Changing my mind.
12 years & 22 days ago

19th Feb 2013 08:50
I decided to start collecting and helping others collect. So I found I had a gold Doyle that seems to be high on the Photo collection list. But It's my portal pet! So I changed my mind about getting another pet. Now I need to find it a job

My own Big Bang Theory horror!
12 years & 25 days ago

16th Feb 2013 18:51
My Neurologist got me hooked on this show. Seems the last time he upgraded my computer brain feed I wound up with an eidetic (photographic) memory for 3 days. The Sheldon character supposedly has the same thing. Well, let me tell you if you don't have a photographic memory count your blessings. I know why Sheldon doesn't drive. Imagine remembering every vehicle you pass forever! On the drive home I had to close my eyes(my husband drives) ! I drove my whole family crazy with a running commentary of what had been going on all day. I still remember exactly what went on during that drive home including what people on the street were wearing.
This,however might be why they are trying it on people with Alzheimers.
12 years & 29 days ago

12th Feb 2013 07:13
Looks like we are going to have more snow around here yet again. Had the grand kids home yesterday. I'll be busy today catching up on stuff I missed doing around the house.
12 years, 1 month & 4 days ago

6th Feb 2013 08:45
Wow found my old notebook with my pet goals! Time to work with my pets!
New Year old me!
12 years, 1 month & 8 days ago

2nd Feb 2013 16:55
Wow 2 years and it's just the same. I love to come home to old haunts.