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  1. plates to make
    10th Jan 2014 00:50
    11 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  2. Random Thoughts
    9th Aug 2007 02:33
    17 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  3. Just to say "thanks!"
    27th Jul 2007 05:33
    17 years, 7 months & 16 days ago
  4. A little about names...
    28th May 2007 11:25
    17 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
plates to make
11 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
10th Jan 2014 00:50

STOP look at this page - it's just for my reference. Ninja

White Devil

Random Thoughts
17 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
9th Aug 2007 02:33

Just IMed this to a friend of mine and thought... hmmmmm... I should save that ;]

"You'll probably NEVER have the perfect job, perfect mate and perfect friends whatever you do. So why sweat it... just aim in the right direction and start enjoying the ride for as long as it lasts and try to always make the best of any given situation... and stay close to God (cos He's the only one who'll see you through anything) - THAT is my take on life."

Just to say "thanks!"
17 years, 7 months & 16 days ago
27th Jul 2007 05:33

There are people who I need to thank for a number of reasons, ranging from their just being absolutely wonderful friends to being those whose generous spirit I appreciate. Here they are in no particular order (if I've missed out anyone, please forgive my memory lapse).

Angelnic | Slewisa | CK5000 | KidsSis | Gmgr1 | ~shooting_star~ | Aradia | Entice | Officer | FuzzieBear |mommylove | Celticlassie | Badtama | caitlingal | Mymysweetiepie | butterflydreams01 | joeltoward | marzypooh | devongirl | MrsGrumps | HendyLove04 | Gabbi | Annatheace | Panda | Natalia | sparkles361 |

A little about names...
17 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
28th May 2007 11:25

Morpheus: "He who forms, shapes and moulds dream", taken from the Greek word morphe. He is the Greek god of dreams.

Nemeon: In Greek mythology, Nemeon was the most powerful lion in the world who could only be defeated by Hercules.

Kyrium: The first word of a mysterious Latin message sent by God to a sinful priest in the form of initial letters on an altar sheet; its meaning..."Repent Now".

Aeos: Helios The Sun God of the Greek drove a chariot across the sky each day and night - it as drawn by solar bulls (Iliad xvi.779) one of which is Aeos.

Aphrodite: The Greek goddess of love, lust, and beauty. (Mighty Aphrodite was also the name of a film by Woody Allen)

Shadhavar: A unicorn of Persian folklore. When wind blows through its horn, a melody is produced that attracts humans and animals. Once its prey is near, the Shadhavar attacks. It is an "Evil Unicorn."

Peryton - according to greek mythology, a deer with wings, that casts the shadow of a man. The Perytons were originally from Atlantis. They would fly in flocks, and attack sailors near the Strait of Gibraltar.

Urraco - (pronounced "oo-RAH-koh" ), meaning "little bull," was the fighting bull which killed the toreadore Manolete.

Pygmalion - the name of a sculptor from Galatea, who created an ivory statue and fell in love with it. Also the title of a play by George Bernard Shaw, which was to inspire the film "My Fair Lady".

Svarog - the Slavic Sun God and spirit of fire; his name means bright and clear. Folklore portrays him as a fire serpent, a winged dragon that breathes fire.

Isanti - meaning "Knife" originates from the name of a lake in Minnesota. It is one of the three major divisions of the Sioux. This tribe of the Sioux is today known as the Dakota.

  1. plates to make
    10th Jan 2014 00:50
    11 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  2. Random Thoughts
    9th Aug 2007 02:33
    17 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  3. Just to say "thanks!"
    27th Jul 2007 05:33
    17 years, 7 months & 16 days ago
  4. A little about names...
    28th May 2007 11:25
    17 years, 9 months & 15 days ago