A thanks to the Marapets Administraters...
17 years, 1 month & 14 days ago

3rd Feb 2008 15:10
A Thanks to Marapet's Administraters
I believe that all our staff and moderators work hours on end at no pay, and they deserve a thank you...
And have not yet gotten a proper one. And I'd like to present one to them.
Sorry if I have any info wrong, as I don't know the details, but as I see it you are bombarded with SPAM mail, not to mention hours on false reported boards, posts, and people who tattle. Yet you still hang in there.
I like most others wouldn't be able to survive this pressure, and I know how hard it must be to have the safety and fairness of marapets relying on you.
I don't know how long it would take for these words to reach your eyes, and if they ever are going to, but if it happens to be so, I'd like to say this...
(This was originally posted on the Christmas of 2007)
And now I ask for the public's help. Do not take this fun, fair site for granted, please. Wish our administraters a thank you. You have two choices:
#1 Repost this in your blog and hope that one day this'll reach the eyes of administraters.
#2 Click the another button and ignore this, thinking less of our staff and moderators than the second before you read this.
If you do decide to use up one of your blog spaces, make the sacrafice, and repost this, I thank you. We need to begin to see who supplied us with the fairness of our site.