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  1. My beautiful country
    27th Jan 2010 10:28
    15 years, 1 month & 14 days ago
  2. kalipirs & kusac is my photo portal pet.
    21st Jan 2010 23:39
    15 years, 1 month & 20 days ago
  3. Missions and Goals
    31st Dec 2009 17:11
    15 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
  4. People who help me.
    18th Nov 2009 08:40
    15 years, 3 months & 23 days ago
  5. About me
    18th Nov 2009 08:30
    15 years, 3 months & 23 days ago
  6. My dream pets
    10th Nov 2009 16:41
    15 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
  7. So called oldies yelling at poor so called newbies
    12th Oct 2009 21:35
    15 years, 4 months & 30 days ago
  8. My own mara goals
    26th Aug 2009 00:50
    15 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
  9. My Gallery
    13th Aug 2009 22:20
    15 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
  10. Poem
    3rd May 2009 23:50
    15 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
My dream pets
15 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
10th Nov 2009 16:41

-ice fairy/villain quell
-cotton candy/punk sindi
-seasonal/baby chibs
-snowman dakota
-killer/cotton candy tasi
-space fairy/skater snookle
-eleka /starry /rainbow/ seasonal / christmas viotto
-inside out/zombie yuni
-sport/polar figaro

So called oldies yelling at poor so called newbies
15 years, 4 months & 30 days ago
12th Oct 2009 21:35

This Is From Kagamine's blog.

And I totally agree with her. <3
In November last year, I quit going on the forums. I stopped posting on restricted, my favourite place to chat, and lurked on the forums. I only come on now for trading purposes, on PC & Pets, and rarely graphics.
You know why?
So called oldies yelling at poor so called newbies.

I've been on this site for a long time now, a hell lot more then these so called 'oldies' that call themselves cool.
I was lurking one time on the pets forum, looking for good trades and do you know what I found? Probably a 2 day old just-joined newbie trying to trade a jessup for a chibs. People came, and flamed him. They hated him. It was disgusting to watch.
I took a stand. You know what happened then, when I told them that THEY were newbies once themselves, and they made mistakes too? I got hate mail.

That's not only one time that I've seen this, I've seen it a lot. Sure, 2 years ago it would still happen, but it was rarely. To all of you 'oldies' with 2 million user id's that say 'newbies have taken over' your WRONG.
YOU were once a newbie. The other people on the other side of that computer screen isn't a robot. They have feelings. They're probably wondering, 'Why are these people yelling at me? I'm just trying to get this cute kitty on my profile.' It's getting out of hand. Seriously.

Which brings us to problem deux - Popularity. I mean, SERIOUSLY. What is up with the forums these days? Anybody who isn't 'popular' with like, a gabillion posts and a funky username, can't talk? Just get ignored? That happens ALOT now. On every forum, except SPAM&Entertainment. Take graphics, for example. I'm on a PROTEST for that forum. Their could be the best graphics maker ever trying to advertise there graphic, but your going to ignore it because that persons name isn't Rein.
I'm serious.
Popularity is a HUGE thing on this site right now. I remember awhile ago, before 80% of you all joined[You so called oldies, yet again.] popularity didn't MATTER. It seriously did not matter. Nobody cared if you had 1 or 10,000 posts. People didn't care what stupid user ID you were.

And i'll continue, in my short rant, to number 3 - Groups. Say your in a group sort of like the fmie, except its on restricted. You and your group-members declare themselves 'cool' and make a forum. Another non-group member tries to post on it, and you start flaming them. I mean COME ON. What happened to the forums on this site?

There was NO popularity, NO groups, NO newbie bashing and no 'cool populars who know everything and we should worship them because they say that they're cool. '

In conclusion, THE FORUMS SUCK.
I seriously mean, they suck. They're not great all.

And to you damn people who say the moderator's arn't doing there job, how about YOU try to moderator a forum for a chance? Ask Ian to make you mod for a day. YOU try taking care of all of these problems at once. Give them a BREAK. There doing the best they can!

My own mara goals
15 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
26th Aug 2009 00:50

My goals here are =

1. to have all my dream pets
-Azkania=my sparkle zoosh [x]
-Might= my goblin mordo[x]
-Zampiria=my fire fairy poera[x]
-Almaira= my pixie troit[x]
-karenina=my light fairy lati[x]
-chibs= my furry chibs[x]
-villain/ice fairy quell
-cotton candy sindi
try to get it by completing mission=

2. have an extra pets gift box. meaning i want to have a lot of

3. complete all mission. goals and doing a lot of quest
-Circuss Mission[x]
-trunx mission[x]
-rusty mission[x]

-Enpiah goals[x]
-Lush lake goals[x]
-Puchalla village[x]
-Gigantic paradise[x]

4. have a complete collectable item.: glowing eggs [63/70], hidden avie, stamps, photo, battle cards,pearls etc
5. have all the female costume=
-blitzen female costume[x]
-elf female costume[x]
-halloween snowman female costume[x]
-teenage witch female costume[x]
-island female costume[x]
-chibs female costume[x]
-Drummer female costume[x]
-female villain costume[x]
-crikey female costume(x)
-figaro female costume(x)
-mental female costume(x)
-fire fairy female costume(x)

not yet
-female ball dress costume
-female hero costume
-female nevarious costume
-female grimme reaper costume
-female pirate costume
-female mermaid costume
-female trailer costume
-female undying fairy costume
-female fasoro costume
-female snookle costume
i will try to get it from the goals
-female digital costume
-female baspinar costume
-female eleka costume

6. have all the trophy
7. have a lot of mp, bp and rp

My Gallery
15 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
13th Aug 2009 22:20

what i have in my gallery is not an expensive gallery. their just everything in marapets that look nice to collect. most of the item here i get it myself by restocking, doing mission, goals and quest. this also a place for me to save my items for mision or goals. what i have here is=

minipet food, pearl, gumball,jacket potato, books,cds,dvds, mini[pets,fish,bugs,dna],delicious food/cake, ice schulpture,poop, toys,instrument, cooking ingredient,plushies, photo and etc.

for a month or more my edit gallery is not working so it look so plain and borring. i hope Ian and the staff could fix it soon.sad.gif.

this is the items i still need for gallery=


allen,anjet,anuriah, batz, dasher, erto, mailo, buckaroo, chevron, chook, devil, diamond, efall dino, fawlt, fild, filondor, flaydor, flayee, gazilionaire,gingerbread, gobby, grouchy, hick, james, jezebel, kuork, laiyee, lela, lidge, liiing, lost, lurve, lush, miort, mugen, naoen, napoleon, olvic, peiko, pingi, plug, pinto, plump, plynx,psyclone, pugwash, pumkin, pumpkin ed, punk, reon, rweek, schmog, scrooge, serri, shilpy, snowman, sobek, tinsel, treat, tres, tweblud, ush, valentino, yoop, yule, zax, zound.

most the items is not in ss or over a mill.
i will buy if it's under 100k. except some that i'm trying to get it through mission and goals.

jacket potato=

15 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
3rd May 2009 23:50

*Beautiful day is*

- when you realize today is a holiday
- when you wake up in the morning and you realize there???s a smile on your face
- when you got a call someone you love and waiting is coming home
- when you hear there???s a hard rain outside but you warm and comfotable inside your house, sitting in the sofa with a blanket on, while holding a cup of hot coco
- after long hard rain you open the window and see the sun shine and hear the bird sing
- sitting together side by side with your love one, silent. watching the sunset
- got a big winning lotere
- finally in the office you got promotion that you deserve and longing for
- the person you love say " i love you too"
- the project you are working for so long is finally done and your boss say " good job" to you
- and a lot of things that make???s you smile, make you laugh, make you warm and fuzzy inside, make you sleep well and make you thanks to god for all the things that you had and feel in this beautiful day
- but the most beautiful day is when you finally realize that god already give so much to you and you realize there???s nothing more you desire most than the love of your god


*air & angels*

twice or thrice had i lov???d thee,
before iknew thy face or name;
so in a voice, so in shapeless flame
angels effect us oft, and worsipp???d be;
still when, to where thou wert, I came
so me lovely glorius nothing i did see
but since my soul, whose child love is
takes limbs of flesh, and else could nothing do
more subtle than the parent is
love must not be, but take abody too,
I bid love ask, and now
that it assume thy body, I allow
and fix itself in thy lip, eye and brow
whilst thus to ballast love I thought,
and so more steadily to have gone
with wares which would sink admiration
I saw I had love??? pinnace overfraught
ev???ry thy hair for love to work upon
is much too much some fitter must be sought
for, nor in nothing, nor in things
extreme and scatt???ring bright, can love in here
then as an angel, face and wings of air
not pure as it, yrt pure, doth wear, so
my love may be my love, sphere just such disparity
as is twixt air and angels purity
twixt women love and men???s will ever be


*Love Philoshopy*

the fountains mingle with the river
and the river with the ocean,
the winds of heaven mix forever
with a sweet emotion;
nothing in the world is single
all things by law divine
in one another being mingle
why not I with thine?
see the mountains kiss high heaven
and the waves clasp one another
no sister flower would be forgiven
if it???s disdained it???s brother
and sunlight clasps the earth
and the moonbeams kiss the sea
what are all these kissing worth
if thou kiss not me?


  1. My beautiful country
    27th Jan 2010 10:28
    15 years, 1 month & 14 days ago
  2. kalipirs & kusac is my photo portal pet.
    21st Jan 2010 23:39
    15 years, 1 month & 20 days ago
  3. Missions and Goals
    31st Dec 2009 17:11
    15 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
  4. People who help me.
    18th Nov 2009 08:40
    15 years, 3 months & 23 days ago
  5. About me
    18th Nov 2009 08:30
    15 years, 3 months & 23 days ago
  6. My dream pets
    10th Nov 2009 16:41
    15 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
  7. So called oldies yelling at poor so called newbies
    12th Oct 2009 21:35
    15 years, 4 months & 30 days ago
  8. My own mara goals
    26th Aug 2009 00:50
    15 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
  9. My Gallery
    13th Aug 2009 22:20
    15 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
  10. Poem
    3rd May 2009 23:50
    15 years, 10 months & 8 days ago