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  1. pet prices
    3rd Mar 2009 13:35
    16 years & 10 days ago
  2. Stat guide
    11th Aug 2008 15:25
    16 years & 7 months ago
  3. costumes worth
    13th Jul 2008 20:23
    16 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
    27th Nov 2007 12:54
    17 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
pet prices
16 years & 10 days ago
3rd Mar 2009 13:35

Arinya - Currently unknown
Chibs 9 mil
Daisy 500k
Dakota 4.5mil
Ercuw(firefairy, vortex and spacefairy) - 4 mil
Plain Ercuw - 3.5mil
Huthiq 1 mil
Kronk 2mil
Lati 5mil (Love - 5-5.5mil, Valentines 5-6mil, Cowboy - 5mil)
Mordo 3.5mil
Nino 3 mil
Oglue 1.2mil
Phanty 1mil
Poera 950k
Quell 8.5mil
Rofling 22-25mil
Rusty 2.5 mil
Sindi (punk and cc) 4 mil
Plain Sindi - 3.5mil
Snookle 3mil
Troit 2.5mil
Viotto 8mil
Yuni 8 mil
Zoink 1.2mil
Zoosh 2mil

If the pet comes as a potion with a costume then you go off how much the potion is worth

Costume Estimated Value
Angel 25 mil+
Armoured 3mil
Baby 35mil
Balloon 500k
Black - 600k
Blue - 600k
Bronze - 350k
Brown - 40k
Burnt - 40k
Camouflage 12 mil
Checkered 10mil
Cheese 4mil
Chinese 1 mil
Chocolate 700k
Christmas 850k
Clown - 190k
Cottoncandy 300k
Dark 8mil
Devil 1.5mil
Digital - 200k
Earthfairy - 800k
Eleka 2 mil
Elf 3.5 mil
Emo - 600k
Enpiah 1mil
Explorer - 500k
Fairy 8mil
Fat 750k
Fire 10mil
Fire Fairy - 300k
Funky 1mil
Furry - 250k
Geek - 450k
Ghost 500k
Gingerbread - 800k
Glass 400k
Goblin - 350k
Gold - 450k
Gothic 8mil
Green - 150k
Grey - 250k
Halloween 5mil
Hobo 8 mil
Ice 600k
Icefairy 1.5mil
Insideout 800k
Light 750k
Light Fairy - 600k
Lightening 800k
Love 12mil
Mermaid 25mil
Millionaire 1mil
Musical - 450k
Nefarious 800k
Ninja - 225k
Old 15 mil
Orange - 350k
Pink - 215k
Pirate 1.5mil
Pixie 1mil
Plant 700k
Plushie 500k
Princess 400k
Punk 350k
Purple - 230k
Radioactive - 230k
Rainbow 25mil
Recycled 800k
Red - 215k
Robot 800k
Rotten 100k
Royal 10mil
School 400k
Seasonal 60 mil
Shaved - 60k
Silver - 130k
Simerian - 800k
Skater 650k
Skeleton - 170k
Sketch - 500k
Skinny - 150k
Slime 400k
Snow - 375k
Snowman - 850k
Space - 300k
Space Fairy - 500k
Sponge - 130k
Starry 7.5mil
Stoneage 2.5mil
Superhero - 500k
Toddler - 250k
Underwater 2mil
Undying Fairy - 500k
Vortex - 500k
Voodoo 1 mil
Water 10mil
White - 225k
Witch 6mil
Wizard 60mil
Yellow - 150k

Some cossies are a lot less when trading as you can get them through the temple

Mummy - 500k (15mil from the shop)
Prison - 500k (60-75mil from the shop)
Mutant - 500k (250mil from the shop)
Zombie - 500k (250mil from the shop)

10-15 in all but level would be worth a Phanty, Poera or Zoink Daisy, Huthiq

20-25 in all but level would be worth a Kronk, Oglue, or Zoosh

30-35 in all but level would be worth a Troit, Rusty, Nino, Snookle

40-45 in all but level would be worth a Dakota, Ercuw, Sindi

50-55 in all but level would be worth a Lati

55-65 in all but level would be worth a Chibs or Yuni, Quell

70-80 - Plain Viottos

85-95 - Cossied Viotto

150+ in all but level would be worth a rofling.

If your trading your non-le for another non-le then it is all about preference

Stat guide
16 years & 7 months ago
11th Aug 2008 15:25

Pet Stats


20+ in all but level


30+ in all but level
Snookle 35+ in al but level




40+ in al but level
Quell 45+ in all but level

55-60+ in all but level

75+ in all but level

90+ in all but level
Rofling 155+ in all but level

costumes worth
16 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
13th Jul 2008 20:23

Costume Estimated Value
Angel 20 mil+
Armoured 700k-1 mil
Baby 20 mil+
Balloon 500k
Camouflage 12 mil+
Checkered 8 mil
Cheese 4 mil
Chinese 3 mil?
Chocolate 500-700k
Christmas 400-500k
Cottoncandy 300k
Dark 7-9 mil
Devil 400-500k
Eleka 700k-1 mil
Elf 3.5 mil
Enpiah 400-600k
Fairy 4-5 mil
Fat 300-400k
Fire 7 mil+
Funky 400-500k
Ghost 250k+
Glass 400k
Gothic 9 mil?
Halloween 4 mil
Hobo 4-5 mil
Ice 600k
Icefairy 400k
Insideout 400k
Light 500k
Lightening 500-800k
Love 14 mil
Mermaid 12 mil?
Millionaire 1 mil
Nefarious 400k
Old 8 mil
Pirate 2 mil
Pixie 400k
Plant 400k
Plushie 450k
Princess 600k
Punk 350k
Rainbow 20 mil
Recycled 250k+
Robot 500k
Rotten 400k
Royal 3-3.5 mil
School 400k
Seasonal 50 mil+
Skater 400k
Slime 400k
Starry 6 mil+
Stoneage 500k
Underwater 800k
Voodoo 1 mil
Water 13+ mil
Witch 3 mil
Wizard 14 mil

17 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
27th Nov 2007 12:54

my dream pet is a gothic sindi. It has been my dream pet since I joined. Please help me get one by buying my items in my shop and in my trades. Thanks

  1. pet prices
    3rd Mar 2009 13:35
    16 years & 10 days ago
  2. Stat guide
    11th Aug 2008 15:25
    16 years & 7 months ago
  3. costumes worth
    13th Jul 2008 20:23
    16 years, 7 months & 29 days ago
    27th Nov 2007 12:54
    17 years, 3 months & 15 days ago