Siggies. Taking orders.
14 years, 11 months & 6 days ago

12th Apr 2010 02:32
Here are examples:
(I made some for a club and some for friends)
(i forgot to place my signature in this. DONT STEAL. OR I KILL)
Text color:
Subtext color:
A siggie ranges from 5k-10k
Pet Quiz {what personality do you have?}
17 years, 6 months & 2 days ago

16th Sep 2007 01:13
1. What toy do you like most?
a. freebies from the games
b. expensive toys
c. cheap toys
d. anything, if it just is needed not to buy one
2. Your favorite expression?
a. Yeehaw!!!
b. Marvelous!
c. Oh!
d. What?
3. What LE Marapet do you like most?
a. Sindi
b. Chibs
c. Quell
d. Kronk
4. you find 4 items but you could only get 1 what is it?
a. Costume
b. Pure marapoints
c. food
d. the plain stuff left
Mostly A's:
you don't like to spend so much on stuff, in case it is needed, you are contented the way it is,
Mostly B's:
you like to be treated like royalty, you like to spend mp on lots of items, you think you need,but still, keep some cash flow okay??
Mostly C's:
you want to pinch or shake the person beside you, just for money, sometimes, you may be hard headed, so keep the cash on some of your pockets,
Mostly D's
You actually, don't care what hip, or new in town, you are satisfied on your things and probably has 5 bank accounts full of mp, keep it up, or give some to the less fortunate guys!!!
17 years, 9 months & 8 days ago

11th Jun 2007 01:37
I am clubless, looking for a 18+ private club,