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  1. Music+Asia=MY LIFE
    19th Oct 2009 16:38
    15 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  2. Anime???
    19th Oct 2009 16:21
    15 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  3. One on One: Demon Wars
    26th Jul 2009 22:07
    15 years, 7 months & 16 days ago
  4. Staff Do Not Ban Me!
    4th Feb 2009 19:08
    16 years, 1 month & 6 days ago
  5. One on One: Warriors
    4th Jan 2009 17:13
    16 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  6. Images and Color
    23rd Dec 2008 22:43
    16 years, 2 months & 19 days ago
  7. Am I more boy or girl?
    16th Nov 2008 17:40
    16 years, 3 months & 25 days ago
Music+Asia=MY LIFE
15 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
19th Oct 2009 16:38

Kya! xD I just love Asian Music. My world mostly revolves around Kpop and Jpop. I'm still understanding what Visual Kei is, though I know I've listened to the style. I've also listened to Jrock. Weeeeeeeee. Oki. So like here is a list of my adored singers/bands. ^-^
Note: Names with * are my favorites.

-Big Bang*
-F.T. Island*
-Super Junior
-Wonder Girls
-Brown Eyed Girls
-Rain Bi*********
-Super Nova
-Zin Tae Hwa
-Baek Ji Young
-Heart and Mind
-miss A*
-Son Dambi
-After School*
-C.N. Blue
-Lee Minwoo
-Gil Hak Mi*
-Orange Caramel

And right now, that is all I care to remember. Such a long, unnesscary list. T.T

-Aural Vampire
-Utada Hikaru
-Nana Kitade
-Abingdon Boys School*
-T.M. Revolution*
-Do As Infinity
-One Ok Rock
-An Cafe
-Kanon Wakeshima***
-Miyano Mamoru
-Aya Hiarno
-The Gazette
-Girls Dead Monster*
-Girl Next Door

No where near as long and I can't remember them all. Oh well. xD

15 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
19th Oct 2009 16:21

Oki, so in the time about three years ago when my anime obsession was created, I have finished very few anime. I will admit I kind of stopped caring about it for a while and that I have the tendency to not finish...anything. I also find it sad to waste my life on it, but I'm not as bad as my younger sister. Yes, I'm still somewhat sane, making good grades in all my classes (Currently in 9th Grade) except for Science Pre-Ap, but hey, Science is a butt. Anywho, now onto the main reason for this blog.
I would like to share my favorites, finished, and currently watching with everyone of the world! So here comes the list. ^-^
Note: Titles with a * are Favorites.

-Angel Beats*
-Black Butler*
-Ghost Hunt*
-Hakushaku to Yousei*
-Hatsukoi Limited*
-Jugoku Shoujo
-Junjou Romantica
-Junjou Romantica 2
-Karin Chibi Vampire
-La Corda D'oro ~Primo Passo~*
-La Corda D'oro -Secondo Passo~*
-Lucky Star*
-Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro*
-Makai Senki Disgaea
-Murder Princess
-Nodame Cantabile*
-Nodame Cantabile Paris-Hen*
-Nodame Cantabile Finale*
-Ouran High School Host Club*
-Rozen Maiden*
-Rozen Maiden Traumend*
-Rozen Maiden Ouvterture
-Saiyuki Reload*
-School Days
-Skip Beat*
-Special A*
-Vampire Knight*

I must be special to have alphabetize it all. If you would like to suggest any good anime to watch, please do!

Currently Watching:
-Kaichou wa Maid-sama
-Black Butler 2
-K-On 2

Fun Fun! :3

One on One: Demon Wars
15 years, 7 months & 16 days ago
26th Jul 2009 22:07

A Sould Pledged to the Darkness

A contract is created between the two, Human and Demon, to fulfill the desires of the chosen human. In exchange, the soul of the human belongs to the demon for eternity. The only way the two are able to get what is being wished, is for them to win the game, Demon Wars, a game that consist of constant fighting and killing to obtain a rose ring that seals the contract between demons and humans. The winners, who have collected all rings, will have the desired and the demon power over all of the Demon Realm with the humans soul as a slave. The losers of the game will no longer cease exist. Once the contracts have been made, the game shall begin.

Either post here or maramail me if you are interested in doing a one on one for this plot. ^-^

Staff Do Not Ban Me!
16 years, 1 month & 6 days ago
4th Feb 2009 19:08

I share this computer and the laptop with my sis, Tigertazkat17, my bro, Slayer1997, and my cousing who is now currently living with us, KawaiiStrawberries. Rarely my friend comes over, VampireNightmares, and then there is my best friend, TheStarlessNights, but we usually are one two different computers but we might switch at times.

One on One: Warriors
16 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
4th Jan 2009 17:13

Twolegs had caused a great fire that had almost reached the Clans. Luckily, it stopped at the stream that flows through all territories, stopping any fire from passing. Still the Clan cats become afraid as they learn of new dark secrets that are hidden in the woods, and with the Twolegs creating more fires around the Clans, the cats are afraid that they will burn just like the Clans before them. Kind of rough but just go with the flow.

MoonClan- Was once known as ThunderClan, but once the original Clans fell, the ancient cats decided on a new name, also starting new Clan life.
AirClan- Was known as WindClan. They are still the fastest cats and love the open land.
IceClan- Were once the swimming cats of RiverClan.
NightClan- The cleverness and darkness of the ShadowClan cats still run through the NightClan Cats??? blood.

Name: Icestar
Gender: Female
Age: 24 moons (2 humans years)
Rank: Leader
Mentor: None
Apprentice: None (Later Moonpaw)
Clan: MoonClan
Personality: A caring leader who considers all suggestions and would die to save her Clan.
Description: Slim cat with grey pelt. Tip of tail, muzzle, and paws are black. Eyes are a icy blue.
Kits: None
Mate: None

Name: Moon (Later known as Moonpaw)
Gender: Female
Age: 7 moons
Rank: None (Later apprentice)
Mentor: Will be Icestar
Apprentice: None
Clan: None (Later MoonClan)
Personality: Can be rude and aggressive. Hates it when people pity her.
Description: White, long haired pelt and bright blue eyes that almost look white. Blind and very small.
Kits: None
Mate: None

Name: Shadowclaw
Gender: Male
Age: 21 moons
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: None
Apprentice: None
Clan: MoonClan
Personality: Loves to tease and help out apprentices. Is always up for a battle.
Description: Black pelt, big broad shoulders and muscles. Dark green eyes.
Kits: None
Mates: None

I will only do three for now. Later I will make some for some other Clans.

A stream flows between the Clans and the Twolegs nest. It separates the north borders of all Clans. At the end of the stream there is a pond that is part of all Clans. For gatherings they go onto the island by crossing over the twoleg bridge that was built many moons ago.

MM to do this Warriors topic, onexone!

  1. Music+Asia=MY LIFE
    19th Oct 2009 16:38
    15 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  2. Anime???
    19th Oct 2009 16:21
    15 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  3. One on One: Demon Wars
    26th Jul 2009 22:07
    15 years, 7 months & 16 days ago
  4. Staff Do Not Ban Me!
    4th Feb 2009 19:08
    16 years, 1 month & 6 days ago
  5. One on One: Warriors
    4th Jan 2009 17:13
    16 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  6. Images and Color
    23rd Dec 2008 22:43
    16 years, 2 months & 19 days ago
  7. Am I more boy or girl?
    16th Nov 2008 17:40
    16 years, 3 months & 25 days ago