Info : For New Players
4 years, 9 months & 28 days ago

15th May 2020 19:09
**************** General ****************
Notice the notification system (click on the dots, scroll down and confirm the changes) - use it so that you get notified when your selected activities are available to do.
(I think notifications are being worked on, as some of them are giving notice waaaay in advance of when they can be done. So find a notifier with the same time repeat interval that IS working and use that one for the one that isn't working - for example, I use the photo parlour reminder for missions)
Among other things, the very top line of the screen has the current Mara-time , and also has Players Online that you will need to use to do profile visiting in certain events.
Every hour on the hour, the site background changes from day to night, or the reverse. MP Bank and Knutt Knight quest are only open in Mara-daytime, Troll quest is only open in Mara-nighttime.
The background also changes with the different weathers and the seasons. Seasons are purely decorative - but different weathers have an impact on gameplay. In special weathers (like rain or tornado), some shops may close, some may have 2-for-1 specials, and there may be other changes too. Just scroll down a bit, there's another blog containing excerpts from the News that describes the changes for each weather. (If you get a message saying your wig has blown off, you don't need to buy a new one, just reload your selfie.)
About the Jelly Castle and Waffle Wobble forum threads - "There is no rule about tagging other players. If players want to know when it's jelly hour they can add this topic to their favourites and get an alert each time there is a post" .. so you might want to do that.
About Greedy Fairy : The header says she rewards whoever has most of an item in their gallery (it does not specify how many). But a staff member told me you must have at least 100 of the item to win. There used to be no requirement, I saw someone win with 2 ancient newspapers once.
Item Retirement
Every so often, items get retired from the main shops. This includes shops that require other forms of currency other than MP, such as BP, RP and OP. Every so often, check out the Retirement Planning "shop" in Puchalla Village. If something is going to be retired soon, grab a few of them. After an item is retired, the price will usually skyrocket in price.
Shop Restocking Times
The main shops restock every 5 minutes. If you get there right when a shop restocks, you have a better chance of getting a high rarity item.
The times :
Join one. There are no disadvantages.
It's a friendly atmosphere with a chat - and most have events/contests occasionally. You can display chat either statically (click on the messages logo at the top of the club page) or self-refreshing (via maratalk, I think). If you don't want to talk, you don't have to.
And clubs offer swaps - crystals, diamonds, photos and plates. There is a stockpile of those items in the swap area, so you can swap what you have too many of, for something you need.
Larger clubs probably have more in their swap storage, smaller ones are more intimate and may have special focuses like roleplaying or a particular type of music or ...
Maraforce has all kinds of info, microwave recipes, avatar lists, etc.
**************** Making MP ***************
1. Free Games
Play all the free games you can, easy to get startup MP
Games to play every day
- fairy flight, monty, quack mafia - give out stats and other prizes. Decide what reward you want, then get that score.
- pumpkin patch, at least until you've beaten the last level. Don't use the pumpkin rewards yet, wait until you find out what pumpkins you won't be able to get otherwise.
- pearl hurl, for both the level rewards and the score rewards
- jigsaw puzzle, hard mode
Read the descriptions of all the games - many give you a chance at a bigger reward, like AU or retired items
Most of the pay to play games are good for beginners too, maybe skip dukka dash for a while ... and dark fairy for a bigger while LOL
Definitely buy magazines and newspapers whenever you can. Buying older missing mags/papers gets expensive.
2. Quests
In doing quests, it is much cheaper to have stuff in your attic than to buy from user shops. When you are first starting out, you basically cannot afford to buy items from user shops. You want to buy items from the main shops and stock up your attic. Stick to doing quests that don't require you to have lots of everything in your attic, do those that only ask for items from one or two main shops.
Most quests require you to have lots of kinds of items, but a few do not, start with one of these. Get at least 30 of each item from the pertinent main shop(s) then you'll come out ahead on that quest. If an expensive item is asked for, let the quest time out. (And yes, there is a fairy that rewards you for total number of quests done.)
- Queen Bee - asks for flowers, perfume, ice cream, sugar cubes. I still skip the sugar cube ones sometimes and do other stuff. Sometimes gives very nice MP rewards, also gives nice wardrobe items (use the first one in your wardrobe, sell the others you get). Even now, if I'm out of MP and don't want to take any out of the bank, I do Queen Bee quests. I always keep a nice supply of flowers, perfume and ice cream ^_^
Edit: Queen Bee has been changed, and now asks for a much greater variety of items. If you're just starting, do garage or battle quests, try queen bee later.
- Garage - asks only for car parts, no special items given out tho
- Aquarium - After you've done worm digging enough to get a nice supply of worms, do this one. It gives out a scholarship every time you feed a fish. You will need these later on, but for now, sell them.
- Talon / Knutt Knight / Sumo Sally - No items needed, you get BP from all three, plus MP, feathers and plushies from Talon, and Diamonds from KK/SS. Many shops require BP - Newspapers, Magazines, Rapunzel's Tower, Glasses, Mummy Dolls, Potato Chips and Health Tonics.
Btw, KK is only open in Mara-daytime (every other hour), like the MP bank. (And Troll is only open in Mara-nioghttime)
Candy Tree isn't too bad, it only asks for items from two shops - Chocolate and Candy. But definitely build up a good supply of each in your attic first.
Long term money - Retired items
Go to Puchalla Village, then to Retirement Planning. You will see a list of items that will be retired from the main shops in the next few months. If you can manage to snag a few, they will be worth a lot later on.
3. MP and Items from Fairy Rewards
Many fairies that reward you for progress.
If you look at the bottom of many pages, one of the icons is for Rewards. Click it, there are many screens that have this link. If you click on one of the fairy names on that page, you can see what rewards are given out for what amount of progress.
Some rewards are specific for each pet, like Obese Fairy gives out rewards for how much gourmet food a pet has eaten. For these rewards, every pet has it's own progress level, and any stats given as rewards only apply to that pet.
Others are not pet-specific - they don't really apply to a particular pet, and any stat rewards apply to all your pets. Examples of these are rewards for your wardrobe, and your photo, plate, plushie and stamp collections ... and the total number of battles won by all pets combined. (No one in their right mind trains multiple battle pets, but someone might change which pet is their battle pet)
Start with wardrobe and gourmet food. Most people pick one pet to be their "everything pet", that one pet being the main pet for all pet-specific rewards. Since all fairy rewards include battle atats, that pet gets stronger faster, as opposed to one getting stats from gourmet foods, another getting stats from books etc.
Alternatively, some people have different pets collect different pet-specific rewards, to keep the lending fees lower for the pets. But eventually, the lending fees for all your pets are gong to be high and most people won't pay high fees.
Btw, gourmet food is defined as anything edible that has a rarity of 10 or higher. All worms, health tonics and pancakes are gourmet food. If you click on Check Price under an item (anywhere), the rarity is shown in the upper left, such as R14 means rarity 14. Many plants are gourmet foods, too. To tell if an item is edible, click in it, then click on Use Item. It won't use the item when you click there unless you confirm, so it's an easy way to tell what an item is for. I still have to do it on some items, to see what they are used for.
Gourmet foods are a nice money maker. - both to sell in your shop, and to get the obese fairy rewards
Wardrobe - get one of everything you can. Clothes, makeup, wigs, tattoos, Queen Bee items, guess the flag prize shirts, contact lenses, and some game rewards. And holograms/scenery/clothing/wigs from events. You can also get items from Trades and the AU shop but they aren't cheap.
4. Your User Shop
Keep it stocked, with anything. Once an item is in your shop, do a Check Price on it and price your item the same, or one MP less. Put a couple of the same items in. If it doesn't sell after a day, reprice it - again, one MP less than what Check Price shows.
There are always many people selling the same item and trying to be lowest price on the market. It doesn't matter. People are doing quests and need the items, and many people are told to get the same item at the same time. Some will get it from the main shop, then some will get it from shops priced a bit lower than yours, and then they will get yours.
Don't feel bad about selling items at 8-50k. Once you start making serious MP, that's still pretty cheap. It's how the system was designed, to allow us to earn MP.
Huge price cuts will just mean you will make less MP. It will not have a long-term effect on market prices. And those people buying from you will likely put it in their shops at a higher price. Most players will keep their prices where they were, knowing that the prices will return to normal in 1-7 days. Just price your items 1 MP less ^_^
5. Olympics
This isn't exactly making MP, but you can win OP (Olympic Points) from it. At first you won't win often, but do it anyways, there's no cost to doing it. The OP can be spent in the Olympics Shop, but stockpile them for a while. If something gets retired from this shop, the items will still be on the market but the price will skyrocket. If you have a nice amount of OP saved up, you may be able to buy the item that's retiring directly from the OP Shop.
********* Photos and Plates *********
This isn't something you need to do immediately, but be aware of it. If your pet changes due to operations portal or whirlpool, take at least one photo for your collection, maybe a few more to trade later. Same thing for minipets that change in Fasoro Falls (Ferris Wheel, Resort) for plates.
-- What photos and plates get you
Marada progress goal 61 requires 1000 plates in collection
Marada progress goal 73 requires 1500 photos in collection
Puchalla goal 49 requires 3000 photos in collection
But marada goal 75 does not require puchalla goal 49
Penitentiary reward is an Arinya (mission asks that specific photos be in collection)
Jester reward is a missing gourmet food (mission asks that specific plates be in collection)
-- Again, being in a club and using the photo/plate swap feature will help you grow your collection faster.
-- The Missing Photo and Missing Plate GiftBoxes are a great help. If you have one, you can go to trades, search for photos, then click on check price, on each photo you see. If you have the photo, you'll see a checkmark, if you don't, offer a photo they need that's about the same value.
*************** Giftboxes ************
Most are nice, get some. If you can't spend real money, you can buy AU from other players, current rate is about 2mil MP per AU. I would start with
- Shop Autopricer
- Pet Stats (to choose what pet gets game stat rewards)
- Doubles - crystals, diamonds, worms, university
- Attic - lets you sort your attic items (category, not location) by various criteria, mainly you can sort you photos/plates by price, so you can find one to offer in a trade
- Secondary - Clothing Rack (lots of quests ask for this stuff), Jelly Castle, Multiple Pet Olympics (if you have a bunch of pets)
Use your judgement - playing Swindler twice as often is nowhere near as beneficial as getting 2 worms from Worm Digging.
************** Battling ***************
***** Equipment
You need 2 matching weapons. Harvest Scythe is good but since it's retired, the price is now about 22k. If you can get them, do so.
If not, go for Chocolate Daggers. They are not retired, and their price varies.
You also need 2 matching healing items. Go for Staff of the Yuletide, in the weapons shop.
Armors are not needed, that part of battling is not working (I think)
They need to be equipped to your pet (your main pet!). Just click on the item in your inventory, and do Use Item. To remove them (like if you get better ones), you need to go to your pet's profile, click on weapons (in the circle) then click on the item you want to remove.
***** Healing with magic
edit : some healing items are currently broken, heal 0)
When healing during a battle, you can use both healing items and magic in the same turn. Eventually you will want to build up magic stats by doing Computer Repair Quests. The max amount of magic you can use is 5 times your pet's level.
But you won't want to use magic for a while. When you use 2 identical healing items and no magic, your total healing is THREE times the healing of one healing item. It's like having 3 healing items equipped.
If you use magic, your total heal is the sum of the healing of your TWO healing items (no bonus) plus the magic.
***** Opponents
You need some battle cards (opponents) to fight. These are cards for beginners, get them all and Use Item them to put them in your deck. There are 2 battle fairies, one rewards you for how many cards you have in your deck, the other rewards you for the number of battles you have fought.
Wild Minipets might be a little tough for beginners, See
This is a very useful site. Oops, sadly it is no longer usable.
--- Trading Cards shop
- Appy
- Gouda
- Housse
- Linuw
- Lunar
- Moola
- Pepperoni
- Pleon
- Pop
- Qikre
- Rubhd
- Snap
- Spex
- Tuin
- Uayl
- Zeew
--- Shop Search, fairly cheap
- Excavator
- Halloween Snowman
- Halloween Alien
- Mara
--- Should I fight this opponent?
If you lose, you will have no HP left and will have to heal at the Bubble Pin in Jenoa, or buy the Battle Giftbox that autoheals your pet after every battle. Don't count on being able to use the Bubble Pit a lot. After some random number of heals (can be one!) she will say she's too tired, come back tomorrow (after midnight Mara Time).
So if you're unsure, check the opponent out here, and see how much damage it does. .. Oops, sadly it is no longer usable
***** Battling
Go the battle screen and pick your opponent, and start battle.
The green circle around you and opponent is HP. You can click on the pictures of you and opponent to see current values.
If you don't have the Battle giftbox, and your pet's HP is low, heal firat
Click Heal
Select your two healing items, then heal.
You can heal more than once in a row if you like
Click Attack
Select Normal Attack and your two weapons, than attack
You may have to alternate between attacking and healing for some opponents.
* NOTE *
........ Even though your selected weapon and wand choices
........ are saved from one battle to the next, sometimes when
........ Ian does updates, those settings get undone. Always
........ look to see that you have attack on Normal and that
........ your weaps/wands are selected.
***** Training
Gym is for battling-type stats
Elite Gym stats are only for Olympics
Olympics use both gym and elite gym stats
Once you have a well-stocked attic, do Haunted House quests to get crystals, and train at gym.
Ciao and have a good time playing, if you think something needs added here, MT me or post here