17 years, 2 months & 29 days ago

28th Dec 2007 14:01
An itch to be scratched -A lust unmatched -An empty bed -"Let's go!" she said.And on the summer's afternoonwe loved until we saw the moon. Exhausted, laying there exposedupon my belly, I proposedshe scratch my back to top it off -and soon she did, so soft, so soft. Nails as sharp as 'Wiltshires' creeplike slugs upon a compost heapacross my sweaty skin untilI feel an itch she can't quite kill. "Just up a bit." She hears me say."Down a bit...the other way.Up a tad. You've gone askew.Slide across a touch or two.A little harder. Damn it! Swat it!Keep going, yes, you've almost got it.Listen woman, can't you tell.You're nowhere near it. Bloody Hell!" I fling my body in the airand land atop the carpet bareGrinding hard upon my backsearching for a pointy tacto give me what I really need -a decent scratch that makes me bleed Bewildered, she is staring down,as losing it, I go to town.Raising up my back, I arch it,slamming hard down on the carpet. My body parts are flicking, hectic,like I'm turning epileptic.A book! A knife! A nice high heel!Give me something I can feel But suddenly, like when it reared,my itch just vanished...disappeared. I rose, so pleased, my love to telland found that she was gone as well. The door was slammed, the lock was latched.Our race was run...and I was scratched!
marapets....your talk
17 years, 4 months & 16 days ago

10th Nov 2007 11:01
Its really your choice whether or not you want to be here. Complaining on and on about silly, nonsensical,puny probs EVERY SINGLE DAY...isnt goin to fix it. It's jsut making it worse.Being rude about it doesnt make it any better other words keep your comments to your self...hello i know you're not blind. The rules specifically said..."You must treat every member equally, despite any differences you may have. Any rude comments or name calling will be treated as bullying".BIG DUH!!! Come on ...just because things arent going your way doesnt mean you gotta take it out on someone else. As i sadi its really your choice whether you stay here or not. We have got to stop making these little issues affect us. Also being rude is being changing it...its not humour ok

. If you consider it humour you've got serious probs. If you see a forum of something you dont like...just keep away from it...(hmmm... doesnt that sound like a smart idea)'s not your duty to comment...get a hobby!!! Honestly people who think its cool to be mean to others...especially cuz there younger than you that's just being stupid.
I know you were once that age and you wouldnt want anyone looking down on you because of it. It's not like their brains are any smaller...for all you know their's is bigger

. Now im not saying that younger ppl dont get on ppls happens but marapets is for everyone. The young...the old and the very old.It's just s site we dont own it k. I think we need to give it a rest and take it easy...this isnt life ppl...there is a real world out there...(amazing huh:rolleyes

As i said it's YOUR choice.