A little about names...
17 years, 9 months & 15 days ago

28th May 2007 11:25
Morpheus: "He who forms, shapes and moulds dream", taken from the Greek word morphe. He is the Greek god of dreams.
Nemeon: In Greek mythology, Nemeon was the most powerful lion in the world who could only be defeated by Hercules.
Kyrium: The first word of a mysterious Latin message sent by God to a sinful priest in the form of initial letters on an altar sheet; its meaning..."Repent Now".
Aeos: Helios The Sun God of the Greek drove a chariot across the sky each day and night - it as drawn by solar bulls (Iliad xvi.779) one of which is Aeos.
Aphrodite: The Greek goddess of love, lust, and beauty. (Mighty Aphrodite was also the name of a film by Woody Allen)
Shadhavar: A unicorn of Persian folklore. When wind blows through its horn, a melody is produced that attracts humans and animals. Once its prey is near, the Shadhavar attacks. It is an "Evil Unicorn."
Peryton - according to greek mythology, a deer with wings, that casts the shadow of a man. The Perytons were originally from Atlantis. They would fly in flocks, and attack sailors near the Strait of Gibraltar.
Urraco - (pronounced "oo-RAH-koh" ), meaning "little bull," was the fighting bull which killed the toreadore Manolete.
Pygmalion - the name of a sculptor from Galatea, who created an ivory statue and fell in love with it. Also the title of a play by George Bernard Shaw, which was to inspire the film "My Fair Lady".
Svarog - the Slavic Sun God and spirit of fire; his name means bright and clear. Folklore portrays him as a fire serpent, a winged dragon that breathes fire.
Isanti - meaning "Knife" originates from the name of a lake in Minnesota. It is one of the three major divisions of the Sioux. This tribe of the Sioux is today known as the Dakota.