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  1. Shamu-La:// A change in tide in the rp forums?
    6th Apr 2010 14:36
    14 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
  2. Piccirillo// My story
    5th Aug 2009 19:26
    15 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
    29th Mar 2009 10:59
    15 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
Shamu-La:// A change in tide in the rp forums?
14 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
6th Apr 2010 14:36

While browsing through the forums I couldn???t help but be surprised when I noticed how many boards were breaking one major rule in the forums. NO ROMANCE. As for myself, I understand both sides of this ongoing war. I realize that years before there was such rule and it got out of hand and the Staff was forced to make this rule. This shows how easily good things can be ruined by a few people???s bad choices and that too much of a good thing can go bad easily. On the other hand, as a fellow Role-player, I find the fact that this was more than a few years ago and they haven???t even given this ???generation??? of role-players a chance unfair. Even when we bring up these small complaints and even a few good points, most of the Staff is powerless to change Ian???s mind. They suggest that we ???talk to Ian??? about this but what???s the point if our MM???s are ignored? Still there are a few members that are staying positive and even less those are determined. Blog Petition???s suggesting what should be changed in the forums is everywhere now days. I myself have joined a few and it shows the determination of the Role-players and how easily we band together!

One other issue that people are finding in the rules is the rule that states ???No schools or Malls or Life like settings???. Many people find this unfair because given a few good twists, these ???uncreative??? settings become very creative. Still Role-playing is for people who want to get away from their actual lives and start somewhere new or for people who just want to strengthen their writing and creative skills. People are outraged that even though their plots are well thought up and original there boards are still reported and then deleted. How can these determined and devoted members come to a compromise about the rules when they are constantly ignored? If you chose the Staff???s side than feel free to click the big red ???X??? on the top of the page. On the other hand, if you chose the Role-players side, check around for a few good blog petitions and go ahead sign them! Feel free to sign down here or MM me if you want to add to my ideas about rules that just might need changing! ^^

Piccirillo// My story
15 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
5th Aug 2009 19:26

This is my story and I would love it if you commented or pointed otu something that was a mistake. Also if you'd like me to write more then post it or MM me. xD I know the chapter are short but it helps me keeps up with stuff.

For years and years now, my family has hunted and destroyed vampires. We are the Piccirillos. We have passed down, from generation to generation, the skill of vampire hunting. Only recently have I joined the family business. My dad always said I had potential and I always laughed. I shouldn???t worry myself with that just yet. I mean I was little of course. I didn???t want to run off and kill. Most kids wouldn???t do this in their wildest dreams, but I???ve never been a normal kid. My name is Fawn but don???t let that deceive you. I can and will hunt down any threat that stands in my way. But let me take you back, back to when I wasn???t sure of myself and my new skills. Back a few years or is it months? I haven???t been able to keep track lately??? I mean with the entire vampire hunting.

My stomach twisted wildly as I stood in the pouring rain. My maroon sweatshirt plastered to my frame as I stood by a tree. I held my new bow with an arrow in reach so if need be I could knock an arrow quickly and be ready to shoot. I was positioned here on purpose I was helping her brother, Drake, with an awfully hard vampire to catch. He had been hunting her down for weeks now. Every time he was close the vampire would turn and get away only leaving a scratch on his arm to remind him of her.
I shifted my weight from my right leg to my left as I watched for them. The clearing was empty and silent except for the tapping of the rain. Then I heard it a soft beat that sounded like footsteps along with another that were a bit louder and clumsier. They broke into the clearing with little sound, my eyes were wary in the dark. Drake was watching her, his eyes never leaving her, watching her every move. Then I saw it the look in her eyes the seemed to signal the fact that an idea had clicked in her brain. She advanced toward him and the uneasy feeling in my stomach worsened. I knocked the arrow and waited I was now aimed perfectly at her. She let out a laugh that turned out more like a growl. Her muscles were tense and for a second she reminded me of a jungle cat. Then she pounced and was on top of him her fangs in his neck and his screams filling the air as he fought to get her off. I would have let go and set the arrow flying so that it could pierce her right in the heart and finish her off for good but Drake was moving too much and I couldn???t be sure I wouldn???t hurt him in the process. Drake soon stopped struggling and I knew it was too late. I ran toward them and kicked her aside. My anger allowing me to do things I never would have been able to do a few moments before. My foot landed square on her chest pinning her down. I positioned my arrow straight at her heart at released the string sending the arrow flying. Her body turned to ash under my feet as the arrow went through her.
I scampered to Drake???s side dropping my bow on the ground near him.
???Drake!??? I whimpered gripping his hand. I knew soon he would either be running off into the forest with me knowing I would soon have to hunt him down. ???Fawn leave! Please Hurry!??? Drake whispered we both knew what was coming. The horrible transformation from human to vampire and then the seeming endless frenzy that would lead me back to him later.
???Goodbye, brother.???I said kissing him on the forehead before standing the other vampires would come for him to help ease the transformation. Vampires were always kind to new people who were now under the curse. I picked up my stuff vowing to find him again and help straighten him out and teach him to control his instincts before I ran into the darkness just as I heard the others come for him.

I woke up with a start ever since that happened two weeks ago I had been re-living it in my dreams. My mom and Dad had passed away awhile ago and now I lost my brother. I was alone here at home. I picked up my equipment and shoved it into my backpack. I turned my light out and walked down the hallway. In my hand I clutched a picture of my brother and me. When I passed his room I shut his light out before opening the front door and turning out onto the street. I had slept late it was already 6 p.m. and getting dark. I headed down the street making little noise. Unlike my brother I was light-footed. There was a small mansion up ahead I smiled there was a rumor that a vampire was in there but I had never been able to get to it because of the overgrown path was to hard walk through.
I slid under the underbrush and army crawled through the rest. I smiled as I approached the old mansion door. I knocked loudly and waited a boy about a year older than me opened the door he had blonde hair and golden brown eyes. He looked at me oddly and looked back behind him before turning to look back at me,???Yes???? He asked.
???I???m sorry I must have the wrong place.??? I said turning around. It started to drizzle but it grew harder and harder to where I could barely see him.
???Wait! It???s pouring come in. come in.??? He said gesturing inside. I shivered but was hesitant but this could be my only chance so I nodded and walked in. He locked the door behind me and led me into a living room area. There were 3 people sitting in the room near a fireplace.
???Hey guys this is Fawn.???He said. He gestured to one girl with amber and wild green eyes,??? This is April.???He introduced. Then he gestured to the other boy with brown hair and blue eyes, ???This is Jay.??? He introduced with a glare.
???Nice to meet you, Fawn.???He said charmingly which made the other girl glare also.
???Oh and this is Audrey.??? He said gesturing to the last girl who was glaring at me she had blonde hair that was lighter than mine and blue eyes.
???That is Trey.???She said and I realized that the boy had never introduced himself.
???It???s nice to meet you all.??? I said and Trey pulled me into the seat next to him. Jay was watching me while Audrey continued to glare pain shot through my arm causing me yank it up and squeeze my wrist. Trey and Jay looked at Audrey with a ???what did you do look???. She faced the fire again. Trey looked at me ???You must be tired you can lie down if you???d like.???He said.
???Well not really.??? I said but now that he mentioned it I could feel a sleepy haze washing over me. I yawned and laid down and soon I was just sitting there listening to them talk.
???She is a slayer April how can you possibly be right???? I heard Audrey say. They were all sitting in a circle whispering.
???Audrey have I ever been wrong????She hissed back. I could hear the anger in her voice.
???Quiet she???s awake.??? I heard Trey hiss. He walked back toward the couch and sat next to me I slowly got up and they were all in their normal spots mumbling about something.

???Morning.???Trey said. It was Tuesday I had already been here for a day.
???Whoa you???re awake????I said checking my watch it was 6:45 a.m. and I thought I was the only one who woke up this early at my age. I looked up again he was watching me intently. I felt nervous under his stare and quickly looked down toward my feet and examined my shoes. I decided to end the long exhasperating silence,"So do you go to Brickshore High?"I asked looking up now I had never seen them at the school and it wasn't like me to forget a vampires face.
"Actually we were all just enrolled this year. Audrey and Jay are Seniors and i'm a Junior along with April." He explained. I nodded I was a Junior also but he had probably guessed that.
"Well I was thinking of heading out. It stopped raining and the street are barely flooded. I'd hate to over-stay my welcome."I said bitting my lip. All of the sudden Audrey popped up a wicked grin on her face.
"Aw did I just hear you wanted to leave?"She asked but she sounded not sad at all. Infact she was smirking as if she knew that I would leave so soon.I turned and looked at Trey who had faint frown on his face. She reached toward the doorknob and pulled back instatnly the door was locked in quite a few diferent places. Tye bit his lip,"Sorry 'bout that Audrey had a bit of a paranoia about someone breaking in."He explained unlocking them quickly. I nodded though something told me that hte real thing she was scared of wasn't going to be stopped by that. The door sprung open and I welcomed the fresh air as it filled my lungs. I glanced back now the whole group was standing there most of them with an uncertain look on their face. I tried my best to give a warm smiled as I muttered goodbye but it wavered as usual. Despite my embarassment I managed to make it across the path that had just been cut and made it easily to the curb. The flood had died down and I could easily make my way across the street. Before crossing the street, I leaned over to roll up my jeans before heading back to my house. THe whole time I felt their eyes on my back but only one set sent shivers down my back probably Audrey's.

15 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
29th Mar 2009 10:59

***Ignore this! I am using this blog to write an article for MaraNews. Go away! xD***

A Change of Tide in the Role-playing Forums?
By Shamu-la
While browsing through the forums I couldn???t help but be surprised when I noticed how many boards were breaking one major rule in the forums. NO ROMANCE. As for myself, I understand both sides of this ongoing war. I realize that years before there was such rule and it got out of hand and the Staff was forced to make this rule. This shows how easily good things can be ruined by a few people???s bad choices and that too much of a good thing can go bad easily. On the other hand, as a fellow Role-player, I find the fact that this was more than a few years ago and they haven???t even given this ???generation??? of role-players a chance unfair. Even when we bring up these small complaints and even a few good points, most of the Staff is powerless to change Ian???s mind. They suggest that we ???talk to Ian??? about this but what???s the point if our MM???s are ignored? Still there are a few members that are staying positive and even less those are determined. Blog Petition???s suggesting what should be changed in the forums is everywhere now days. I myself have joined a few and it shows the determination of the Role-players and how easily we band together!
One other issue that people are finding in the rules is the rule that states ???No schools or Malls or Life like settings???. Many people find this unfair because given a few good twists, these ???uncreative??? settings become very creative. Still Role-playing is for people who want to get away from their actual lives and start somewhere new or for people who just want to strengthen their writing and creative skills. People are outraged that even though their plots are well thought up and original there boards are still reported and then deleted. How can these determined and devoted members come to a compromise about the rules when they are constantly ignored? If you chose the Staff???s side than feel free to click the big red ???X??? on the top of the page. On the other hand, if you chose the Role-players side, check around for a few good blog petitions and go ahead sign them!

  1. Shamu-La:// A change in tide in the rp forums?
    6th Apr 2010 14:36
    14 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
  2. Piccirillo// My story
    5th Aug 2009 19:26
    15 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
    29th Mar 2009 10:59
    15 years, 11 months & 12 days ago