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  1. Its Your Lucky Day!
    16th Jul 2008 17:08
    16 years, 7 months & 26 days ago
Its Your Lucky Day!
16 years, 7 months & 26 days ago
16th Jul 2008 17:08

~~~PUMPKIN HUNT- Congratulations! You were in the top 500 highest Pumpkin Hunt Winners. You have won 100,000MP and a Ravage Trading Card/Nov. 4, 2024

You guessed correctly! The potato weighed 25KG. You won a Minipet Potato & 50,000MP/Jan. 18, 2020

Bullseye! You won Slice of Gourmet Apple Pie/June 18, 2019

There is currently 788,059,721MP in the prize pot. You emptied Piggy Bank 3 and found 10,000,000MP!!/June 4, 2019

Pavonne fed Favolos Trash Potato
Favolos was just about to eat Breakfast but is now full
You now have a Breakfast in your Inventory/Sept. 13, 2018

You dipped Alfalfa Sprouts into the Poison Pit and...It's now Oily Skin!/Aug. 11, 2018

You picked up a Guide to Candy Book/Jul. 24, 2018(Staff email notified me this item was from a compromised account so the item was recovered and all mp received for it in trades was deducted from my account Aug. 1, 2018)

Congratulations Camp Pamba!!! You were part of the winning team and your Inventory is now filled with bonus prizes!/Jul. 22, 2018

You found a Capsule Machine Token!/Jul. 15, 2018

Thank you for playing Marapets! Here's a £1 Account Upgrade credit reward/Jul. 4, 2018

~~~SAFARI BADGE- Congratulations! You completed your Safari Badge yesterday and the Camp Leader has chosen you to win an extra special prize. You have won £1 Account Upgrade Credit!!!/Jun. 23, 2018

~~~GUESS THE WEIGHT- Congratulations! You guessed correctly! The potato weighed 25KG. You won British Potato and 50,000MP!!/Jun. 5, 2018

Pavonne fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball, Favolos was just about to eat Mushtoo but is now full- You now have a Mushtoo in your Inventory/Jun. 5, 2018

WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed! You have won 1,000,000MP/May 27, 2018

Mahdry fed Favolos Frozen Pear, Favolos was just about to eat Tootoo but is now full-You now have a Tootoo in your Inventory/Dec. 3, 2017

You found a Capsule Machine Token/Oct. 25, 2017

~~~ARCHEOLOGY- You found a One Hundred Dukka Coin!!/Oct. 8, 2017

Bullseye! You won Slice of Banana Cream Pie/Oct. 7, 2017

You dipped Rofling Magazine May 2017 into the Poison Pit and...It's now a retired Black Jezebel!!!/May 21, 2017

~~~GUESS THE WEIGHT- Congratulations! You guessed correctly! The potato weighed 55KG You won Bloody Potato and 50,000MP!!/Jan. 2, 2017

You found a One Hundred Dukka Coin!!/Jun. 5, 2016

~~~FOXFIRE POND- Rowcaina fed Favolos Bay Leaves, Favolos has rewarded you with 1 AU Credit!/Apr. 26, 2016

Happy New Year! You are a lucky winner of the Santa Claws Raffle. You have won 1,000,000MP./Jan. 26, 2015

You dipped Ketchup Muffin into the Poison Pit and... It's now a retired Black Fawlt!!!/Nov. 27, 2015 (Sold Fawlt for 25 Mil in items on Jul. 29, 2018)

~~~PUMPKIN HUNT- Congratulations! You were in the top 500 highest Pumpkin Hunt winners. You have been given a Witch Doctor Trading Card./Nov. 17, 2015

~~~RANDOM EVENT- Congratulations!!You just found a Black Wax!!!/Sept. 28, 2015

You won Two Hundred Dukka Coin/July 17, 2015

Congratulations! You were in the top 500 highest Pool Party Ticket winners. You have been given a Lord Splishy Splashy Trading Card./July 12, 2015

You have pulled the Sword from the Stone! You have been sent a Maramail with details on how to claim your prize. You can select either the weapon or the 2,414,411MP jackpot!/June 5, 2015

You won Two Hundred Dukka Coin/June 3, 2015

You found a One Hundred Dukka Coin!!/Mar. 22, 2015

You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...You have won 1,000,000MP!!!/Mar. 14, 2015

~~~WEEKLY BATTLE CONTEST- Congratulations! You have just received a Silver Trophy and 150,000MP from the Weekly Battle Contest./Feb. 3, 2015

~~~PUMPKIN HUNT- Congratulations! You were in the top 500 highest Pumpkin Hunt winners. You have been given a Cursed Costume!/Nov. 4, 2013

You found a One Hundred Dukka Coin!!/July 4, 2013

~~~GUESS THE WEIGHT- Congratulations! You guessed correctly! The potato weighed 150KG. You won Autumn Potato and 1,000MP!!

Congratulations! With your help the Dark Side and Queen Eleka have won the war event. You earned enough points for your team to receive a bonus prize of 100,000MP and a Queen Eleka Trading Card.

You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...You have won 1,000,000MP!/July 4, 2010

You were in the top 250 highest Birthday Hunt winners. You have been given a Cake Trading Card!/June 26, 2010

You found a One Hundred Dukka Coin!!/Apr. 26, 2010

You found a One Hundred Dukka Coin!!/Apr. 19, 2010

You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...You have won 1,000,000MP!/Feb. 27, 2010

You found a One Hundred Dukka Coin!!/July 15, 2009

~~~GUESS THE WEIGHT- Congratulations! You guessed correctly! The potato weighed 225KG. You won A Potato and 1,000MP!!Heavy Avatar received/May 21, 2008

  1. Its Your Lucky Day!
    16th Jul 2008 17:08
    16 years, 7 months & 26 days ago