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  1. Looking forward to my holiday!
    27th Jul 2015 14:56
    9 years, 7 months & 17 days ago
Looking forward to my holiday!
9 years, 7 months & 17 days ago
27th Jul 2015 14:56

Hello ,
My 1st try at anything like this will be about my holiday in 9 days to Bloodstock music festival. I will be traveling to London by train first before taking a coach up to Derbyshire. This is my 1st holiday in 9 years. It is camping for 4 nights with music on 3 nights. I will miss my 3 cats but am really looking forward to camping. Having been super prepared getting the two males that are accompanying me to be has been an upward March. Each work shifts so getting all together at the same point can be a challenge but we manage every few days to catch up for a few hours hear and there. I live in Sussex, for any who don't know where that is, it's in the southeast of England, South from London. It is a nice part of the county but to expensive to find affordable housing for working class, my partner works and I Am unable to work from nerve damage so getting a chance to go away is a miracle in itself, the festival is about three hours drive from London on the coach which is enought of travelling for me. When it was 40 days to go I started a countdown on my fridge, not sure if it has been more of a pain than not, keeps my mind on the subject everytime im in it. I currently am working on a sign to hang on my pull along suitcase, keeps me busy when my body permits, plan to make on cardboard and wrap in celotape to keep water proof. This will be an exciting four days, hard work, and a challenge as I am in normal camp not disabled as I want to be in the normal one. All the work will be worth the pain.

  1. Looking forward to my holiday!
    27th Jul 2015 14:56
    9 years, 7 months & 17 days ago