green eyes.
Clan: None.
Rank: None.
Family: Son of Clawstorm and Stream. Brother of Icepaw and Firepaw.
Personality: Ambitious and power-hungry, like his father.
Talents: He's decent at both fighting and hunting. He's great, however, at sneaking about.
History: Dark-kit was born to Stream and Clawstorm. He was given an apprentice name by his father, and currently lives in ShadowClan's abandoned camp.

Name: Firepaw (Will be Firefrost)
Fur: Brown tabby she-cat with green eyes.
Clan: None
Rank: None
Family: Daughter of Clawstorm and Stream. Sister of Icepaw and Darkpaw.
Personality: Rather reserved.
Talents: Hunting.
History: See Darkpaw.

Name: Icepaw (Will be Icepelt)
Fur: Blue tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
Clan: None
Rank: NOne
Family: Daughter of Clawstorm and Stream. Sister of Firepaw and Darkpaw.
Personality: Kind. Which is rather surprising considering her heritage.
Talents: Fighting, hunting.
History: See Darkpaw.

15 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
21st Nov 2009 17:29

These are my cats from AFTER the restart.









Lionroar (ShadowClan)


OLD BLOG: Warriors Blog Roleplay
15 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
24th Oct 2009 13:04

PLOT:// What if, Firestar never became leader? What if, Bluestar had let Thistleclaw become leader? What if, Tigerstar had left for another clan? What if, the clans had split up into eight?
The answers to those questions are about to be revealed. Thistleclaw's decendants are no longer the same, due to the changes that had happened. Now, the eight clans are ruled by Eclipsestar, Fangstar, Burnstar, Softstar, Cloudstar, Aurastar, Badgerstar and Firestar's great-great-great-great granddaughter, Kestrelstar. Who or what will be your destiny?

Be active! Bookmark this page. If you don't roleplay in three weeks, your characters will be put up for 'Adoption' and any user can claim them. You can, however post a message stating you are not going to be on for ____ days.
Please ask to be leader, or make a deputy or Medicine Cat.
If you are leader, treat your lifes carefully. Once your leader dies, the deputy becomes Leader.
If the deputy dies, the leader's roleplayer chooses the next deputy.
Keep the violence PG. A bit of blood, not much.
Romance = No. Mating and kits are all behind the scenes. (:
You are allowed to have 15 cats MAX.
Use BIC and OOC.
You may have up to two important positions.
The longest your leader can live is eight months.
You may post three times in a row, but no more than three.


Key =
(A) = Up for adoption.
(IN) = Roleplayer is inactive.
(AW) = Roleplayer is away.
Nothing = The cat is roleplayed.


Leader: Kestrelstar - Brown tabby she-cat with Firestar's green eyes. (RPed by Nicola)

Deputy: Open

Medicine Cat: Fallingflame - Orange tom with a soot colored face. His orange fur gets darker as from his head to his feet. He has a scar down the side of his face. (RPed by Sessio)

Senior Warriors: Blackflame - A large muscular black tom with a white chest. (RPed by Ting)

Warriors: Reedfire - chocolate brown fur and stem green eyes. [A]

Kits: Venomkit - A small orange kit with mysterious green eyes. (RPed by Ting)

Queens: Frozenwhisker - A blue-grey she-cat with green eyes. Mother to Venomkit and mate to Blackflame. (Rped By Ting)

Featherwing - White queen with soft brown eyes. kestelstar's sister and expecting kits. (RPed by Nicola)

Elders: Fireheart - Very, very old ginger tom with green eyes. (A)

Thistlestar - Elderly leader that is nearly blind and deaf. He is on his last life. (A)


Leader: Cloudstar - Pure white tom with amber eyes. His right ear was torn in a battle long ago. (A)
Deputy: Open
Medicine Cat: Cloudedmoon - Light grey tom with light yellow eyes and a white crescent moon on his forehead. (RPed by Aura)
Senior Warriors:
Warriors: Slenderjaw - A grey she-cat with a very thin jaw. Her blue eyes make her seem much older than she really is. (RPed by Ting)


Leader: Burnstar - A dark brown tom with yellow eyes, looks a bit like Tigerclaw... (A)
Deputy: Open
Medicine Cat: Open
Senior Warriors:
Elders: Mossfur - A grey-and-white she-cat with green eyes. Very old, and has lost an eye. Her parents were Oakheart and Bluefur. (RPed by Ting)


Leader: Softstar - Grey she-cat with a green eye and a blue eye. She is often mocked for her name, being called 'Softheart' and 'Softfur'. Her warrior name was Softtail, since her tail is very, very fluffy. (A)
Deputy: Open
Medicine Cat: Open
Senior Warriors:
Apprentices: Emberpaw - A brown tabby she-cat with fiery red eyes.
(RPed by Ting)

- WhisperClan -

Leader: Badgerstar - A she-cat with a white pelt and two long, black streaks running up her body. She has amber eyes and a black tail and paws. (A)
Deputy: Wildfeather - An intelligent tortoiseshell she-cat with beautiful golden eyes. Her tail resembles a large feather. (RPed by Ting)
Medicine Cat: Open
Senior Warriors:

- AuraClan -

Leader: Aurastar - The vain leader. She is black with grey stripes, and has cold grey eyes. (RPed by Aura)
Deputy: Open
Medicine Cat: Open
Senior Warriors: Fallenmoon - A tortoiseshell she-cat with deep green eyes. (RPed by Ting)

- StormClan -

Leader: Fangstar - A grey tom with amber eyes. He is very secretive. (A)
Deputy: Open
Medicine Cat: Open
Senior Warriors: Darkwhisper - A black tom with blue eyes. (RPed by Ting)

- DuskClan -

Leader: Eclipsestar - A ginger she-cat with a large black spot on her back. Her mysterious violet eyes make her seem almost... hypnotic. (A)
Deputy: Open
Medicine Cat: Open
Senior Warriors:
Warriors: Foxchest - A ginger she-cat with a white chest, and a streak of white down her back and on to her tail. She has green eyes. (RPed by Ting)


The current leaders warrior names were: Kestrelbeak, Cloudsky, Burnedbranch, Softtail, Badgerstreak, Auraeyes, Eclipsefur and Fangclaw.

The Current season is Greenleaf.

The clans are all at the lake territory.

Horseplace is gone.

Now you may begin roleplaying. Please post 'Count Bleh eets cheez' if you read this. =)
Please post your bio sentance/Adoption 'Application' to begin.

OLD BLOG: Darkheart: An epic warrior story
15 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
30th Apr 2009 18:55

Note: Some of these cats are roleplayed by peoples in my club. Thankies! ^^

Chapter One:
The rain pelted against the walls of the nursery as Rainfur's kits came into the world.
A black kit, an orange kit and a brown kit sat in a circle around their mother, eyes still shut.
The black kit swatted the air, in a what-seemed-to-be violent fashion. The orange one sat silently, and the brown one mewed for warmth.
"The kits have been born." Rainfur whispered to her sleeping mate, Sunfur.
Sunfur woke. He looked proudly at his sons, and wished he could spend his spare time in the nursery.
But no; Sunfur was the deputy of ThunderClan. He could not spend time with his kits often.

A flash of thunder made the kits squeal. Rainfur kissed the black kit, and it swatted her nose.
Rainfur chuckled. "Your name is Darkkit." she said, looking at Sunfur.
Sunfur began to groom the orange one.
"I'm calling you Firekit." he said, thinking of the great hero, Firestar.
At last, they both looked at the brown one with icy blue eyes, and said together.
"You're Icekit."

The kits grew fast. Soon they were apprentices, Darkpaw, Icepaw and Firepaw.
These are their adventures.

Chapter Two:
Icepaw looked carefully around her, and spotted a mouse.
She dropped down in a stalking position, and attacked the mouse.
Sadly, it had escaped the seven moon apprentice.
"Forestheart, I didn't catch it." she said, with a sad tone.
Forestheart, a kind and gentle mentor licked Icepaw's forehead.
"You'll have your chance to catch pr---" she paused, and a black apprentice tried to knock Forestheart down.
"How was that, Daedraheart?" Darkpaw said, excited.
Daedraheart, as a kit, had been part of Night-Eye Clan for a while, and as a result, she was very cranky.
"You didn't even attack Forestheart." she snapped, turning away.
"You did excellent, Darkpaw." Forestheart said, barring her teeth at Daedraheart.
Firepaw and her mentor, Wingtail padded over to the four cats.
"What's the matter here?" Wingtail meowed.
Darkpaw looked at his paws.
"I don't want to train anymore." he said, going towards the ThunderClan camp.
Icepaw sighed, sadness heavy in her heart. She looked up at Forestheart, and then at Firepaw.
"Do you want to train together?" Forestheart asked Firepaw and Icepaw.
Icepaw's sadness was immediately gone.
"Yes!" she mewed.

It was the same for five moons. Darkpaw trying his hardest to be an apprentice, and Daedraheart telling him he was doing it wrong.
Then, on the day before he became a warrior, a horrible thought popped into his head.
"What if I conquered the forest? Daedraheart would see how good I am..." he thought with a grin pasted on his face.
The next day, Lovestar jumped onto the highrock and called the three apprentices, Darkpaw, Firepaw and Icepaw to join him.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather under the highledge for a clan meeting!" she yowled, not noticing Darkpaw's smug grin.
The cats of ThunderClan gathered under the highrock, and Lovestar stepped forward.
"I, Lovestar, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turns. Icepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan, even at the cost of your life?"
Icepaw took a deep breath, and bravely spoke.
"I do."
"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Icepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Icepelt. Starclan honors your courage and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."
Icepelt stepped off the highrock, and sat next to Sunfur proudly.
Firepaw stepped next to Lovestar, and looked at the cats of ThunderClan.
"Firepaw,' Lovestar looked into Firepaw's eyes, 'do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan, even at the cost of your life?"
Firepaw nodded.
"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Firepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Firefrost. Starclan honors your compassion and friendship, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."
Firefrost jumped off the highrock, a new sense of bravery now within her. She joined her mother, father and sister and looked up at Darkpaw.
"Darkpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan, even at the cost of your life?"
Darkpaw growled and wanted to say no, but nodded like Firefrost had.
"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Darkpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Darkheart. Starclan honors your strength and wit, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."
"Darkheart.' Darkheart said to himself, 'I like that."
Lovestar smiled, and the clan returned to their previous buisness.
Then, Darkheart padded over to Firefrost.
"Firefrost,' he said, 'Meet me at the abandoned twoleg place tonight."
Firefrost's eyes glimmered.
"But we have to do our silent vigil!" she meowed.
Darkheart grinned.
"Exactly. Tell you what, if you come, i'll let you be my new deputy."
Firefrost stared at him, confused.
"You mean..."
Darkheart nodded. "Yes, I'm going to overthrow Lovestar and rule ThunderClan."

About an hour later, Firefrost and a bunch of cats, ThunderClan, rogues and a few ShadowClan cats were sitting in the abandoned Twoleg nest, waiting for Darkheart to speak.
"Hello, future cats of DarkClan." he said, looking brave.
"We are going to overthrow Lovestar and conquer ThunderClan."
Firefrost had no more doubt for her brother. She felt confident that it would work...

Chapter Three:
Darkheart padded into camp three days later, and sat by his mother, Rainfur.
"Where is dad?" he asked, wondering where his father had gone.
Rainfur looked at her paws.
"He recieved a prophecy. 'Sun will fade into dawn and rule the wind.' He's gone to WindClan to find out what it means.
Darkheart grinned. He turned and nodded to Firefrost, and the attack began.
It was horrible and gruesome, and eventually ThunderClan began to overpower Darkheart's small army.
"Go." whispered Firefrost in her dying breath.
Darkheart slipped out of the camp, unseen or unheard.

About a half-season later, Darkheart had located his father, Sunfur. He was now Dawnstar of WindClan, and was ruling his clan well.
Dawnstar smiled when he saw his son.
"Welcome, Darkheart! What can I do for---' he stopped, and looked at the blood tangled in Darkheart's fur.
"Get into the den, now." Darkheart hissed, entering the leader's den.
"What is this about?" Dawnstar said, an angry tone to his voice.
Darkheart snarled.
"Get out of WindClan. Tell this clan that you have been called away from StarClan, and I am to succeed you. Or I will do to you what I did to ThunderClan."
Dawnstar hissed, and left his den.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather under the Tallrock for a clan meeting!"
Darkheart joined his father on the rock, and grinned as the clancats gathered.
"I have both good and bad news,' Dawnstar said, 'The bad news is that StarClan has called me away from the clanlands, but the good news is my son, Darkheart, will succeed me."
The cats of WindClan hissed and snarled.
"So, wish me luck." Dawnstar said, leaving the camp immediately.
The minute Dawnstar had left, Darkheart stood strong and grinned.
"Welcome to DarkClan. If you wish to join me, meet in my den. If not, you will be chased out." he grinned, jumping off the Tallrock and padding into his new den.
About twenty cats were in his den, awaiting orders.
"Only twenty of you?" Darkheart said, peeking outside.
Then, a gorgeous she-cat caught his attention.
"You there!" he snarled.
The she-cat turned. "Me? Morninglight?" she said, alarmed.
Darkstar grinned.
"Yes, you. I've selected you to be my mate."
Morninglight snarled.
"Over my dead body."
Darkstar grinned.
"Sleep on it. You'll come clawing to me sooner or later."
Morninglight looked at him, a bit of compassion in her eyes, and looked away.
'What would Watersong do?' she asked herself, thinking of her lost mother.
She shook her head, and padded back into the warrior's den to get some rest.

-Will be continued soon. <3-

  1. Photo List
    27th May 2011 13:06
    13 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
  2. New TWF Cat Bios
    22nd Nov 2009 14:57
    15 years, 4 months & 6 days ago
  3. OLD BLOG: New TWF Cats
    21st Nov 2009 17:29
    15 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  4. OLD BLOG: Warriors Blog Roleplay
    24th Oct 2009 13:04
    15 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
  5. OLD BLOG: Darkheart: An epic warrior story
    30th Apr 2009 18:55
    15 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
  6. OLD BLOG: Nabooru's Operation Portal Log
    7th Mar 2009 16:34
    16 years & 23 days ago
  7. OLD BLOG: History of Evil Cats in TWF
    22nd Feb 2009 12:16
    16 years, 1 month & 5 days ago
  8. OLD BLOG: TWF Quick List - Meh Kittehs
    30th Jan 2009 14:51
    16 years, 1 month & 28 days ago
  9. OLD BLOG: The Warrior Forest Roleplay Characters
    31st Aug 2008 07:26
    16 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
  10. Pets- Old & Current
    23rd Sep 2007 11:28
    17 years, 6 months & 5 days ago