OLD BLOG: Darkheart: An epic warrior story
15 years, 10 months & 28 days ago

30th Apr 2009 18:55
Note: Some of these cats are roleplayed by peoples in my club. Thankies! ^^
Chapter One:
The rain pelted against the walls of the nursery as Rainfur's kits came into the world.
A black kit, an orange kit and a brown kit sat in a circle around their mother, eyes still shut.
The black kit swatted the air, in a what-seemed-to-be violent fashion. The orange one sat silently, and the brown one mewed for warmth.
"The kits have been born." Rainfur whispered to her sleeping mate, Sunfur.
Sunfur woke. He looked proudly at his sons, and wished he could spend his spare time in the nursery.
But no; Sunfur was the deputy of ThunderClan. He could not spend time with his kits often.
A flash of thunder made the kits squeal. Rainfur kissed the black kit, and it swatted her nose.
Rainfur chuckled. "Your name is Darkkit." she said, looking at Sunfur.
Sunfur began to groom the orange one.
"I'm calling you Firekit." he said, thinking of the great hero, Firestar.
At last, they both looked at the brown one with icy blue eyes, and said together.
"You're Icekit."
The kits grew fast. Soon they were apprentices, Darkpaw, Icepaw and Firepaw.
These are their adventures.
Chapter Two:
Icepaw looked carefully around her, and spotted a mouse.
She dropped down in a stalking position, and attacked the mouse.
Sadly, it had escaped the seven moon apprentice.
"Forestheart, I didn't catch it." she said, with a sad tone.
Forestheart, a kind and gentle mentor licked Icepaw's forehead.
"You'll have your chance to catch pr---" she paused, and a black apprentice tried to knock Forestheart down.
"How was that, Daedraheart?" Darkpaw said, excited.
Daedraheart, as a kit, had been part of Night-Eye Clan for a while, and as a result, she was very cranky.
"You didn't even attack Forestheart." she snapped, turning away.
"You did excellent, Darkpaw." Forestheart said, barring her teeth at Daedraheart.
Firepaw and her mentor, Wingtail padded over to the four cats.
"What's the matter here?" Wingtail meowed.
Darkpaw looked at his paws.
"I don't want to train anymore." he said, going towards the ThunderClan camp.
Icepaw sighed, sadness heavy in her heart. She looked up at Forestheart, and then at Firepaw.
"Do you want to train together?" Forestheart asked Firepaw and Icepaw.
Icepaw's sadness was immediately gone.
"Yes!" she mewed.
It was the same for five moons. Darkpaw trying his hardest to be an apprentice, and Daedraheart telling him he was doing it wrong.
Then, on the day before he became a warrior, a horrible thought popped into his head.
"What if I conquered the forest? Daedraheart would see how good I am..." he thought with a grin pasted on his face.
The next day, Lovestar jumped onto the highrock and called the three apprentices, Darkpaw, Firepaw and Icepaw to join him.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather under the highledge for a clan meeting!" she yowled, not noticing Darkpaw's smug grin.
The cats of ThunderClan gathered under the highrock, and Lovestar stepped forward.
"I, Lovestar, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turns. Icepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan, even at the cost of your life?"
Icepaw took a deep breath, and bravely spoke.
"I do."
"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Icepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Icepelt. Starclan honors your courage and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."
Icepelt stepped off the highrock, and sat next to Sunfur proudly.
Firepaw stepped next to Lovestar, and looked at the cats of ThunderClan.
"Firepaw,' Lovestar looked into Firepaw's eyes, 'do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan, even at the cost of your life?"
Firepaw nodded.
"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Firepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Firefrost. Starclan honors your compassion and friendship, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."
Firefrost jumped off the highrock, a new sense of bravery now within her. She joined her mother, father and sister and looked up at Darkpaw.
"Darkpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan, even at the cost of your life?"
Darkpaw growled and wanted to say no, but nodded like Firefrost had.
"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Darkpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Darkheart. Starclan honors your strength and wit, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."
"Darkheart.' Darkheart said to himself, 'I like that."
Lovestar smiled, and the clan returned to their previous buisness.
Then, Darkheart padded over to Firefrost.
"Firefrost,' he said, 'Meet me at the abandoned twoleg place tonight."
Firefrost's eyes glimmered.
"But we have to do our silent vigil!" she meowed.
Darkheart grinned.
"Exactly. Tell you what, if you come, i'll let you be my new deputy."
Firefrost stared at him, confused.
"You mean..."
Darkheart nodded. "Yes, I'm going to overthrow Lovestar and rule ThunderClan."
About an hour later, Firefrost and a bunch of cats, ThunderClan, rogues and a few ShadowClan cats were sitting in the abandoned Twoleg nest, waiting for Darkheart to speak.
"Hello, future cats of DarkClan." he said, looking brave.
"We are going to overthrow Lovestar and conquer ThunderClan."
Firefrost had no more doubt for her brother. She felt confident that it would work...
Chapter Three:
Darkheart padded into camp three days later, and sat by his mother, Rainfur.
"Where is dad?" he asked, wondering where his father had gone.
Rainfur looked at her paws.
"He recieved a prophecy. 'Sun will fade into dawn and rule the wind.' He's gone to WindClan to find out what it means.
Darkheart grinned. He turned and nodded to Firefrost, and the attack began.
It was horrible and gruesome, and eventually ThunderClan began to overpower Darkheart's small army.
"Go." whispered Firefrost in her dying breath.
Darkheart slipped out of the camp, unseen or unheard.
About a half-season later, Darkheart had located his father, Sunfur. He was now Dawnstar of WindClan, and was ruling his clan well.
Dawnstar smiled when he saw his son.
"Welcome, Darkheart! What can I do for---' he stopped, and looked at the blood tangled in Darkheart's fur.
"Get into the den, now." Darkheart hissed, entering the leader's den.
"What is this about?" Dawnstar said, an angry tone to his voice.
Darkheart snarled.
"Get out of WindClan. Tell this clan that you have been called away from StarClan, and I am to succeed you. Or I will do to you what I did to ThunderClan."
Dawnstar hissed, and left his den.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather under the Tallrock for a clan meeting!"
Darkheart joined his father on the rock, and grinned as the clancats gathered.
"I have both good and bad news,' Dawnstar said, 'The bad news is that StarClan has called me away from the clanlands, but the good news is my son, Darkheart, will succeed me."
The cats of WindClan hissed and snarled.
"So, wish me luck." Dawnstar said, leaving the camp immediately.
The minute Dawnstar had left, Darkheart stood strong and grinned.
"Welcome to DarkClan. If you wish to join me, meet in my den. If not, you will be chased out." he grinned, jumping off the Tallrock and padding into his new den.
About twenty cats were in his den, awaiting orders.
"Only twenty of you?" Darkheart said, peeking outside.
Then, a gorgeous she-cat caught his attention.
"You there!" he snarled.
The she-cat turned. "Me? Morninglight?" she said, alarmed.
Darkstar grinned.
"Yes, you. I've selected you to be my mate."
Morninglight snarled.
"Over my dead body."
Darkstar grinned.
"Sleep on it. You'll come clawing to me sooner or later."
Morninglight looked at him, a bit of compassion in her eyes, and looked away.
'What would Watersong do?' she asked herself, thinking of her lost mother.
She shook her head, and padded back into the warrior's den to get some rest.
-Will be continued soon. <3-