Lost Socks Chat Games
4 years, 5 months & 11 days ago

7th Oct 2020 09:04
Lost Socks
Battle Quiz - A themed quiz where each question answered correctly will get a diamond.
Five minute dress up - At the start of this, the person running the event will pick 1 item (under 5k) or a particular colour. Participants will have exactly 5 minutes to scramble to create a look for this item or colour. Entries posted after 5 minutes will be disqualified.
Guess the item -
Variation 1 - The person running the event will look in their attic or gallery for an item to give away. This can be any value. Then participants will ask yes or no questions to try and deduce what the item is. They can't ask more than one question or guess at a time. They have to wait until their question is answered before guessing or asking a question again. First person to guess correctly wins the item.
Variation 2 - Same as above for rules on guessing but this time the prize will be either a slate, rune or toy block. And the host will pick a theme (Movies, Tv shows, etc) and then everyone guesses something beginning with a specific letter to see if that was the letter of the block/rune or slate.
Hangman - The person running the event will use a theme (Marapets, jobs, food etc) and they will pick an item. Each person can guess one letter at a time or guess the whole phrase or word at a time. Then once the person running it says whether it's right or wrong they can guess again.
Normal quiz - Participants scores are added up and the highest scoring wins a prize.
Story Time - Participants sign up and are given a number. All the participants will then write two sentences and send the last one they wrote to the next person. Once the last person has finished their sentences, they will send their last one to the host. The host will then say it's completed in chat. The first person will post their sentences, followed by everyone else. This can be hilarious.
The Hunger Games - This is a longer game spread over time. Each day some participants will be knocked out and some will survive for another night in the arena. There's an automatic system that decides who does what. Participants pick which district they are in at the start and then watch and wait as the story unfolds.
Quick Questing - The host stipulates a specific quest and a task. Then all who want to participate will do that task. For example, get an ironic or funny Snowman or Secret Santa Quest or see who can get the most Yarn out of 10 Farming Quests.
Unscramble - The person running the event will use a theme (Marapets, jobs, food etc) and they will pick an item to scramble. They will then post it in chat and the person who unscrambles it first wins.