Lending for wizard avi
16 years & 2 months ago

11th Jan 2009 00:57
Ok here is the deal. I have a wizard pet for LEND for the avi. But Mail is down so i have to post here and any one who wants to use it must as well. For starters you Must Fill out the form and sign the agreement Secondly YOU need to pay the fees For me and your self. as well as give an extra 1k lending fee. You fill out this form and please Post it here so i will have it then mail me with the mail title saying Posted on the blog. I will check and read fully before i send the pet. Once i see that the form is correctly filled out i will mail you saying Trade is up and once i get the offer I will send the pet. If for any reason you can not send my pet within the time You MUST mail saying Posted blog sorry. I will check if it is understandable i will allow more time with pet.
I (your name here) Fully and Totally understand that this is a pet LOAN for an Avi and i swear to return the pet with in 5 minuets with out hesitation. I (you name here) also understand that if I Fail to return this pet within the allotted time Will be reported to staff as Stealing a pet and Understand that the repercussions are All my fault since i Agreed to the terms.
(you name here) (the date and time in mara here)
I think RP is kinda out of hand
16 years, 2 months & 3 days ago

7th Jan 2009 23:40
I thought that this post by staff was great. But i can see that kids and some adults don't read it. I don't get why they can't fallow the rules.
Real-life roleplays are not allowed.
Beach Parties
High school RPs
Gifted High school
Middle school
Dance school
Princess school
Prince school
School of royalty
Boy vs girl with separate places to sleep
Anything that has anything that may resemble a dorm.
Haunted School
Family RPs
I think you get my drift. Anything that has school in it, is a no-no.
Thank you kindly.
P.S Romance is not allowed either.
cds x_mae-mae-x has
16 years, 2 months & 16 days ago

26th Dec 2008 14:03
Tombola Tunes
Party Time by Disco Murfins
Osafo Sing Along
Marching Band
Krazee by Krazy Knutts
I love Disco by Disco Murfins
Huthiq Hits by Huffix
Huffix Live by Huffix
Halloween Snowman Music
Eleka Tombola
Disco Fever by Disco Murfins
Bat Screeching