facts about mintymemememe
10 years, 9 months & 16 days ago

27th May 2014 13:32
1. My full name is Amy May ~surname~
2. I was born in germany and i have lived in 9 different places
3. I have been to 12 diferent schools due to that
4. I hate spider and I hate the dark
5. I've never been in love
6. Trusting people on the internet it easier than trusting people in real life imo
7. I can't hold down a relationship for very long
8. I love every music type, i sway more to rock
9. My favourite movie would be the hunger games/cf or anything with leo dicaprio in
10. Michael McIntyre is my favourite comedian
11. I want to speak fluently in different languages but i have the memory of a sieve
12. I don't really have a talent
13. I'm bi-sexual
14. But i'm not comfortable telling real life people that
15. I love animals. not bugs
~ill add to it later~
the username story
this user name is probably the worst one to exist and still be acitve.I made it when i was like 8, it was one of many accounts. I did multi back when i was younger, but come on I didn't really understand rules.
the reason i chose this, is i think i already took up
idk, probobly, but I just dont understand this name.
Atleast people dont forget me