16 years, 2 months & 3 days ago

8th Jan 2009 04:52
Never brag about anything! It will come back to haunt you.
Happy New Year!
16 years, 2 months & 11 days ago

31st Dec 2008 04:53
My New Years resolution is to be around a bit more. That is if the electric company can see it's way clear to keeping the power going!!!
Still Around.
16 years, 3 months & 16 days ago

25th Nov 2008 07:18
I have dropped by for a few to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving. The family health problems have improved but not in the sense that they have gone away. Basicly it's my 89 year old mother in law. She has spent most of this year in and out of rehab. She's a very stubborn lady and refuses to acknowledge she is getting older. So she walks away from her walker and falls. About once a month we've had her in the hospital. This time she has decided for herself that maybe the nursing home is safer. At least now I can be at my computer and not hear that dreaded sound of her hitting the floor. It is at the point now where she CAN NOT Fall again.
Maramailing me.
17 years, 6 months & 18 days ago

24th Aug 2007 07:22
Hi to everyone who has maramailed me.I'm sorry I can't answer all the mail I get. I really wish I could.
Please use the help forums or the help link http://www.maraforce.com/?Submit=Gaming+Help
if you can't find something. By the time I can get to most people they are off line. If it's a problem with your account please scroll down and click on the "contact us" link at the bottom of the page.
To those who have asked my puppy is almost 4 months old and is a Mini Dapple Dashchund