My Goals for 2018 (A little late but...)
7 years, 1 month & 8 days ago

16th Feb 2018 09:58
1. Reach 1000 Plushies in my collection.
2. Complete Hector.
3. Recycle 250 cans.
4. 500 Computer Repair Quests.
5. 1000 Explorer Quests.
6. Go up the wardrobe highscores list.
7. Reach 525 Stamps
8. Feed Severus 3300 Gourmet Foods.
5 Item Priority Savings List
7 years, 1 month & 9 days ago

15th Feb 2018 10:45
1. Summer Costume [X]
2. Sleepy Costume []
3. Rebel Jacket []
4. Seagulls [x]
- Dear Prongs You have been sent a Seagulls from Eira!
Reply to Eira
5. Track Jacket []
Alohomora Secret Santa Sign Ups!
7 years, 3 months & 13 days ago

12th Dec 2017 05:34
If you're a member of my club feel free to sign your name.
This will work how a secret santa works in real life. When you sign up I will allocate you a person and you will have to buy them a gift of some kind.
Sign ups will be open until the 18th of December.
You will then have to send your gift between the the 24th and 1st January

If you would like to take part it would be advisable to update your wishlists