sweet 16!
14 years, 2 months & 11 days ago

1st Jan 2011 10:28
A month today I'll be turning 16! Hooray!
In case you haven't noticed I'm rather excited!
Am looking forward to it very much!
Hope I get nice presents!

The staff at knutt house
14 years, 3 months & 24 days ago

18th Nov 2010 10:35
We assume you are here in regards to greattristan.
Please feel free to ask any questions and we will try our best to respond in an efficient manner.
My 15th!
15 years, 1 month & 16 days ago

25th Jan 2010 07:56
The time for me to turn 15 is coming near!
On the 1st of Feb, I will be gaining another year in my life!
In other words, I'm turning 15!
I hope I get loads of pressies!
Both on Mara and in real life!

15 years, 1 month & 23 days ago

18th Jan 2010 10:33
If anyone sees her or is friends with her can you remind her that she owes me a 500 Dukka Coin?
Well she doesn't actually OWE it to me... But on her auction of it I was the top bidder.
So... yeah... if anyone sees her...
Pokemon trading!
15 years, 5 months & 13 days ago

28th Sep 2009 07:26
Just checking to see if any of you guys have pokemon. If so please reply with your friend codes so we can trade and battle over wi-fi!
I have legendary pokemon available but only for legendaries I don't have! These include all four regis, any from earlier generastions like Groudon and Kyogre, Latias, Latios? Any from that generation apart from Rayquaza who I have! Mew, mewtwo, have three birds, need three dogs, lugia and ho-oh and celebi and jirachi. All I can think of now but already have all forth generation legendaries apart from regigigas, Arceus and Shaymin! So don't bother unless you have those. Preferably not Shaymin or Arceus as I would rather capture them myself when they become available!