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16:14:46 MST
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  1. Photos A-C
    18th Feb 2022 17:19
    3 years & 24 days ago
  2. Photos D-L
    18th Feb 2022 17:33
    3 years & 24 days ago
  3. Photos M-Q
    18th Feb 2022 17:48
    3 years & 24 days ago
  4. Photos R-Z
    18th Feb 2022 18:14
    3 years & 24 days ago
  5. A-C Plates
    15th Jan 2025 00:55
    1 month, 28 days & 14 hrs ago
  6. D-L Plates
    15th Jan 2025 00:33
    1 month, 28 days & 14 hrs ago
  7. M-Q Plates
    15th Jan 2025 01:34
    1 month, 28 days & 13 hrs ago
  8. R-Z Plates
    15th Jan 2025 03:31
    1 month, 28 days & 11 hrs ago
  9. open
    13th Feb 2025 12:26
    30 days, 2 hrs & 48 mins ago
  10. Info : Holiday Stuff, incl what costumes qualify
    20th Sep 2021 23:09
    3 years, 5 months & 22 days ago
Ancient History : Clubbies' Pets & Approx Fees, my pets' books etc.
17 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
2nd Jan 2008 15:17

ATM photo taking, alpha order by species
tigger68au - grey chibs
miko478 - black chibs
XKIZMET - grey chibs
leebak - yellow chibs
leebak - red chibs
CosmicDreams - red chibs
Tattogurl - grey doyle
XKIZMET - grey doyle
CosmicDreams - green doyle
katlanichia - blue doyle
stephy4554 - pink feliz
harleygirl281 - orange feliz
deveant - green feliz
wintergreen555 - red doyle
jimbogogo - green feliz
psycopinkpanther - grey gonk
jello_quean - green grint
CosmicDreams - blue grint
stephy4554 - yellow grint
prettymaxinne - red huthiq
XKIZMET - green huthiq
BBFishbone - grey phanty
CosmicDreams - green phanty

goals: if at/past the mission level needed for goals, you still have to do one more, then go directly to goals without doing anything else in between

i have a dark pet, cheap fees.

seacrets : cheap ice pet (2445) and snow pet (1465)

Check pet trades if chat and forum no help.

max profile/siggy 466 x 305

Clubbies' Pets & Fees/Petlevel. Work in progress. Fees approximate.
----------------------------------------------------------- abc123d
DeathsShadow--------Underwater Quell 5
thegame0------------Burnt Ideus 121
x0Zetly0x-----------Nefarious Daisy 7
----------------------------------------------------------- AbsolutNormal
AbsolutTaurus-------Nefarious Daisy 4
CaptJack------------Pirate Newth 7
DZuko---------------Funky Mordo 8
Desperation_--------Zombie Mordo 3
IHeartFlower--------Plant Reese 3
Jellicle------------Mutant Chibs 30
Kathys_Clown--------Clown Walee 7
ModernStoneage------Stoneage Knutt 47
Mr.Peepers_---------Camouflage Gonk 75
Princess__Bride-----Icefairy Phanty 4
Think_Tink----------Pixie Snookle 4
XxRydenxX-----------Gothic Sindi 5
v.vEdwardv.v--------Halloween Newth 5
-------------------------------------------------------------- Aesairas
Azriael-------------Fire Ercuw 37
Baast---------------Fairy Chibs 4
Cassaeira-----------Skeleton Kidlet 1
DarastrixUlhar------Wizard Ercuw 5
Elveron-------------Elf Mordo 5
Firethorne----------Green Knutt 2
Goddess_Hestia------Pixie Snookle 3
Leo_Larelick--------Royal Tantua 7
Lillith_Aurora------Voodoo Fasoro 16
Matrianna-----------Eleka Fasoro 4
Nissarianna---------Prison Daisy 5
Rhiannon_Fasara-----Angel Fasoro 4
Suikoden------------Icefairy Dakota 16
marphia-------------Ghost Xoi 6
speciality----------Zombie Lati 6
-------------------------------------------------------------- alezma2
Buck_Rogers---------Space Azul 61
Doy_Doyle-----------Skater Snookle 11
Gilly_pet-----------Nefarious Daisy 4
Jillian_2-----------Voodoo Fasoro 10
McCleod-------------Armoured Equilor 15
Ms_carpathia--------Devil Mordo 2
Pooh_B--------------Skater Crindol 9
Random_7------------Green Yakubi 1
adam_bishop---------Elf Mordo 12
allie_monique-------Halloween Poera 1
alvin2--------------Christmas Newth 9
diamondgirl2--------Royal Tantua 10
jengreen------------Seasonal Fasoro 14
ressurected---------Toddler Yuni 12
skyshaunna----------Icefairy Chibs 113
-------------------------------------------------------------- AngelGrace
Aletheia------------Fairy Fasoro 2
Amelia_Annette------School Addow 1
AngelLynna----------Angel Poera 2
Bianca_Rose---------Eleka Fasoro 17
Desyndra------------Angel Murfin 1
Funky_Cat-----------Funky Bolimo 4
Krystalyn_Rose------Pixie Fasoro 1
Love_Bandit---------Prison Feliz 3
Princess_Peni-------Princess Newth 2
Princess_Susie------Princess Phanty 3
Starla_Moone--------Ghost Fasoro 1
Summer_Myst---------Water Newth 2
Swiss_Miss----------Cheese Fasoro 9
WonderPenguin-------Superhero Newth 2
mySQLerror----------Prison Knutt
-------------------------------------------------------------- AngelRain
Abadora-------------Witch Reese 11
Aerainesce----------Nefarious Quell 3
Faithless-----------Pirate Newth 18
Formal--------------Grey Chibs 8
Giovectar-----------Purple Oglue 9
MaxV3---------------Space Quell 4
Mintierse-----------Pixie Renat 3
Mintte--------------Love Tantua 2
Oddcester-----------Rainbow Tantua 14
Oryena--------------Funky Sindi 11
Rasmar--------------Zombie Yuni 7
Talow---------------Gothic Tantua 7
-------------------------------------------------------------- Adzrad
Biffer--------------Space Zetlian 58
Corpus_Kronk--------Zombie Kronk 2
Count_Kronkula------Halloween Kronk 3
Da_Kronvict---------Prison Kronk 2
I_Kronk-------------Sponge Kronk 1
Kronkeh-------------Red Kronk 2
kr0nk---------------Black Kronk 2
-------------------------------------------------------------- austria
QuickWink-----------Fire Paffuto 6
island_bay----------Fairy Gonk 72
kingkong828---------Halloween Fasoro 51
sweety_828----------Nefarious Ideus 9
zombie1214----------Ghost Gonk 9
-------------------------------------------------------------- BBFishbone
BaBy_MuStUrEd-------Black Jessup 60
Halaloomapa---------Grey Doyle 1
Lomemo--------------Grey Phanty 1
--------------------------------------------------------- BlueEyedAngel77
Amber_Skye----------Prison Viotto 3
Flower_Power_x------Pink Leido 1
LittleReesesPie-----Halloween Reese 37
Little_Love_Bug-----Love Lati 2
Patrick__Casey------Prison Ercuw 6
Princess_Leyna------Princess Phanty 4
Summer_Raine--------Prison Rofling 2
Trinity_Grace-------Pixie Chibs 5
X_StrangeLove_X-----Purple Paffuto 3
x_Melancholy_x------Emo Mordo 4
xx_Charmed_xx-------Witch Poera 3
-------------------------------------------------------------- bongus
Skeerdy-------------Radioactive Fasoro 1
Snifles-------------Fairy Chibs 50
Tappu---------------School Chibs 7
-------------------------------------------------------------- bud01
Bstrong-------------Nefarious Daisy 3
Fuikiu--------------Water Fasoro 10
KYLANBABE-----------Toddler Chibs 9
beauty30------------Musical Feliz 27
cool1_c-------------Funky Bolimo 3
dude26--------------Love Bolimo 58
fruity_blue_22------Ghost Bolimo 11
kldthe1-------------Rainbow Feliz 4
minimom1------------Plant Reese 10
mscrys--------------Pixie Fasoro 11
pacshakur-----------Dark Tantua 1
-------------------------------------------------------------- cheyduck1
Alphonse16----------Wizard Tantua 9
BAbyBRI-------------Millionaire Equilor 5
Jasmin417-----------Prison Daisy 1
Stuwe---------------Devil Azul 2
frustle-------------Elf Murfin 3
idje----------------Witch Reese 3
---------------------------------------------------------- chrissymorgan
BeautifulBabe66-----Water Fasoro 8
Charysma------------Yellow Speiro 1
Crymsin-------------Fairy Chibs 61
EarlyRiser----------Camouflage Murfin 5
Ginkli--------------Eleka Fasoro 6
ImmortalBlaze-------Armoured Feliz 2
MidnightCorsica-----Halloween Ercuw 21
MotorolaRazor-------Dark Bolimo 1
RaveLights----------Princess Phanty 1
Resident_Devil------Fire Yakubi 3
SilverRayne---------Royal Chibs 40
----------------------------------------------------------- CosmicDreams
CrimsonSmile--------Devil Mordo 56
Fangalicious--------Witch Poera 2
Fasilor-------------Ghost Poera 3
IndigoDreams--------Royal Paffuto 3
Leilyana------------Blue Speiro 3
Phanciful-----------Princess Phanty 2
Semantics-----------Blue Grint 1
SpecialFX-----------Eleka Fasoro 3
Sycophant-----------Prison Quell 2
Tallisman-----------Royal Chibs 3
Zoltiana------------White Zoink 3
---------------------------------------------------------- daddyoevil
Bar-T---------------Millionaire Tantua 11
Begone--------------Yellow Phanty 3
Dylano--------------Ice Crindol 1
George_the_16-------Ghost Fasoro 10
OEO12---------------Eleka Fasoro 3
Pippy_Poppy---------Burnt Jessup 11
ashly_ann-----------Yellow Equilor 2
cashley-------------Devil Murfin 11
cassandra_lynn------Red Speiro 1
chipeynipy----------Fairy Gonk 10
hippie_skippie3-----Musical Feliz 15
scooter_the_2nd-----Green Daisy 4
---------------------------------------------------------- dawnybell
Charquaza-----------Eleka Mordo 3
Cherobi-------------Zombie Yuni 13
Dawnybell-----------Love Sindi 22
Edamer--------------Skater Huthiq 22
Equilix-------------Nefarious Daisy 31
Eternia-------------Fairy Chibs 23
Karenai-------------Mermaid Ercuw 21
Kazahyne------------Angel Poera 23
Lanscence-----------Halloween Kronk 4
Leston--------------Checkered Oglue 33
Tilda---------------Hobo Chibs 18
fireybabe-----------Fire Quell 23
remidie-------------Prison Zoink 14
wigwig--------------Love Lati 34
~Lily~Anne~---------Shaved Chibs 22
---------------------------------------------------------- debbieg2004
Jack_Be_Nimble------Halloween Reese------21,525
Villian-------------Green Ercuw----------27,680
cheyenne11----------Devil Murfin----------3,000
daddyc--------------Red Chibs-----------208,745
incendi_23----------Icefairy Dakota 1
lilly_silly---------Funky Bolimo----------7,870
lovemara17----------Ice Doyle 2
triphlehhh12--------Snow Daisy-----------27,710
----------------------------------------------------------- DeviousWoman
Baby_Lisa_06--------Toddler Reese 1
Deebs---------------Love Fasoro 12
Maisy_Moo79---------Blue Daisy 1
Passionate_Lies-----Royal Tantua 4
betty79-------------Devil Azul 2
carly79-------------Zombie Crindol 1
cinderella_79-------Princess Renat 2
dedubya-------------Pixie Snookle 2
skellie_kellie------Underwater Ideus 1
snowy79-------------Snow Newth 1
-------------------------------------------------------------- doccat5
Basher489-----------Zombie Bolimo 28
Gizmo12-------------Prison Yakubi 28
GonkityGonk---------Cheese Fasoro 28
Gravells------------Halloween Fasoro 22
Naeyi---------------Fairy Fasoro 29
Nilly_Billy---------Water Fasoro 30
PhoebeGeorgie-------Black Fasoro 29
Princess_Gege-------Pixie Fasoro 9
SassyLadyBlue-------Love Fasoro 31
Starry_Lady---------Prison Fasoro 19
VTFVTVVVV-----------Seasonal Fasoro 24
Vicoblue------------Angel Fasoro 28
_Magnus_------------Robot Xoi 108
lewis31232----------Prison Daisy 9
----------------------------------------------------------- electricpink
Dead_Bunny----------Zombie Sindi 1
Dishwalla-----------Skater Newth 17
Gustavoo------------Gothic Tantua 8
Laura_Rzeznik-------Fairy Gonk 9
PureMilk------------Nefarious Daisy 1
SilentLucidity------Ghost Gonk 3
Staind--------------Radioactive Jessup 125
ZLOGONJE------------Insideout Crindol 1
Zeewitch------------Witch Feliz 3
Zirconiaa-----------Underwater Ideus 5
jon_bonjovi---------Zombie Jessup 28
----------------------------------------------------------- gabby49
BlueMoonMagick------Ghost Poera 4
africana------------Purple Gonk 4
msphoto-------------White Leido 6
notricks------------Ghost Murfin 2
squiddlydiddly------Ghost Gonk 18
~MY~PLUSHIE~--------Christmas Addow 3
------------------------------------------------------------ GabbyGirdy
Aki_Gamumari--------Witch Reese 2
DarkMysterious------Gothic Tantua 1
GlowingRacoon55-----Ninja Knutt 2
JackSkeleton69------Prison Jessup 2
Nosfratus-----------Nefarious Ideus 1
Prison_Sk8ter-------Checkered Leido 2
QTPIE10101----------Angel Poera 3
Rrribbet_Rubert-----Prison Renat 2
Whootny-------------Ghost Walee 3
booboorara----------Fire Ideus 3
bubble_oOo----------Royal Tantua 5
chibsaboy-----------Prison Kidlet 2
firian--------------Princess Osafo 2
janessa7877---------Nefarious Quell 1
qtpie1010101--------Rotten Leido 2
----------------------------------------------------------- GemBear
BaeBay--------------Prison Daisy--------27,045
Carpalito-----------Nefarious Daisy-----27,215
Cymmi---------------Angel Poera---------99,300
Sabrini18-----------Ghost Phanty--------52,240
SnowClouded---------Black Zoink 1
TopGearPet----------Icefairy Dakota-----25,880
Trollidites---------Orange Oglue--------25,880
Unconditionally-----Zombie Quell---------1,375
grenitar------------Green Fasoro 3
princessprissy5-----Icefairy Phanty 2
sandy_girl2015------Blue Poera ---------58,770
------------------------------------------------------------ greatcham
Aldobrandini--------Mutant Jessup 12
Bealzibub-----------Devil Murfin 6
Cardano-------------Clown Walee 14
Giraldi-------------Hobo Chibs 13
Guicciardini--------Pirate Yakubi 15
Muret---------------Fat Osafo 84
Porson--------------Chocolate Murfin 40
Robortello----------Old Osafo 7
Scaliger------------Zombie Ercuw 6
Vanini--------------Clown Osafo 4
alFarabi------------Space Quell 1
alMutanabbi---------Insideout Yuni 1
----------------------------------------------------------- GutterxFlower
B.e.c.o.m.e---------Icefairy Phanty 1
Dead_Bunny----------Zombie Sindi 1 whose?
Edward._.Cullen-----Zombie Tantua 2
FateVictim----------Chocolate Chibs 28
Goo__Goo------------Blue Dakota 107
ILoveCharley--------Pink Grint 1
Let_Love_In---------Love Lati 4
Lyric_--------------Angel Azul 6
New_M00n------------Nefarious Daisy 1
Princess__Bride-----Icefairy Phanty
_Rzeznik_-----------Gothic Sindi 31
_Serendipity_-------Pixie Snookle 4
_Sympathy_----------Emo Mordo 4
__Dizzy__-----------Mermaid Jessup 5
___Leo--------------Royal Tantua 3
---------------------------------------------------------- harleygirl281
Ebrianna------------Icefairy Phanty 1
Errianna------------Purple Ercuw 3
Erriella------------Brown Quell 1
Evielle-------------Love Lati 1
Felezzia------------Pink Feliz 1
HarleyAngel---------Angel Poera 8
HarleyChick---------Baby Ercuw 24
HarleyDemon---------Halloween Ercuw 67
LIV2RYD-------------Orange Gonk 8
harley_jane---------Baby Renat 9
Ofasan--------------Millionaire Chibs 14
spellbound4u--------Fairy Chibs 28
---------------------------------------------------------------- indygo
Azazel--------------Eleka Mordo-----------34000 42
Bradbury------------Angel Quell---------71000 47 sports av
Burroughs-----------White Sindi--------111000 59 erto av
Crystallization-----Ice Viotto 1--------26000
Damalis-------------Snow Daisy----------73000 26
Detox---------------Gothic Sindi--------89000 29
DocBenway-----------Yellow Walee-------337000 246 lending fee, portal pet
Eleka---------------Plushie Ercuw-------50000 48 erto av
Elysium-------------Water Chibs---------31000 16
Furiosity-----------Icefairy Yuni-------41000 25
Ginsberg------------Chinese Poera-------30000 14
Indy----------------Ice Rofling---------51000 15 science, plug avs
Quindygo------------Nefarious Quell-----26000 1
Sev-----------------Red Chibs-----------70000 63 chibs warrior av
Stoned--------------Ice Quell-----------43000 45
----------------------------------------------------------------- jailrlee
Fangz6--------------Camouflage Gonk 10
Greenz5-------------Halloween Zetlian 11
Leez----------------Furry Doyle 11
Mane5---------------Royal Renat 12
Minx5---------------Angel Poera 11
Mung_eee------------Armoured Feliz 2
Orange5-------------Rotten Ideus 11
jailr---------------Musical Paffuto 13
kip64675667---------Love Grint 8
---------------------------------------------------------------- Jamie_c55
Aradria-------------Ice Rofling 189915
Ashlindi------------Gothic Sindi 26730
Ciannae-------------Fire Quell 26420
Corpsie-------------Sponge Kronk 26150
Cvskata-------------Skater Snookle 1
Dragon_Goddess------Wizard Ercuw 33325
Galtexeon-----------Love Lati 32570
H00BIT--------------Prison Huthiq 1
Kayttee-------------School Mordo 26105
Tavaya--------------Seasonal Chibs 29860
Valoel--------------Angel Poera 1
Zeniaz--------------Eleka Viotto 26060 - petlevel 2, low stats
------------------------------------------------------------ janarokks
Aidenn--------------Mermaid Ercuw 27
Belleah-------------Seasonal Chibs 29
Cadmon--------------Blue Knutt 185
Dyne----------------Eleka Viotto 45
Factors-------------Royal Chibs 51
Jaiedyn-------------Baby Quell 26
KittyBean-----------Hobo Chibs 43
Pabu----------------Water Chibs 26
Raivin--------------Angel Quell 26
Raynea--------------Rainbow Viotto 26
Sylias--------------Ice Mordo 10
Vallies-------------Recycled Rofling 26
WalterFrancis-------Fire Quell 28
Zelania-------------Fairy Chibs 15
------------------------------------------------------------ Javannalynn
Birdie420-----------Ghost Zoink 1
Calypso420----------Icefairy Chibs 90
CamelWides----------Mutant Ercuw 8
Daisy_mey-----------Nefarious Daisy 1
Dnaminihelper-------Mutant Huthiq 3
Funky_Sindi---------Zombie Sindi 11
LoveSpell2----------Pixie Snookle 16
Ms_Kittie-----------Fire Tantua 1
Notmine-------------Icefairy Dakota 1
PinkRocks262--------Devil Phanty 9
Robitussin----------Emo Mordo 4
Uglie_Thingie-------Insideout Crindol 1
leassa--------------Mutant Quell 5
m_n_ms--------------Love Lati 2
yellowmello_56------Grey Speiro 2
------------------------------------------------------------ jello_quean
Feliezy-------------Superhero Murfin 2
G00BIE--------------Nefarious Daisy 3
Hatreds-------------Green Grint 7
JuJuBe--------------Space Azul 7
My_Addow------------Prison Addow 9
My_Giraffie---------Orange Speiro 35
SillyGumba----------Gold Reese 1
ThisBear------------Gothic Tantua 8
rolinz--------------Robot Xoi 2
------------------------------------------------------------ jimbogogo
Adorable_Addie------Icefairy Addow 1
Freshetia-----------Underwater Ideus 1480 1
HAPYDAYS------------Zombie Doyle 925 1
Huggier-------------Skeleton Kidlet 1060 31
Klannigan-----------Green Speiro 1615 9
Maddmaxx------------Digital Yakubi 155455 24 all but 4 instruments
Meowlers------------Icefairy Fasoro 1015 1
Noiter--------------Seasonal Ushunda 5130 9
Rutherford_Jim------Christmas Addow 3370 1
Stassia-------------Nefarious Ideus 8450 9
Turnout-------------Insideout Crindol 8270 9
Wheelier------------Skater Crindol 5665 9
bigfluffybear00-----Green Feliz 2
Alliseia------------Ice Knutt 1
Danna_--------------Prison Sindi 28
Giggles_------------Angel Poera 39
Insence-------------Armoured Feliz 3
Loireo--------------Snow Chibs 3
Maiyzee-------------Nefarious Daisy 1
Matylda-------------Icefairy Phanty 12
Ronnie_-------------Blue Yakubi 80
Sir_Hopper----------Royal Renat 2
StickyPawz----------Mutant Huthiq 15
buzz_kill-----------Fire Tantua 5
-------------------------------------------------------------- kateed
Fluff_ball88565-----Snow Daisy--------53295
LionHeat------------Royal Tantua------49105 all books
MisterEd------------Rainbow Zetlian---35920 most instruments
Pam_Ella------------Love Lati---------28755
alvee---------------Icefairy Yuni-----32185
amaize--------------Angel Fasoro------33185 all dvds
andym---------------School Reese-------1735
cwtate--------------Icefairy Dakota---30160
delann--------------Furry Chibs
gonkeeboy-----------Millionaire Gonk---6555
graycee-------------Princess Osafo----27540 all cds
jadavis-------------Skater Snookle----27855
kateelyn------------Toddler Chibs-----26060
missymegan----------Pixie Snookle-----29260
-------------------------------------------------------------- katlanichia
Abubakar------------Voodoo Fasoro 3
BabyLoki------------Red Tantua 1
Jezzamine-----------Nefarious Ideus 5
Memeliii------------Gothic Fasoro 5
Molly_Cutie_Pie-----Love Lati 40
Peppermintia--------Recycled Daisy 5
SYMMY---------------Devil Murfin 1
Saxxafras-----------Icefairy Dakota 21
Sincai--------------Seasonal Bolimo 1
Styx_Rider----------Zombie Gonk 3
happyrees-----------Icefairy Phanty 6
-------------------------------------------------------------- kidsandi
Busterbear----------Eleka Fasoro 52
MypetJake-----------Love Fasoro 17
RuffyRuffRuff-------Royal Tantua 30
Wolfey8-------------Musical Feliz 17
beautiful_yasha-----Icefairy Fasoro 29
childslove----------Gothic Tantua 55
cooldj1-------------Chocolate Leido 33
digigal-------------Toddler Reese 18
hannahj13-----------Ghost Xoi 15
monkeysay-----------Funky Addow 124
ralphie2------------Devil Azul 18
-------------------------------------------------------------- kirish
Fasixo--------------Dark Fasoro 3
MoonSnow------------Glass Xoi 14
Royal_Allysonna-----Halloween Fasoro 4
Sunleef-------------Starry Grint 19
Zhakarra------------Nefarious Daisy 23
grundy13------------Yellow Bolimo 2
mytestpet125--------Wizard Tantua 2
nightlife4me--------Royal Tantua 15
tricked29-----------Voodoo Fasoro 5
-------------------------------------------------------------- Krushd
Airyfaerie----------Fairy Gonk 3
Fluttabuy-----------Zombie Lati 6
Gogobubba-----------Nefarious Quell 2
Heybubba------------Eleka Mordo 4
Lalabubba-----------Voodoo Fasoro 4
LazyDaisyGirl-------Wizard Tantua 3
Mebubba-------------Light Ercuw 2
NoBubba-------------Cheese Fasoro 7
Nowbubba------------Red Grint 2
Sobubba-------------Angel Murfin 1
Tahbubba------------Halloween Paffuto 1
Wawabubba-----------Rotten Sindi 9
Yaybubba------------Hobo Chibs 5
Yoububba------------Ice Poera 3
----------------------------------------------------------- LadyEmmaleth
Chan_13-------------Superhero Newth 1
Chocaholic_13-------Chocolate Murfin 19
Harvey_13-----------Elf Murfin 17
Lasher_13-----------Ghost Knutt 20
Mazine_13-----------Yellow Crindol 2
Morrigan_13---------Fairy Gonk 32
Regal_13------------Royal Tantua 11
Sugar_Plum_13-------Yellow Daisy 19
Tabetha_13----------Princess Osafo 14
TinkerBelle_13------Pixie Fasoro 2
------------------------------------------------------------- ladytandio
Bautie--------------Angel Azul------------2050
Deliahlah-----------Dark Tantua-----------1510
Especiallyurs-------Nefarious Quell------26240
Franklie------------Voodoo Fasoro---------1195
Joelez--------------Red Azul 1
Poisidon------------Royal Tantua----------4385
Sigmondi------------Yellow Chibs 1
Sigmondie-----------Black Speiro---------81225 portal pet
Slowerrrrr----------Christmas Newth------32760
SweetWilliam--------Funky Sindi----------31550
bindhie-------------Angel Knutt----------14435
------------------------------------------------------------- leebak
BabyBlueGirl--------Icefairy Addow 8
Cheesyknees---------Rotten Leido 19
Flossykins----------Love Grint 7
Ilovyousomuchie-----Zombie Yakubi 8
Justisthatsall------Halloween Ercuw 7
MoOn_gODeSs---------Green Crindol 6
Notlikely-----------Nefarious Quell 9
birtha--------------Recycled Daisy 13
snuggle800----------Insideout Crindol 8
ssfsgdfhfg----------Robot Quell 4
sugercandy----------Witch Poera 6
tails639------------Plushie Huthiq 5
--------------------------------------------------------- Lizziebethuk66
ilentdreamer--------Funky Bolimo 2
Ulquii--------------Toddler Reese 2
buddabelly----------Red Oglue 5
evil_cannevel-------Purple Crindol 5
gfhftut-------------Witch Reese 1
hoochycoochy--------Musical Doyle 3
lemonyblob----------Pirate Reese 2
nerubian------------Ghost Knutt 2
silly2--------------Witch Feliz 4
tweetypie4u---------Halloween Paffuto 2
-------------------------------------------------------------- lynnie68
Blowy_Dan-----------Pirate Yakubi 11
Lord_Chatworthy-----Water Fasoro 8
LynnieLeo-----------Red Tantua 10
Mmm_Maji------------Blue Azul 10
Triger_1996---------Nefarious Ideus 10
Zoey73--------------Pink Zetlian 3
addow_snow----------Pink Azul 10
bmgf----------------Yellow Crindol 5
coolbalcknose-------Purple Murfin 10
grandpa782----------Yellow Addow 5
leo56_67_546--------Yellow Feliz 3
spacebabie----------Ghost Jessup 11
-------------------------------------------------------------- Magadela
.Stoneage.----------Prison Daisy 2
Flyzz---------------Gold Grint 6
Hawkbigdaddy--------Yellow Ideus 2
McCool--------------Fairy Addow 3
Spikes6200----------Love Kidlet 3
eeggore-------------Halloween Paffuto 1
hfhfbgb-------------Christmas Addow 2
-------------------------------------------------------------- meldiddy
Anchovy-------------Stoneage Feliz 10
Foxy70449-----------Blue Quell 38
Kutty_Kutt----------Eleka Gonk 3
LinicJD-------------Millionaire Chibs 9
Morgan510-----------Witch Lati 9
Nataani-------------Rotten Sindi 104
Rebonded------------Black Osafo 1
Sebastiano----------Royal Chibs 14
Sir_Rafee_Godso-----Love Lati 1
Tennessah-----------Baby Knutt 10
jl__2---------------Blue Oglue 3
-------------------------------------------------------------- miko478
Alger478------------Burnt Yakubi 6
Lexi478-------------Black Chibs 9
Miko478-------------Insideout Yuni 2
Mikos_Mouse---------Voodoo Tantua 3
Miley_Cryus14-------Digital Quell 11
RedMonkey478--------Snow Daisy 12
Sadie478------------Black Oglue 2
Sapphire478---------Black Chibs 23
Sasha478------------Icefairy Dakota 10
anz_bank------------Angel Murfin 1
izzie_2-------------Prison Quell 3
---------------------------------------------------------- MoonbeamRyder
ContessaCelesta-----Red Reese 4
Ebriella------------Icefairy Fasoro 6
Jaded_Rose----------Eleka Fasoro 2
Kats_Meow-----------Devil Murfin 20
Maladict------------Blue Equilor 1
Moddiee-------------Halloween Reese 25
PheonixSong---------Nefarious Daisy 79
Random_2------------Fairy Fasoro 3
Random_Lee----------Gothic Fasoro 23
Systamatic----------Icefairy Chibs 20
Thorn_Ridge---------Icefairy Dakota 7
caserea-------------Red Grint 2
cyrano102938--------Green Phanty
------------------------------------------------------------ mtruebl1129
-immortal-..........Yellow Poera 20
B1adez -------------Snow Grint 8
Billie<3.Joe--------Fat Jessup 11
EVILJAY-------------Hobo Chibs 49
JustWalkAway--------Glass Xoi 8
angelic_fire--------White Fasoro 3
blue_thunder123-----Ghost Xoi 5
chopper123----------Christmas Addow 5
majestic_eyes-------Blue Daisy 4
zombys--------------White Kidlet 8
------------------------------------------------------------- natskiddo
Amixtra-------------Snow Yakubi---------5,700
Auxiliary-----------Voodoo Tantua------ 15,100
Ema22---------------Pirate Reese--------10,900
Harlom--------------White Speiro--------47,300
Live_Forever--------Armoured Equilor 1
Loki_Mischeif-------Wizard Addow---------8,800
Mimzie--------------Royal Tantua---------1,500
SierraDiamond-------Fairy Gonk----------14,300
Under_Estimate------Green Daisy---------26,000
Unluky_Kid----------Christmas Addow------3,200
WormFood------------Zombie Yakubi--------1,700
-------------------------------------------------------------- Nomesy
AngelicHissie-------Angel Poera 9
AngelsFallFirst-----Witch Reese 32
Bogan---------------Royal Chibs 9
FairDinkum----------Red Azul 17
Foxybabes-----------Zombie Lati 9
JadedStar-----------Nefarious Quell 9
Kewpiedoll----------Pixie Snookle 9
Loikoi--------------Halloween Ercuw 115
MrSnorts------------Black Zoink 9
Nomesy--------------Love Sindi 9
Priva---------------Nefarious Daisy 9
SigillumDiaboli-----Mutant Ercuw 28
WildlifeWarrior-----Devil Phanty 10
------------------------------------------------------------- p0wer4pets
Dragette------------Old Osafo------------4,345
DylanR5-------------Love Fasoro----------1,755
H.Pinky-------------Prison Huthiq-------33,215
MouseMan1-----------Prison Murfin--------1,060
RiLeY1993-----------Prison Daisy--------26,825
bubbie_mouse--------Superhero Murfin-----1,690
eastview_boy--------Wizard Tantua--------2,095
hobo_yo-------------Hobo Chibs----------28,880
lilspacey-----------Seasonal Fasoro------1,780
newt5---------------Halloween Newth------1,780
portal_away4--------Clown Walee 1
smokey_lizard-------Fire Ercuw----------25,925
twosandman----------Zombie Addow--------41,735
------------------------------------------------------------ philsgirl27
Annalye-------------Fairy Gonk 2
Big_Phil------------Plant Yuni 3
FirecrackerPhil-----Insideout Yuni 23
Flowmaster----------Green Jessup 3
Frostea-------------Icefairy Dakota 10
Masterflow----------Skater Snookle 1
PetiteMorte---------Witch Yuni 1
liyena--------------Love Lati 2
------------------------------------------------------ poohslittlepiglet
Arnold_1920---------Toddler Reese 1
DakotaBaby----------Grey Dakota 1
Damita_1------------Baby Renat 1
Friskie_Cat---------Fairy Chibs 1
LilBillyBoy---------Nefarious Daisy 2
LittleDoogieSis-----Icefairy Yuni 1
Ruggiero------------Seasonal Feliz 74
WiddleFluffyKin-----Purple Speiro 1
happy_bunny1920-----Prison Lati 2
james1970-----------Emo Mordo 2
poohslilpiglet------Pink Zoink 1
tinkerbell_30-------Pixie Snookle 2
---------------------------------------------------------- prettymaxinne
Enjoyableness-------Red Huthiq----------26,735
FatesTangledWeb-----Christmas Zetlian 15
Payak---------------Nefarious Quell-----28,170
adit25--------------Toddler Reese--------7,930
filipina_girl-------Yellow Daisy--------32,870
geowen--------------Voodoo Fasoro 1
ibnRushd------------Hobo Osafo 1
jeverry-------------Nefarious Ideus------1,240
joey07_04-----------Fairy Gonk-----------3,765
joshua_bob----------Toddler Chibs------117,665
troy13579-----------Baby Renat-----------3,295
twiggies------------Radioactive Walee----8,420
----------------------------------------------------------- Principessa73
Eternitys_Gaze------Voodoo Tantua-------41,175
Peppermintia--------Nefarious Daisy-----25,925
PharoahTreasure-----Dark Tantua---------11,510
Preso---------------Stoneage Ercuw------29,120
Shandoah------------Grey Chibs----------25,925
SmokeyJoseph--------Furry Chibs---------41,475
Soxiegirl-----------Fairy Fasoro--------20,455
Violotta------------Ice Rofling--------135,080
Xadrion-------------Bronze Viotto-------74,275
Zephrah-------------Camouflage Doyle-------925
lion169710----------Millionaire Gonk----30,710
-------------------------------------------------------- psycopinkpanther
AcidRains-----------Grey Gonk 1
Cassandryia---------Pixie Snookle 1
DontLetGo-----------Royal Chibs 11
Solaire-------------Pixie Chibs 1
Trevalyan-----------White Fasoro 9
joshymuhlove--------Ghost Zoink 36
---------------------------------------------------------- purplecowzrule
AlmondBrittle-------Armoured Equilor 2
Dumplins1234--------Radioactive Leido 2
FunkyMonkey1234-----Funky Addow 3
Penguin124----------Rainbow Zetlian 6
Raisenette----------Chocolate Fasoro 2
Rudolph23-----------Royal Paffuto 3
blah1434------------Pirate Yakubi 3
bombgenetic---------Ghost Yakubi 4
coolman8005---------Skater Snookle 22
missminnie----------Love Grint 3
missolivia1234------Angel Murfin 2
only4avie-----------Angel Fasoro 4
-------------------------------------------------------------- punkin61
Charlamaine---------Fairy Gonk 61
Gundgadin-----------Gothic Tantua 63
Jackawl-------------Fairy Addow 63
Mantroneus----------Mermaid Zetlian 64
Monticella----------Icefairy Addow 62
Mortikye------------Love Tantua 66
Ponticus------------Pixie Renat 65
Sarinda-------------ANgel Murfin 148
Tullius-------------Nefarious Daisy 62
pixxydust-----------Fire Tantua 61
skalliwag-----------Love Tantua 65
twinkydoo-----------Superhero Murfin 61
------------------------------------------------------------ rainbow54
Devan6389----------Toddler Chibs 13
Handie07-----------Glass Speiro 7
Meraka-------------Pirate Newth 3
addop_54-----------Love Fasoro 3
bolio10------------Icefairy Addow 3
estaenjtg_gdfg-----Green Doyle 1
kiddy221-----------Toddler Reese 2
klllklkklklkhgk----School Azul 2
lovesuforrest------Fat Jessup 2
lynn1120-----------Rainbow Feliz 3
pimpin_dog---------Nefarious Daisy 4
strawberry_0507----Gothic Tantua 36
------------------------------------------------------------ ratajczak6
Mr_Bruno-----------Pirate Newth 2
Mr_Chomby----------Rotten Ideus 2
Mr_Flounder--------Seasonal Tantua 2
Mr_Sneaky----------Grey Kidlet 4
Mr_Two_Tails-------Red Equilor 2
Mr_Zion------------Ghost Jessup 2
TrickyLoki---------Mermaid Zetlian------970
Warrior_Wolf-------Blue Snookle 107
ZoinkyWoinky-------Ghost Zoink 1
dixiedoddle--------Skeleton Renat-----1,060
-------------------------------------------------------- ratajczak7204
(Scott's wife Debbie, who said we can mm him to borrow her pets)
BNicole------------Blue Reese 4
LSkylar------------Green Walee 3
MRyan--------------Halloween Zetlian 4
MScott-------------Pixie Fasoro 1
Mirrorball---------Funky Sindi 9
RAndrew------------Stoneage Feliz 2
TMichael-----------Ghost Knutt 2
drsr04-------------Fire Ideus 14
drsr7204-----------Red Gonk 1
srdr6--------------Love Grint 6
------------------------------------------------------------- Red Vibe
Gerrie261----------Princess Newth 35
LemmoVibe----------Fairy Fasoro 45
MikeSheilds96------Green Osafo 38
PureRhyme----------Nefarious Ideus 25
RingOfFire2005-----Red Grint 11
Rocknroll_Dream----Red Speiro 3
SecondHarmonic-----Funky Sindi 124
Shanks_a_lot-------Fire Ercuw 15
SuperCarra---------Angel Murfin 14
SweetReason--------Witch Jessup 24
Tommo261-----------Underwater Ideus 15
didiblue-----------Voodoo Fasoro 11
------------------------------------------------------------- ronniekaye
Itsonlyme----------Yellow Chibs 121
KnuttRockney007----Camouflage Ushunda 26
Risky_Princess-----Princess Renat 6
Royal_melonstar----Devil Phanty 6
Sports-------------Purple Oglue 21
SpringBlog2--------Skater Newth 3
Ugga_ugga_boo2-----Nefarious Daisy 16
Waide--------------White Fasoro 8
Yellow_Wing--------Snow Yakubi 9
drangonfire--------Orange Speiro 12
freddy79-----------Ghost Zoink 6
------------------------------------------------------------ rosesylace
AutumnFlower-------Nefarious Daisy-----83,895
King_Goldtail------Toddler Reese--6,055
Minty_Tiinta-------Love Tantua----------2,590
Roseybud-----------Angel Knutt----------2,455
WinterBloom--------Armoured Feliz-------3,175
YellowRoseBud------Toddler Reese------------1,510
cascage------------Gold Reese-----------1,690 Lati-----------26,510
fallingrose--------Elf Murfin-----------1,195
foxyhunkers756-----Icefairy Fasoro------1,150
laceyrose----------Yellow Azul----------1,910
longstemroses------Fairy Addow---------11,600
rozez--------------Angel Fasoro---------2,905
springflowerose----Black Viotto 5
-------------------------------------------------------------- rubymine4
DobairVisla--------Eleka Mordo 18
EmiCia-------------Nefarious Daisy 9
Fire_Wing_Oasis----Superhero Mordo 15
JoJobaby-----------Devil Mordo 33
Kingus-------------Royal Tantua 6
LuLuLi-------------Fairy Chibs 2
Muttlie------------Mermaid Jessup 3
Shastalia----------Ice Mordo 2
WitchSnitch--------Witch Feliz 3
lil_poppy_dude-----Elf Mordo 4
twilight_toxeon----Devil Azul 20
-------------------------------------------------------------- scadet
Steeples-----------Dark Tantua 1
SunnyGuppy---------Icefairy Phanty 26
T-Bar--------------Pixie Fasoro 31
Yellow12Crystal----Snow Newth 1
biuygyty--------Prison Murfin 10
felix_the_lion-----Witch Jessup 20
kidlick------------Green Lati 21
mouse_jumpy--------Funky Bolimo 20
scadet-------------Musical Doyle 21
smoo_the_emo-------Mermaid Jessup 24
tiffio2006---------Halloween Knutt 22
------------------------------------------------------------- seacrets
Beauboo------------Dark Tantua 6
Emeraldsea---------Mermaid Zetlian 20
Eraseable----------Sketch Ushunda 4
Kanene-------------Icefairy Fasoro 2
Kixorie------------Ice Crindol 2445 3
Lotsea-------------Millionaire Equilor 1
Sassea-------------Snow Grint 1465 2
Seacrets-----------Furry Chibs 8
Seaific------------Ghost Poera 23
Sissea-------------Grey Doyle 11
Snowkie------------Baby Renat 3
Trivel-------------Witch Feliz 2
Trixit-------------Plant Ushunda 3
-------------------------------------------------------------- shartst
GloriaJane---------Yellow Daisy 21
Leptuna07----------Purple Oglue 17
LittleRoxyFoxy-----Icefairy Fasoro 3
Snowball003--------Snow Doyle 5
benny338-----------Baby Renat 3
fredheaderick------Royal Renat 13
fredheadericka-----Princess Renat 5
herah--------------Fairy Fasoro 39
sahrast------------Underwater Ideus 10
sammy_546----------Black Fasoro 2
x_sweety-----------Grey Chibs 43
----------------------------------------------------------- SimplySouthern
Crindlie-----------Millionaire Feliz 2
Flaydor------------Snow Chibs 1
Get_Some-----------Icefairy Addow 7
GhostlyPrincess----Ghost Gonk 1
KristaLynn4--------Snow Daisy 1
MikelJohn----------Nefarious Quell 3
Pillan-------------Fairy Gonk 19
SouthernDelight----Pixie Snookle 1
XxIdeusXx----------Zombie Doyle 2
------------------------------------------------------------ Sinkitty11
Bujo---------------Light Jessup---------1,330
Emeraldaia---------Prison Daisy---------26,060
Fylese-------------Snow Jessup----------195,995 petlevel 101, high stats
Korlani------------Mutant Jessup--------1,150
Koshai-------------Ghost Jessup---------6,460
Mathruyie----------Prison Jessup--------1,060
Mean___Green-------Chinese Azul---------1,150
Nuisha-------------Zombie Jessup--------1,060
Sinkitty-----------Clown Doyle----------(portal pet changes often)1,015
Soliloqui----------Witch Jessup---------1,105
Taoh---------------Seasonal Jessup------1,015
Usna---------------Fat Jessup-----------880
splashi------------Mermaid Jessup-------2,275
----------------------------------------------------------- SkeerdyKitty
Amanyta------------Devil Phanty 1
DaisyDoodlePie-----Recycled Daisy 25925
Daransa------------Superhero Sindi 2
DreamyComeTrue-----Ice Viotto 25925 petlevel 1, low stats
Grimzer------------Fairy Chibs 62
Kayrilla-----------Love Lati 1
Khealyn------------Icefairy Dakota 1
Kognac-------------Hobo Mordo 7
Niyol--------------Underwater Quell 11
Queran-------------Halloween Ercuw 3
Rhokkan------------Mutant Oglue 2
Sinnex-------------Skater Snookle 2
SkeeryKronky-------Zombie Kronk 25970
Veradis------------Angel Poera 1
Zenhar-------------Zombie Yuni 28
---------------------------------------------------------- spacetrekkers
Arthurs_Magic------Furry Chibs 39
Atlantis_Dreams----Wizard Ercuw 15
Farshy-------------Voodoo Fasoro 19
Flames_Fury--------Green Jessup 14
Kaidrien-----------Halloween Kronk 6
Mayan_Prince-------Toddler Yuni 40
Mingot-------------Prison Ideus 50
Minos_of_Crete-----Devil Mordo 18
Pixie_Pook---------Pixie Snookle 37
Pixiebella---------Angel Azul 38
Princess_Pica------Stoneage Gonk 22
Princess_Safia-----Ice Viotto 16
Rockin_Paff--------Icefairy Dakota 15
Spirit_Love--------Ghost Fasoro 36
Tantric_Shadow-----Royal Tantua 31
------------------------------------------------------------ stephy4554
Lavish--------------Millionaire Chibs---70970
breethoutt----------Blue Addow 1
mayhemm-------------Yellow Grint 1
nystalgias----------Digital Equilor------1240
obsydion------------Pink Feliz 1
pegasus_fairy-------Fairy Gonk---------174725
------------------------------------------------------------ Tattogurl
Acekiddo------------Icefairy Dakota----3,705
Aeary---------------Fairy Gonk-----------880
ChRoNiCGuRl---------Plant Reese--------4,345
Cimetiere-----------Millionaire Chibs-26,195
Corroy--------------Grey Doyle 1
Deoch---------------Yellow Equilor-----8,310
Gravitron-----------Nefarious Quell--185,800
KingSpade420--------Ghost Zoink--------1,060
KweenSpade----------Pixie Snookle-----37,485
ogion---------------Yellow Fasoro------1,060
sciraf--------------Emo Mordo---------63,595
-------------------------------------------------------------- tcorkwell
SmurfMan------------Millionaire Gonk 146
boo36---------------Blue Speiro 4
bunkbers------------Space Azul 2
eblin1970-----------Funky Bolimo 5
rsimmons------------Blue Azul 6
shadowgirl----------Voodoo Tantua 68
tcorky1-------------Witch Azul 23
Euryale-------------Prison Daisy 23
LeSinge-------------Prison Addow 21
Portiabella---------Ghost Walee 24
-------------------------------------------------------------- theres27
cutiefuzzball-------Prison Xoi 64
so_so_man-----------Armoured Feliz 17
xprmnt1-------------Elf Murfin 3
-------------------------------------------------------------- tielin
spikzilla-----------Underwater Quell 30
wizared-------------Prison Phanty 46
zxzx_RAZOR_zxzx-----Blue Newth 37
-------------------------------------------------------------- tiff2005m
SPACEY100-----------Red Chibs 42
dori_bart-----------Yellow Paffuto 25
------------------------------------------------------------- tigger68au
Invited-------------Grey Renat 27
LuLuLi--------------Fairy Chibs 3
Necromantik---------Recycled Viotto 21
Night_Stryder-------Nefarious Quell
Pentagrams----------Black Snookle
Quessence-----------Red Crindol 3
Zalyia--------------Eleka Viotto 11
bellamysweet--------Grey Chibs
blewsey-------------Icefairy Phanty
foxycleopatra68-----Love Lati
mypetalcoco---------Pixie Snookle
whatjusthapped------Purple Dakota
------------------------------------------------------------ tinabrown112
Flouryx-------------Fairy Gonk 4
Gregj---------------Eleka Gonk 8
Kitty_Bear----------Light Xoi 2
Phantysizeme--------Pink Grint 3
buckeyesgo----------Halloween Paffuto 3
duncan_james123-----Devil Phanty 6
momofthree----------Royal Tantua 2
prison_boy50--------Snow Tantua 1
sexybeast05---------Purple Grint 27
tinababy------------Snow Chibs 13
trazman-------------Funky Addow 7
xorovats------------Nefarious Daisy 3
-------------------------------------------------------------- tracyg76
BlooHawaii----------Mutant Chibs 131
Causality-----------Seasonal Fasoro 4
Crusifiex-----------Rotten Sindi 3
Florentina----------Stoneage Feliz 25
Florentyna----------Ice Viotto 30
JimmyMac------------Skater Snookle 22
Kabitosui-----------Old Leido 6
Mariamne------------Nefarious Quell 23
Reverberation-------Gothic Sindi 10
Shiroda-------------Water Fasoro 1
Sweet_Dreaming------Mermaid Jessup 26
Taureau-------------Green Daisy 22
Umbyrella-----------Fairy Chibs 5
misslittlepixie-----Pixie Snookle 19
zorgypop------------Skater Huthiq 26
------------------------------------------------------------- twisty9135
LordZeus------------Royal Chibs 51
OutCasted-----------Emo Xoi 1
Santoriums----------Blue Speiro 1
Slinke--------------Zombie Poera 1
Uxionie-------------Halloween Ercuw 2
kangfu--------------Ninja Phanty 1
-------------------------------------------------------- utampacollegegrl
Kidkid07------------Princess Osafo-----9,330 dvds
XmonkeydoodleX------Blue Daisy 3
XsantababyX---------Plant Reese-------36,480 books
XtenticlesX---------Plant Ushunda-----21,025 cds
fireball111111------Pixie Renat 3
frozentreat---------Eleka Gonk 1
jailbait3214--------Clown Osafo 3 instruments
puffball07----------Mermaid Jessup-----1,555
shaddytree----------Baby Knutt--------24,030
swimmers0307--------Halloween Paffuto 18
teachers_pet07------Toddler Reese 3
------------------------------------------------------------ windslasher
Affections----------Baby Quell 31
Auraia--------------Elf Mordo 6
CassidyAngel--------Fairy Chibs 1
Chidoshu------------Prison Lati 10
Kylue---------------Insideout Yuni 1
LightMyFire---------Fire Quell 4
Luipetos------------Hobo Chibs 1
MagicSorcerer-------Wizard Ercuw 3
Mercie--------------Gothic Sindi 10
ThUnDeRsLaShEr------Orange Knutt 108
Zarvadio------------Nefarious Mordo 6
---------------------------------------------------------- wintergreen555
Aquilegia-----------Light Azul---------4,030
CarnivalDancer------Seasonal Bolimo------925 1
Flupper-------------Devil Azul-------192,230
Nottfreya-----------Zombie Fasoro--------880
Pfeffernusse--------Prison Daisy------26,195
Quickerest----------Pixie Fasoro 1
ScampersMadly-------Dark Bolimo----------925
Slightly_Feisty-----Musical Doyle--------880 1
Smilimg_Imp---------Stoneage Feliz 1
SpaceRacer----------Christmas Ideus------880 1
Sunshine_Momma------Princess Newth-------925
Tweebledee----------Blue Feliz 1
-------------------------------------------------------------- Xerious
Abalana-------------Baby Quell 27
Cinge---------------Fire Ercuw 3
Hallowean-----------Nefarious Daisy 1
Iceica--------------Ice Rofling 5
Immage--------------Sketch Rofling 7
Itsallgood4u2-------Plant Yuni 25
Little_Phil---------Toddler Yuni 39
Smugler-------------Prison Sindi 3
Violeka-------------Eleka Viotto 1
Viostar-------------Starry Viotto 11
Xerious-------------Starry Rofling 3
Zombor--------------Yellow Zetlian 48
Zyira---------------Prison Rofling 18
glred---------------Red Chibs 49
-------------------------------------------------------------- XKIZMET
Charley_Dog---------Snow Daisy 5
Die_Hard_II---------Robot Quell 4
JimmyROO------------Superhero Newth 6
RaffyBoy------------Skater Crindol 11
Skoshi--------------Grey Doyle 3
Slade_The_Blade-----Prison Feliz 39
The_Recycler--------Christmas Addow 5
The__Raven----------Grey Chibs 2
_Plankton_----------Green Huthiq 3
__Smokey_-----------Snow Knutt 112
lilltlejessie-------Nefarious Ideus 11
------------------------------------------------------------ xsistonly4u
Ace_Of_Clubs--------Yellow Doyle 1
Like_Woah-----------Mermaid Jessup 5
Master_Devon--------Millionaire Feliz 27
Mizz_Tiffany--------Snow Doyle 26
Omens_Curse---------Zombie Yuni 3
Smuggla-------------Shaved Walee 2
SoBored-------------Superhero Murfin 5
Tommy_The_Clown-----Clown Doyle 4
XsistOnly4U---------Ghost Jessup 26
--------------------------------------------------------------- xvxcat
Andraney------------White Jessup 1
Rob_and_Big---------Plushie Huthiq 5
red__Speiro---------Yellow Speiro 1
-------------------------------------------------------------- YerQueen
Bee_Is_WIN----------White Fasoro 3
Dinopoly------------Nefarious Daisy 3
Soft_N_Chewy--------Toddler Reese 5
Squishy_Cookie------Chinese Azul 6
Tinkerbell2005------Seasonal Fasoro 7
Under_The_Stars-----Clown Osafo 4
YerQueen------------Princess Newth 4
flippers_33---------Prison Newth 4
wickedlumina--------Wizard Osafo 2
x_ShadowWolf_x------Eleka Fasoro 2
-------------------------------------------------------------- ZLGC
Brixian-------------Underwater Ideus 10
Funkeh126-----------Funky Bolimo 4
Malfunction_CSM-----Witch Feliz 4
Skrapper------------Camouflage Ushunda 4
ZENAIDA-------------School Reese 27
ZENAIDA3------------Yellow Daisy 4
ada_da--------------Fire Paffuto 2
littlefoot45--------Red Phanty 8
zenaidajr-----------Mutant Knutt 3

Loaning, Pet Stuff
Will loan only to people I know, mostly Addicted to Mara clubbies.

5 Fattys, Festival, Lela, Olvic, Pinto, pink fidge, Psyclone
Staff of the Devil
chocolates (all types), 10 colas, fast food items
enchanted plushie, silver plushie
33 Newth items, 25 red roses
pet with aged pink dracone

Nottfreya's books:
Cooking Turkey Guide, Gardening Book

Flupper's books:
3rd Birthday Book, A-Z of Undying Woods, Addow Book, Baking Pumpkins Book,
Balloon Collecting Guide, Become a Healer, Binded Purple Book, Blitzen Book,
Bone Book, Book of Death, Book of Loyalty, Book of Mystery, Book of Secrets,
Book of Time, Burnt Book, Candyland Book, Chibs Book, Christmas Carol Book,
Christmas Cook Book, Christmas Ribbons Book, Chronicles of the Dark,
Chronicles of the Light, Collecting Flowers, Collecting Stars, Constellations,
Dark Spell Book, Doyle Book, Dukka Caves Book, Earth Spell Book, Easter Book,
Eleka Tombola Book, Encyclopedia B-Y, Energy Spell Book, Equilor Book,
Fasoro Book, Feliz Book, Festival Book, Festive Candles Books, Fire Spell Book,
Flaming Book, Frozen Book, Ghost Tales Book, Grint Book, Guide to Magic,
Halloween Book, Halloween Clothing Guide, Holiday Decorating Guide, Huthiq Book,
Ice Fairy Book, Ice Spell Book, Jessup Book, Jewellery, Knutt Book, Leido Book,
Lightning Spell Book, Love Spell Book, Murfin Book, Newth Book, Photo Album,
Pixie Book, Pot of Gold Book, Queen Eleka Book, Recycled Book, Reese Book,
Rocket Book, Rofling Book, Rotten Book, Royal Book, Shadow Spell Book,
Sindi Book, Skater Book, Slater Park Book, Snowman Book, Steam Spell Book,
Tarquin Book, The Broken Wand, The Travelling Pearl Book, Tombola Book,
Trunx Book, Undying Book, Undying Tombola Book, Ushunda Book, Valentine Book,
Viotto Book, Water Spell Book, Wind Spell Book, Witch Tales,
Yakubi Book

Nottfreya's DVDs:
Biala is Melting, Uploader

Flupper's DVDs:
101 Azuls, A Snowman Halloween, About a Zetlian, Bat Attack, Blitzen, Burnt,
Easter in Candyland, Elekas Tombola, Ghost Slayer, Gonk Racing,
Home School Musical, How to be Loyal, Jenoa, King Feliz, Learn to Talk,
Light Siders, Pumpkin Jack, Pumpkin Patch, Recycling, Rotting, Stolen Christmas,
Tarquin DVD, The History of Candyland, The Ice Fairy, The Little Christmas Tree,
The Musical Phanty, Theres Something about Doyles, Tombola, Trick or Treat,
Ublish, Underwater Treasure, Undying Festival, Undying Graveyard,
Undying Minipets, Undying Tombola, Valentines Day, Xoi in Black

Flupper's CDs:
Bedtime Stories, Blue Addows Vol 1, Blue Addows Vol 2, Chapter 2 by The
Glowing Roflings, Classical Hits by Leido Trio, Disco Fever by Disco Murfins,
Eleka Tombola, Festival Music, Folk Tunes from Baspinar Castle, Funeral Fables,
Graveyard Dirges, Halloween 2007, Halloween Hits, Huffix Live by Huffix,
Huthiq Hits by Huffix, I love Disco by Disco Murfins, Ice Divas, Knutt World
by Krazy Knutts, Krazee by Krazy Knutts, Krazy Knutts LIVE IN LONDON,
Leido Trio Vol 1, Leido Trio Vol 2, Minipet Christmas Carols, Moonlight Kidlets,
Numbers Ones by Blue Addows, Opera Music, Party Time by Disco Murfins,
Pixie Music, School Bus Songs, Skater Music, Soul Music, Soul Songs, The Glowing
Roflings Album, The Glowing Roflings in Concert, Tombola Tunes,
Trick or Treating Tunes, Underwater CD, Undying Tunes, Wailing Walees Debut
Album, Wailing Walees LIVE, Wanted by Wailing Walees

Flupper's Instruments:
Bagpipe 3, Bell 3, Bongos 10, Castanets 3, Cello 2, Clarinet 5, Claves 3,
Cymbals 2, Drum 4, Electric Guitar 2, Flute 3, French Horn 3, Guitar 2,
Harmonica 1, Harp 3, Horn 2, Lute 3, Mandolin 3, Maracas 3, Midi 3, Ocarina 1,
Panflute 3, Piccolo 3, Recorder 4, Saxophone 3, Tambourine 2, Triangle 3,
Trombone 1, Trumpet 4, Tuba 3, Violin 3, Whistle 3, Xylophone 2

Ancient History : Personal Blogs
17 years, 3 months & 19 days ago
25th Nov 2007 02:33

Joined Marapets Feb 9, 2007, Flupper's birth day
Blitzen, First Time
1. Red Knutt Plushie, Grint Ice Sculpture
2. Yellow Rose
3. Blue Chibs Pen
4. Neptune #9, Candy Horned Melon
5. Carina
6. Cyan Pearl
7. Knutt Shield, Fasoro Helmet
8. Black Long Sleeved Top ---> Blitzen Book
9. Orange Chocolate Azul
10. Male Celebrity #12 - 39 mp !
11. Pot of Gold Book
12. Yellow Knutt Potion ---> Blitzen
13. Oglue Easter Egg, Bonus Clothing #120, White Hund Humerus
14. Summer Shirt, Female Celebrity #62
15. Fish and Chips Stamp
16. Female Celebrity #44
17. Enchanted Green Doyle Plushie
18. Chocolate Chibs Plushie
19. Enchanted Yellow Equilor Plushie
20. Clown Costume
21. Recycled Pearl
22. Werewolf Female Costume -ouch!-

Other Missions, last level done
Clam 19
Ublish 1
Tarquin 5
Troll 15
Trunx 0
Trotter 1
Fates 1
Rubbish Dump 12

Failed Trunx #16 Feb 14, 2008 - wanted rainbow tunes, min 750k in trades
My Christmas Stocking - Addicted to Mara (Christmas 2007)
Thank you all, Clubbie Santas!! This stockpile has been made possible by many people, including 2 poets, those stealing in while i've been offline, crashing through my chimney (parachute failure), slingshotting through my window and slithering in on belly like good ol Saint Grinch. Sounds like an awful lot of effort! Love ya all!

Green Costume
Free Female Haircut Coupon
Chocolate Donut
Chibs Voodoo Doll
One Dukka Coin
Pink Paper Hat
Red Gonk Plushie
red zetlian cracker,a new dress and some Christmas cookies
leido ice sculpture and a tombola tunes
Hotcha #21, Hotcha #12, Sparkle #15
Orange Candycane
Mordo Voodoo Doll
Mint Chocolate Pearl
Digital Diamond
Advent Calendar Stamp
Christmas Treasure Map 3
Treasure Hunt Scratchcard
Red Zetlian Plushie
Green Candycane....Glowing Red Egg...Red Balloon
Glowing Fire Egg
Fidge Stamp
Party Time by Disco Murfins
X Marks the Spot Scratchcard
Christmas Tree Cookies
Mint Paper Hat
Orange Chocolate Gumball
Pink Candycane
Jar of Cherry
Steam Diamond
The History of Candyland
X Marks The Spot Scratchcard
Silver Costume
Free Female Haircut Coupon
X Marks The Spot Scratchcard
One Dukka Coin
Bonus Clothing #23
Seasonal Chibs Plushie
Frozen Squid
Earth Spell Book
One Dukka Coin
Earth Crystal
yellow Flow
Red Candycane
Blue Balloon
Ash Crystal
Flowery Pearl
Giant White Tulip
Glowing Shiny Egg
Female Cool Sunglasses
Striped Vase

assorted pix - just for fun, stuff i've made, or whatever
- birthday card
- various humorous character costumes
- parody of a certain char costume
- carmen marada (snowwoman)
- foodfight club banner
- christmas tree
- another christmas tree
- snowman
- valentine
medium-sized origami ornaments (about 300), large ones on the tree skirt and mini ones making the garlands. friends helped make the garlands, and one sewed the tree skirt. it was donated to a childrens' hospital (one of a few hundred) so they could auction it off to support the burn unit and the ronald mcdonald house

- eggs: (real)

=========================== next ones to go for ============================

Bank Robber Avatar - Resign a Dishwasher Job
History Avatar - Complete 152 history lessons with a pet.
Hacker Avatar - Have any digital pet with a hacker job and view its profile.
Hammy Avatar - Attach a Hammy to any pet with level 50 music.
Leprechaun Avatar - Do 200 Leprechaun Quests
Mayor Avatar - Get any pet a mayor job and collect its income
Mad Scientist Avatar - Have a lab job on any pet and get an promotion
Pop Star Avatar - Have a karaoke king job and collect the income
Science Avatar - Teach the same pet 52 science lessons
Sports Avatar - Teach a pet 77 sports lessons

Dash Avatar - Battle the Dash 150 times
Jet Avatar - Use a digital spell on Jet.
Mount Avatar - Battle mount over 500 times, win or lose
Ogul Avatar - Battle ogul over 225 times , win or lose

Cheese Avatar - Feed a Cheese Marapop to a Cheese Pet
Chocolate Avatar - Feed a Chocolate to a Chocolate Pet
Fat Avatar - Feed a fat pet fries
Fild Avatar - Attach a Fild to a Limited Edition pet
Fire Avatar - Equip fire set to any fire pet. (flaming shield, hammer, axe, fan)
Ghost Avatar - Put any costume on a Ghost pet
Photo Parlour avatar - Take a photo of a Shaved Walee
Rainbow Avatar - Equip a Rainbow Zax to any Rainbow Pet
Scary Avatar - Own a zombie yakubi and look at its profile
Starry Avatar - Own a starry pet and let it play with a rarity 7 star
Wizard Avatar - Own a wizard pet and equip any healing potion to it
Zax Avatar - Equip a Zax to the same coloured pet

Black Avatar - Donate anything with the word Black in it to the Pot Of Gold
Demi Avatar - Win a Demi from a Club Quiz
Easy Money Avatar - Vote for the Easy Money party, then view your profile
Editorial Avatar - Refresh at the editorial
Eleka Avatar - Put an Eleka Costume in auctions at 1MP with 1 MP increments
Grounchy Avatar - Have a green grouchy in your inventory, then View it.
Halloween Avatar - Have a pumpkin in your inventory and click on it
Ice Fairy Avatar -
Keno Avatar - Guess 10 number's right at keno in Jenoa
Kuork Avatar - Shop search for a kuork while one's for sale in your shop
Laiyee Avatar - Attach 5 Laiyees to a pet
Lost Avatar - Check price of a lost in your shop
Marapoints Avatar - Gain marapoints in a random event
Marasite Avatar - Type "marasites" on your marasite
Millionaire Avatar - buy an item from Millionaire's Lodge
Mugen Avatar - Attach a Mugen to your pet and view it
Naoen Avatar - Send a Naoen to another User.
Napoleon Avatar - Have 10 Napoleons in your attic, then view them
Pearl Avatar - Have 46 pearls in your inventory, one of each
Phanty Rescue Avatar - Send a score on the Phanty Rescue Game, approx 50k
Pumpkin Avatar - Click on a pumpkin in your inventory
Robot Avatar - accept a robot pet through pet exchange.
Seasons Greetings Avatar - Donate any advent 2005 item to pot of gold (random)
Serri Avatar - Attach a Serri to any pet and then remove it
Shack Avatar - Random when building a shack
Tree Hugger Avatar - Vote for the Tree Hugging party, then view your profile.
Twree Avatar - Twree card in your INVENTORY, view a deck with a twree card in it
Upgrade Avatar - Have your shop at size 51 or above
Ush Avatar - Put 2 ush in your gallery and then view your gallery
Withdraw Avatar - Use the ATM machine in Ziranek and withdraw 1,000mp exactly
Witch Avatar - Use a Witch Costume on a pet.
Xmas 07 Avatar - have a pet eat a Christmas Candycane

Efall Avatar - Have only an efall in your gallery and view it
junk section

photo sending
Sinkitty11 sent
-psycopinkpanther sent
-jello_quean sent
-BBFishbone sent ~ feb 20 0200 MST
stephy4554 sent ~ feb 20 1400
-prettymaxinne sent ~ feb 21 0220
-tatoogurl sent ~ feb 21 1450
rosesylace sent ~ feb 22 0340
-tigger68au sent ~ feb 22 2330
-leebak sent ~ feb 23 1230
-miko478 sent ~ feb 24 0118
-deveant sent ~ feb 24 1330
katlanichia sent ~ feb 25 0340
-XKIZMET sent ~ feb 25 2215
jimbogogo traded.

Photos for Trade
24 days, 19 hrs & 36 mins ago
18th Feb 2025 19:38


Copy this list into one side of an online list comparison program (such as ListDiff)
Copy your list of missing photos into the other side

Iit will show you what the two lists have in common

If I have anything you'd like to swap for, MT me what you want and I'll put the item(s) you want into trade with your name on it.

If you are friends-only, add me, MT, then un-add me.

For you, this is so much easier than clicking through 40 pages of plates in trades.
For me, it's easier than maintaining 40-80 pages of photo/plate trades. (I had a lot until I accidentally clicked on Cancel All Trades)

I hope other people set up lists like this too.

I will be adding to this list

Advent Azul Photo
Aqua Raulf Photo
Beige Phanty Photo
Beige Yuni Photo
Bronze Poera Photo
Bronze Viotto Photo
Burnt Phanty Photo
Candy Ushunda Photo
Cursed Poera Photo
Digital Quell Photo
Funky Viotto Photo
Galaxy Ike Photo
Galaxy Kaala Photo
Galaxy Mordo Photo
Galaxy Nino Photo
Galaxy Raulf Photo
Galaxy Troit Photo
Galaxy Willa Photo
Galaxy Yuni Photo
Galaxy Zoosh Photo
Glass Crikey Photo
Glass Dakota Photo
Glass Figaro Photo
Headless Figaro Photo
Ice Fairy Ercuw Photo
Ice Vixen Photo
Island Yuni Photo
Maroon Basil Photo
Monster Ideus Photo
Moonlight Feliz Photo
Neon Troit Photo
Orange Yuni Photo
Pastel Figaro Photo
Pink Phanty Photo
Pink Snookle Photo
Plant Decadal Photo
Polar Murfin Photo
Polar Murfin Photo
Polar Murfin Photo
Royal Knutt Photo
Skeleton Ike Photo
Sketch Yuni Photo
Snow Troit Photo
Sponge Dakota Photo
Staff Yuni Photo
Steampunk Phanty Photo
Strobe Phanty Photo
Strobe Ushunda Photo
Strobe Willa Photo
Strobe Willa Photo
Summer Huthiq Photo
Tiger Basil Photo
Tiger Mordo Photo
Winter Walee Photo
Yellow Phanty Photo

Plates for Trade
3 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
5th Aug 2021 10:11


Copy this list into one side of an online list comparison program (such as ListDiff)
Copy your list of missing plates into the other side

Iit will show you what the two lists have in common

If I have anything you'd like to swap for, MT me what you want and I'll put the item(s) you want into trade with your name on it.

If you are friends-only, add me, MT, then un-add me.

For you, this is so much easier than clicking through 40 pages of plates in trades.
For me, it's easier than maintaining 40-80 pages of photo/plate trades. (I had a lot until I accidentally clicked on Cancel All Trades)

I hope other people set up lists like this too.

I will be adding to this list

Alien Billy Plate
Beige Toto Plate
Black Azint Plate
Black Batz Plate
Black Billy Plate
Black Fiffo Plate
Black Jessido Plate
Black Lidge Plate
Black Olvic Plate
Blue Batz Plate
Blue Filondor Plate
Blue Lidge Plate
Blue Pinto Plate
Blue Reezul Plate
Blue Tinsel Plate
Brown Azint Plate
Brown Mort Plate
Brown Reezul Plate
Clown Dapurtle Plate
Green Filondor Plate
Green Jessutt Plate
Green Olvic Plate
Green Sixth Plate
Grey Anjet Plate
Grey Azint Plate
Grey Filondor Plate
Grey Lidge Plate
Grey Olvic Plate
Grey Pinto Plate
Grey Pythonix Plate
Grey Sobek Plate
Lidge Plate
Orange Batz Plate
Orange Chibi Plate
Orange Daniel Plate
Orange Fiffo Plate
Orange Filondor Plate
Orange Gummi Plate
Orange Jessutt Plate
Orange Mistake Plate
Orange Pinto Plate
Orange Reezul Plate
Orange Reezul Plate
Party Pyri Plate
Pink Batz Plate
Pink Chibi Plate
Pink Lidge Plate
Pink Tinsel Plate
Purple Batz Plate
Purple Chibi Plate
Purple Gummi Plate
Purple Kade Plate
Purple Lidge Plate
Purple Olvic Plate
Red Batz Plate
Red Billy Plate
Red Jessutt Plate
Red Lidge Plate
Red Olvic Plate
Red Pinto Plate
Seasonal Spoopy Plate
Tinsel Plate
Toddler Antonio Plate
White Batz Plate
White Filondor Plate
White Lidge Plate
White Pinto Plate
Yellow Batty Plate
Yellow Batz Plate
Yellow Filondor Plate
Yellow Olvic Plate
Yellow Pinto Plate
Yellow Tinsel Plate

  1. Photos A-C
    18th Feb 2022 17:19
    3 years & 24 days ago
  2. Photos D-L
    18th Feb 2022 17:33
    3 years & 24 days ago
  3. Photos M-Q
    18th Feb 2022 17:48
    3 years & 24 days ago
  4. Photos R-Z
    18th Feb 2022 18:14
    3 years & 24 days ago
  5. A-C Plates
    15th Jan 2025 00:55
    1 month, 28 days & 14 hrs ago
  6. D-L Plates
    15th Jan 2025 00:33
    1 month, 28 days & 14 hrs ago
  7. M-Q Plates
    15th Jan 2025 01:34
    1 month, 28 days & 13 hrs ago
  8. R-Z Plates
    15th Jan 2025 03:31
    1 month, 28 days & 11 hrs ago
  9. open
    13th Feb 2025 12:26
    30 days, 2 hrs & 48 mins ago
  10. Info : Holiday Stuff, incl what costumes qualify
    20th Sep 2021 23:09
    3 years, 5 months & 22 days ago