lowcow and nicki2592
15 years, 7 months & 24 days ago

23rd Jul 2009 18:19
my best friends like my profile says is lowcow and nicki2592
lowcow-i just wanna say i have known you forever. we used to play soccer together when we were little bitty. and not only that i was at ur house like all summer long since we were like 2 house down from each other..we've done so much together and had many great memories and laughes together. and i hope there is gonna be more to come.. well i love you....meghan
nick2592-i dont know where to even start. its amazing to me how close we have became. i can tell u and trust u with anything and everything. and u can do the same with me. we also so had a bunch of laughes like (stupid oompa loompa) omg lol thats hilarious. i still laugh to this day. i kno we will never drift apart were just alike in so many ways. i love u cuzz to the sun and back and always will..meghan