pet pics list
15 years, 9 months & 25 days ago

18th May 2009 03:04
if you need earth fairy fassoro or a exploror tantua pic put your name down. ill get one to you asap

15 years, 10 months & 17 days ago

25th Apr 2009 06:19
The alarm clock went off, it was half past seven. "I'm gonna be late!" Rolling out of bed grabbing the closets pair of pants she could, Bri went into the bath room got her hair brush and was out the door. "Oh man I cant believe I'm late again" She ran down the street and into the patch of woods by the pond. It was a cool fall day and the warm water gave off a mist to the cool air, as she crossed over the first of two little bridges at the entrance to the woods. She took a deep breath in and looked around her to see the beauty of the trees in fall and continued to make her way threw the woods to the second bridge that lay over a dry stream bed. The only thing on her mind was the fact that she was running late for school and could not afford another tardy on the record. She picked up the passe some hoping it would help make better time but when she reached the last bridge and stepped out on to the street there was an ice cold burst of wind, she froze in her tracks the hair on the back of her neck stood up. She felt so dazed she could not see straight and blacked out. When she came to she was back in the woods, but there was something different she could not put her finger on it but she new it was not the same. She looked around her and saw there was a stone bench that was never there. Bri looked down and saw not the clothing she had on this morning but a yellow dress it looked like it was Victorian. She didn't know what to think. Suddenly she heard foot steps it sounded like an animal . She was so scared she didn't want to turn she only wanted to run but felt the sudden urge to turn so she did, when she turned to her relief it was not an animal but a man. He was a very handsome man maybe in his mid 20's with slicked back dark hair and a long black trench coat on the style of which was similar to the dress she found herself wearing when she came to. H-he-hello she said, he looked at her as if he knew her for years. She waited for him so say something anything to hint at where she was and what was happening to her. But to her dismay there was no reply as she went to open her mouth to ask who he was he leaned in and kissed her she closed her eyes in shock. When Bri opened her eyes again she was back on the street in the same clothing everything was normal. She looked around her so confused. "I must have been day dreaming...That's it I was day dreaming" But it was so real.. Bri could still feel the touch of the masteries mans lips on hers Then the chilly wind came back. Once again the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end but this time she heard a voice that was carried on the wind." I will see you again Bri,very soon," as she turned back towards the woods she thought she saw what looked to be a large dog run into the brush.
She shook the shivers away and though it must have been the dog from up the street. She knew there was a large dog in the neighborhood. She continued on her way. Somehow she managed to get to school with 5 minutes to spare, relieved she took a deep breath and walked in the building. The day was going by so slowly minutes felt like hours, it was only 10 am but it seemed like the bell should ring any second signaling the time to go home. "why is today going by so slowly" Bri thought to herself normally the day flew by because it was Wednesday the day when she had art class. The day dragged out until finally it was time for her last class she was so relieved. As she walked down the hallway, to her art class things started changing around her. She looked at the faces of the people walking by her but she couldn't seem to make them out. They got very dark and blurred, soon she could see nothing. Then, she heard the voice from the woods again calling out to her. The room around her got light again but it was not the school hallway any more it was a place she had never seen. It was the inside of a mansion it looked to be from the Victorian era. There was a magnificent stair case in front of her that led to a platform that branched into two more stair cases that led up to either side of the house. She was in aw, it was so beautiful she was drawn in to the house further. She looked down and saw a magnificent compass rose on the floor it looked Italian. Then suddenly down the stair case to the left came the man from the woods. She looked at him and could not help but to stair as he gracefully came down almost like he was floating. Bri I told you it would be soon how I've missed you. He said as he embraced her. She couldn't move or speak. She was in shock. Her mind raced, who was this man, how did she get there for that matter where was she! Bri looked up into the mans eyes he lent down and once again he kissed her and once again she closed her eyes but this time when she opened them she was still in the house and she was still in the mans arms. Shocked she pushed him away "who the hell are you??!!!! where am I?" He just looked at her "all in good time my love, all in good time" he embraced her again. She closed her eyes as she pushed him away once more. This time she opened her eyes to see all her class mates giving her funny looks and giggling to them selves. Embarrassed she put her head down on her desk. " what's wrong with me I keep daydreaming" The day was over and as confused as she was Bri set back off for home, this time taking the long way around the pond not sure if it was such a good idea to go threw the woods again. For a few days there were no more daydreams.
I finally know what my new years resolution is!
16 years, 1 month & 25 days ago

16th Jan 2009 08:30
I have decided that this year will be the year i try to make all of my dreams come true. I have always dreamt of being an artist and i have been working on it. But this year i will try to make money off of what i do. As well as finally try my hand at cake art. once i have more money i will get what i need and see what i can do.
16 years & 2 months ago

11th Jan 2009 13:00
My chibi adotps gp for 7k mp each. If you want one i need to know all these things.
1) Colors
2) any words you want on it
3) any special items you want on it. look at the ones on my profile to see examples of what i have done.
Since mails are down Post on the blog what you want.