Egg Hunt Hints!
15 years, 10 months & 8 days ago

3rd May 2009 13:42
I will post the WORLD where you will find the egg. None of the solutions so far require refreshing. DO NOT MAIL ME. I WILL NOT GIVE OUT FULL SOLUTIONS. That said, if you mail me I may block you. I don't need a flooded inbox.
If one of these aren't working, don't worry. There aren't any more glitches and none of the solutions are broken.
Simply use the plushie or gumball machine, or buy something from the main shops, then try again.
If you use these hints, a small thank you would be nice (:
Level 1: Clue : 'Lati... Sindi... Lati... Sindi... I need a rabbit, not this Chibs!'
Clue : Eleka's Castle.
Congratulations! You found the 'Checkered Easter Egg'!
Level 2: Clue : 'Maybe I can win a rabbit?'
Clue : Slater Park.
Congratulations! You found the 'Cheese Easter Egg'!
You have won 2,500MP!
Level 3: Clue : 'Up, up, and away!'
Clue : Slater Park.
Congratulations! You found the 'Chinese Easter Egg'!
Level 4: Clue : 'One day I will get to level 1337'
Clue : Lush Lake. Keyword 1337.
Congratulations! You found the 'Clown Easter Egg'!
Level 5: Clue : 'Society of Naughty Addow Plumbers'
Clue : Acronym.
Congratulations! You found the 'Devil Easter Egg'!
You have won an Easter Pizza and 5,000MP!
Level 6: Clue : 'Buy one if you are not too scared of the ghost...'
Clue : Undying Woods. Keyword ghost.
Congratulations! You found the 'Digital Easter Egg'!
Level 7: Clue : 'Too much chocolate made you sick?
Time to go and get yourself fit'
Clue : Minipet Island. Keyword fit.
Congratulations! You found the 'Earth Fairy Easter Egg'!
Level 8: Clue : 'me ecaR'
Clue : Biala Mountain. Keyword backwards.
Congratulations! You found the 'Elf Easter Egg'!
You have won 7,000MP!
Level 9: Clue : 'Is there an egg under here?'
Clue : Vortex Park.
Congratulations! You found the 'Eleka Easter Egg'!
Level 10: Clue : 'sue royu cslmseu'
Clue : Gigantic Paradise. Unscramble.
Congratulations! You found the 'Fire Fairy Easter Egg'!
Level 11: Clue : 'Egg shells make good shovels?'
Clue : Gigantic Paradise. Keyword shovels.
Congratulations! You found the 'Funky Easter Egg'!
Level 12: Clue : 'Lend me a copy of Watership Down?'
Clue : City of Marada. Watership Down is a book.
Congratulations! You found the 'Geek Easter Egg'!
You have won an Dancing Easter Eggs and 10,000MP!
Level 13: Clue : 'Is it Easter yet?'
Clue : Undying Woods. What time is it?
Congratulations! You found the 'Glass Easter Egg'!
Level 14: Clue : 'Dress your bunny in ribbons and bows'
Clue : Lowlyhood. Keyword dress.
Congratulations! You found the 'Ice Easter Egg'!
Level 15: Clue : 'ese ojnnso'
Clue : Baspinar's Castle. Unscramble.
Congratulations! You found the 'Ice Fairy Easter Egg'!
You have won an Easter Egg Ice Cream and 12,500MP!
Level 16: Clue : 'Time to rabbit on about what you have learned'
Clue : Simeria. Free school stats?
Congratulations! You found the 'Light Fairy Easter Egg'!
Level 17: Clue : 'Time for a change'
Clue : Enpiah.
Congratulations! You found the 'Lightning Easter Egg'!
Level 18: Clue : 'Bunny bones?'
Clue : Undying Woods. Keyword bones.
Congratulations! You found the 'Love Easter Egg'!
You have won an Easter Egg Book and 15,000MP!
Level 19: Clue : 'oooooh Pretty pictures!'
Clue : Ziranek. Keyword Pretty - is that the name of something?
Congratulations! You found the 'Millionaire Easter Egg'!
Level 20: Clue : 'Almost-a-bunny'
Clue : Gigantic Paradise. Bunny colours?
Congratulations! You found the 'Mummy Easter Egg'!
Level 21: Clue : 'Eaten more eggs than you oughta?
See the one who lives under water'
Clue : Jenoa. Healing?
Congratulations! You found the 'Nefarious Easter Egg'!
Level 22: Clue : 'Match those....rabbits?'
Clue : Jenoa. Matching game?
Congratulations! You found the 'Ninja Easter Egg'!
You have won an Easter and 17,500MP!
Level 23: Clue : 'lupl hist'
Clue : Baspinar's Castle. Unscramble.
Congratulations! You found the 'Pixie Easter Egg'!
Level 24: Clue : 'Try your luck with a frozen egg'
Clue : Biala Mountain. Win a costume?
Congratulations! You found the 'Plant Easter Egg'!
Level 25: Clue : 'If your easter shopping is one big fail
Look here to see the eggs for sale'
Clue : Ziranek. Advertising?
Congratulations! You found the 'Prison Easter Egg'!
Level 26: Clue : 'Will you win or will you lose?
Its time for you to pick and choose'
Clue: Lush Lake. 90 minutes.
Congratulations! You found the 'Punk Easter Egg'!
You have won an Easter Egg Hunt and 20,000MP!
Level 27: Clue : 'Lucky number? Evil!'
Extra Clue : Eleka's Castle. You've done 2 already.
Congratulations! You found the 'Royal Easter Egg'!
Level 28: Clue : 'Give your pets an easter treat
Bet they would like a small round sweet
Clue: Candyland-ish (duh). Small? Round? 3rd place chewy (: random.
Congratulations! You found the 'Seasonal Easter Egg'!
You have passed Level 28 of the Easter Egg Hunt.
Level 29 : 'yklcu kictte'
Clue: Dukka Town. Unscramble.
Congratulations! You found the 'Simerian Easter Egg'!
You have passed Level 29 of the Easter Egg Hunt.
Level 30 : 'Time to put on your easter bonnet'
Clue: Time for a new look?
Congratulations! You found the 'Skeleton Easter Egg'!
You have passed Level 30 of the Easter Egg Hunt.
Level 31 : 'If you want to get a cracker
give this one a big smacker'
Clue: Biala Mountain. Kiss that thang.
Congratulations! You found the 'Snowman Easter Egg'!
You have passed Level 31 of the Easter Egg Hunt.
Level 32 : 'Are there eggs at the end of the rainbow?'
Clue: Gigantic Paradise. RP, but not for free.
Congratulations! You found the 'Space Fairy Easter Egg'!
You have passed Level 32 of the Easter Egg Hunt.
Level 33 : 'Dont you hit my rabbit!'
Clue: To battle, what must you have?
Congratulations! You found the 'Starry Easter Egg'!
You have passed Level 33 of the Easter Egg Hunt.
You have won 25,000MP!
Level 34: 'etg uyro ahcs'
Clue: City of Marada. Unscramble.
Congratulations! You found the 'Undying Easter Egg'!
Level 35: 'Can I buy a rabbit here?'
Clue: Easter, Gingerbread, Midnight, Valentine...a white sign?
Congratulations! You found the 'Valentine Easter Egg'!
Level 36: Clue : 'Come to me oh little egg'
Clue: Dukka Town. Eggs?
Congratulations! You found the 'Witch Easter Egg'!
You have passed Level 36 of the Easter Egg Hunt.
Level 37 : 'Excavate the ancient egg of knowledge'
Clue: Simeria. Excavate?
Congratulations! You found the 'Wizard Easter Egg'!
You have passed Level 37 of the Easter Egg Hunt.
Level 38 : 'On the look out for rabbits'
Clue: I'm getting a glitch! Which staff are online?
Congratulations! You found the 'Leprechaun Easter Egg'!
You have passed Level 38 of the Easter Egg Hunt.
Level 39 : 'Fed up of rabbits by now?'
Clue: do I kill a rabbit?
Congratulations! You found the 'Cowboy Easter Egg'!
You have passed Level 39 of the Easter Egg Hunt.
Level 40 : 'We all know Marapets rocks but how often do we throw rocks at midnight?'
Clue: Throw rocks? Mid-night? Well this chewy rock doesn't usually hurt..
Congratulations! You found the 'Angel Easter Egg'!
You have now completed the Easter Egg Hunt.
You have won 50,000MP! You can now claim all of your Easter Eggs at your basket!